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I think this is a very underrated cartoon! I'm surprised that it doesn't have more views. I really did feel like it was saying something. The author's comments sum it up well. It's just nice to deconstruct bad animation. I would know a thing or two about it.

The voices were pretty funny. I'm not sure if the voices were meant to be annoying. It was certainly animated in an intentional bad way. This was just fun to think about. Don't worry, I mostly review good cartoons.

This was definitely good. I do think it could have had more energy. I guess I was just comparing it to "Madness Combat" too much. The counter made me think about it. Then again, that was only in one Madness episode. The music was really good.

It was great to see God in this! I guess it just moved slower than a lot of other action cartoons I've seen here. It's still pretty creative. I especially like the character designs. It didn't need to have blood in it.

Yeah, I was looking forward to this. I still think it's too short. I still appreciate how good the animation is. It does kind of make you wonder. Would a golden apple be worth more than a pot of gold? I would say probably not.

Things worked out well enough for the king. I knew there'd be some clever twist like this. The voices are really nice. It's just a pleasant little cartoon. I know another lie, I loved "Disaster Movie".

I admit that this wasn't that great, but I still liked it! I guess it's because it's just made in such high spirits. The music is really nice. I have yet to see the old Batman movie. It's just nice to see the funny little touches. Then again, the effects are already so bad, you don't even really notice!

It really does fit with the style of the movie/show. The shark bit was probably the best. It didn't really have a cannon on its head. Of course, it's not meant to look good. I just love the unexpected details.

What a funny coincidence! I just happened to read the rest of the "V For Vendetta" comic book. Yes, I have seen the movie version as well. I liked most of this. It's just that the animation wasn't that good. The lines were kind of bad.

It was still nice to see this environment. I'm glad I read the author comments. This was more like the comic than the movie. Yeah, Alan Moore isn't fond of any movie adaptations. This was perfectly passable.

This was just one joke, but it was quite good. The animation is great in this series! I am glad to be introduced to it. That sure is one funny title. Then again, I don't know if that's the main character's name or not. I makes sense in the world of music.

The colors are just so wonderfully vibrant in this. Everything flows so nicely. All of the colors seem different. Video game humor will never die out. I guess we have few "Guitar Hero" cartoons here.

I actually have two grandparents who died of Alzheimer's. Don't worry, I still found this hilarious! The best part is the final bit of confrontation. I am just amazed at how everything builds up. The twist ending is so hilarious. It must be seen to be believed!

Who was even the guy who punched him? The animation was nice. This old guy looked like a dummy with his sagging skin. I liked the "Sue Donym" joke too. There are just so many nice things going on. I hope I can remember them all.

It looked like those guys were on an ark. Was it supposed to be Noah's ark? I keep hearing jokes about how dragons and/or unicorns were left behind. Then again, these things are dinosaurs. The animation is really good. I especially love all the rain.

It really creates atmosphere and shows tons of detail. I'm not really remembering any of the characters' names. Then again, I'm not sure if they even have any. The giant dinosaur was designed wonderfully! The length is pretty good too.

I thought this was good, but not enough to recommend. I guess it was just too short. It's kind of weird to see slime with boobs. It's even worse than them being on worms, which was the original design of these characters. The voices weren't bad. I like the eye censor jokes.

I guess I was just expecting more satire. The animation wasn't that bad or good for that matter. I've just seen better news stuff like this. You probably need help with shading. It didn't stand out much.

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