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I thought this was good, but not enough to recommend. I think it's too slow moving. It didn't even seem like there'd be any cats in this at first! It does pick up, but it just takes too long. It's hard for me not to like anything with cats in it. That is unless the cats are being hurt.

The cats are drawn quite nice. This is a good song. It just needs to pick up sooner. It was hard to tell when this ended. It's ceretainly passable.

I just love this if only because of the voices. I mean, you sound just like some people I know! I truly like how funny it is. It's hard to go wrong with chickens. They're always funny! I especially love their poses.

It's just weird to see one that isn't violent. Well, these klay people should have some peace. I recognize that cop. Then again, they all look the same. The style is always getting better.

I thought this was one of the best episodes in the whole series! It was just a lot of fun to see all this action going on. The dialogue wasn't bad, either. You get a true sense of epicness with this cartoon. The animation is as good as ever. The music is also great.

Was this your longest episode? It just seemed to have so much going on. You deserve your Daily Feature. There was definitely a lot of work put into this. It's just great to look at.

I'm sorry, but there was nothing too interesting about this. You didn't use that plot of talking about why they're called goldfish. There's so little going on. I guess the voices aren't bad. It just seems rather pointless. You're not building up to anything.

The animation could be better. I don't know if goldfish have cheekbones. I know little about fish anatomy. I used to have a bunch of fish. I named them all Fishy!

I actually do like how you have continuity. Granted, it's still not that good of a story. It's just goldfish talking. The animation wasn't too bad. It was just something that had little going for it. There was little movement.

I think the joke could have been better. Wouldn't the guy be called Tiny? I guess that's too obvious. It's a pity this isn't in a series. I have seen this on another website.

I am sorry, but that was just way too short. You need to have a lot more action. It was nothing but one joke. I admit it is kind of clever. There are so many misnomers out there it's rare you find something that's exactly what it says on the tin. Yeah, trope reference!

This was pretty well animated. It was just too dull. It would have worked as a webcomic. Is that what it was based on? Do all your jokes like this in one cartoon.

I felt that this was too slow moving. I thought the author was Weebl at first! This just didn't do much for itself. It just seemed rather pointless. I guess some of the jokes were pretty unexpected. It was just hard to get into. Crossdressing is usually funny..

The voices probably should have been more distinct. It's like there's no reason for him to be a duck. The designs themselves are decent. They just don't amount to much. You should put a theme song in by now.

I wasn't impressed by this. It was just a robot spinning his head around and taking off his arm. Okay, sometimes there were two of them. It's just weird to have so little activity. Why would you have scene select for a music video? It isn't long at all!

Few people have seen this and I understand why. There is just nothing going for it. I guess the song wasn't bad. Then again, you didn't make that. I've never heard of Sulpher either.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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