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I admit this wasn’t one of my favorites in the series. I just felt it was too talky. I still appreciate how good it is. The animation is really nice. I keep hearing that guy’s voice over and over. I don’t think he’s very active nowadays.

The voices are of course wonderful. The dialogue is mostly good. I love that music in the background. It’s nice to show off a classic tale like this. It’s quite entertaining.

l feel bad for not Liking this more. I mean, it seems like I should give at least four and a half stars to every cartoon in this series. It’s interesting to think of this place as being abandoned by humans. I hope it doesn’t take place after the apocalypse or something. It would be too unpleasant. Then again, “Adventure Time” did it.

The artwork is as wonderful as ever. I don’t seem to remember these characters as well. They seemed different than the last webisode. Whatever, this is definitely fine. It just could have been longer and had more story.

Wow, I thought that cartoon was wonderful! It was mostly because it's just so awesome to see such an amazing twist ending! I'm glad that the animation is so good too. The music is fantastic. You just truly know how to set mood. You really did bring a powerful message.

It's about how we all need to value how important we are. That idea should never die. Even the title is strong. Was the grey guy supposed to be a robot? It would have been more interesting if he was.

Yes! I am so glad you are making more entries in this awesome series! Well, an awesome first episode, I guess. I just love how he mentions what tardigrades are. I want people to be as educated as possible. Weebl also made a cartoon about them. Are they becoming a new fad?

The Timmy jokes just kept getting better and better. The animation is top notch. It's weird how Captain Tardigrade just changes his intentions. At first, he doesn't seem to care if the kids are injured. He does try to teach the kids more or less. It's just so much fun to look at.

I am sorry, but I did not like this. It's a shame seeing as how so many people like it. It just came off as cheap to me. The animation wasn't impressive at all. There wasn't that much going on with the jokes either. It's always nice to have "Pokémon" references.

I guess it had an interesting story. It just didn't amount to much. I couldn't understand what was going on. It's nothing offensive or anything. The music wasn't bad, I suppose.

It's great that you make consistently great cartoons. It’s nice to learn more about this guy. At the end, I can tell the girl’s name is Laura. It’s always great to mock censorship. I was confused as to why there weren’t more bleeps when he was in the sub. Then they came about!

It’s just great to have all these wacky images. I appreciate the length of these cartoons as well. It didn’t make much sense, but was quite funny. I just like the way his thoughts make things pop up onscreen. What does NWAR stand for?

danmarkowitz responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! NWAR doesn't stand for anything -- our hero is Detective Phillip Nwar, named after old film noir detective stories.

I think this is one of your best cartoons. It's really the last gag that does it for me. I love how you don't reveal it at first. It's just nice to see that big ass gun there. I really am glad that guy was shot. It was cool to see more blood in this.

Interestingly enough, only one death was bloody. I guess that made some variety. Their mustaches looked funny. The voices are as funny as ever. I can easily tell you voice everyone.

This wasn't bad if only because I’m such a huge “Gravity Falls” fan. I want people to make jokes about what a third season would be like. I’m just disappointed Dipper and Pacifica didn’t get together! As much as you would make fun of Disney, they would not do this. You’re thinking of Viacom.

They’re an organization I believe truly is evil. They forced the “Spongebob Squarepants” creators to make new episodes, many of which are awful. The animation was quite nice in this. That is, the animation in the actual cartoon. The tombstone should have said 2016, not 2015.

I think this was better than the original. I actually didn't know this was the second part in the series. I mean, it wasn't numbered or anything. I'm so used to that in stuff here. Why is Vegeta called Brock? The effects are great in this.

I'd love to see more stuff like this here. The sprite work is all very nice. It is a bit too long. The first part with the words should be shorter. It's still enjoyable.

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