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I really liked this and just found it funny. This is in fact different than the Dead Parrot Sketch. Then again, maybe it's just been too long since I've seen it. Of course we know what Monty Python is! I think it's even more popular in foreign countries. I like clay.

It's great to know there are a lot of people working with this style. It seems to have died out. The foot at the end really did make sense. It was better with the context here. I don't think it was an April Fool's joke.

I like how well played out this is. I wish I had seen the commercial more recently. It's just weird how strange this is, so I didn't like it that much. I still like the animation. I guess if I was on weed, I would understand it more. Then again, you could say that about a lot of things.

I think the file size was good. It's hard to talk too much about something so short. It isn't bad for what it is. It's just not something I'd be into. I guess it was pretty creative at least.

This was quite fun. It's actually weird how you would make this. Come "The Force Awakens" and they are no longer clones! Then again, maybe that was a way of the new movie making fun of the prequels. Whatever, this is still nice. I admit the ending seemed like a cop out.

It is still a pretty funny joke. The animation was nice. It's weird to think of a costume with boobs like that. The song at the end was nice. It's just a good cartoon.

I admit that I didn't really understand this. I mean, it was weird not seeing the other characters. I'm not even a fan of this series and I know the characters well enough! I couldn't tell who he was at first. I thought he was someone watching the commercial. Then again, he did look the same.

It was funny to see that live-action stuff on the TV. The animation is pretty good. I wish there was a final punchline. It was just something about a pervert robot. It seemed like it was cut off early.

I think this was pretty good, but not as good as the first one. I guess it just lost its newness. I wish it was longer. It probably needed some dialogue at the beginning. At least it had some at the end. No, I didn’t think he was exaggerating.

He’s a clay ogre. It seems like he exists in a world where anything could happen. The artwork was still quite good. It just all seemed a bit superfolous. I did not like it enough to recommend.

It's always nice when people work on Claymation. You can just tell that it took a long time to make. The music is really nice. The best part is probably the opening. It just shows a really nice appeal. I admit that the story could have been better.

It's still nice to see this slick artwork. It's a pretty unique set up. I guess I just miss snow, living in Florida. The voice is quite nice. The menu is also quite clever.

This might be my favorite in the series! I am quite glad that you made more of these. I forgot the first two entries in the series. Your real name's Smallman? It was great to have all those voices. I understand that this is something made by someone who worked on Eddsworld.

It makes me realize how well these two styles form together. Zombies are always cool. It does make me wonder something. Why didn't they just do that in the beginning? It doesn't matter, it's still hilarious.

I really do like this one. The animation is probably some of the best the series has ever had. I really do like it when we get to see the good guys lose every now and then. Then again, battles in real life can be really weird. I am understanding these characters more. I'm still pretty disturbed by that snake woman.

I understand the lion and bull more. I don't know why the lower half of his body is red. Of course, this isn't scientifically accurate. Dang, I love that series. It could have used a little dialogue.

I thought the animation was great! I remember the original cartoons. Or have you already made more than one? Everything is just so nice in this. I appreciate all the little details. I will admit that it was too short.

Of course, that was the point. It's better to have something short than nothing at all. You certainly make unique cartoons. It's just so wholesome. I do wonder what adventures these little guys will get into next.

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