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Wow, this is really some cool new thing you have! I am not able to remember the characters' names or anything. It doesn't matter, because this is so funny! It's great to have so much going on. My favorite joke was probably the one about that guy's mom. It's a great twist on a classic!

The animation was really good. It still seems like you're using a new art style here. I also love the parts with the horse. The voices are nice too. It's just cool to have a coherent story.

I don't think you've ever done a Valentine's Day cartoon before. The menu is great as always! My favorite part is when he mentions that the other guy is just ripped in half. It's great how he eventually accepts it. The voices are really funny. I can't decide whether the lack of gore is good or not.

I guess it's not quite as good. It still manages to be funny. I love how these guys move their arms. It's just nice and cartoonish. That's what this series needs. I'm glad this wasn't too long as well.

This was generally funny. I think its main problem was that some of the parts were too long. It still adds up pretty well. I know I've heard that scream before. I guess it's not just the Wilhelm Scream that's popular, huh? I love your description.

It's always nice to talk about a love-hate relationship. You seriously made all of these? They were all pretty unique. I just assume stuff in this format is always a collab. It was quite nice.

This is a very appealing cartoon. It's mostly because it seems like it will be completely silent at first. There finally is talking. I'm glad it changes the tone. This is truly a creative world you have your character in. It's great to have this cool environment.

It's just great to have such a serious cartoon. You really are setting up a plot here. It's just amazing how wonderful these creatures are. You have no clue what will pop up next. We need creativity like this.

This is a good series. I admit that I really had no idea what circumcision was at the time. A lot of people make jokes about it. It's nice to have this animation. I just love how Peter has this nice demeanor. Well, I guess that IS technically in the Bible.

The looking nice part. Who says we don't use Mexicans as slaves? We certainly don't care about people in South America as workers or anything else. The voices and animation were really nice here. Appropriate last name.

I don't think this was one of your better episodes. I say "episodes" because you feature the same main character. Well, I don't know if it's all in the same Universe. For whatever it is, it's pretty interesting. I am recognizing the characters more. This is kind of catchy.

I guess the blandness in his voice was intentional. It's a shame I don't even know this guy's name. My mom was just talking about red meat the other day. She was on vacation here, okay?! I don't live with her anymore!

I am not the biggest fan of this shows, but I like it. I guess my main complaints are that it's a bit annoying with the voices. Well, annoying with the sounds they make. At least you have subtitles. I appreciate how you make fun of the medium. The best part is easily when he says, "You're a show!".

Well, I guess they all are technically in a show. I don't quite get that bit at the end. The animation is pretty cute. I like the bright colors. It's a good show for me.

This had some great animation, but there was one major flaw. It was so small in terms of size! I don't know why you did that. Yeah, it was also pretty hard to understand. You know what? I don't care because it was so cool!

The voices were great too. They were all quite distinct. So were the character designs. This is certainly a series with potential. That's some really small writing at the beginning.

It seems like you're going on and off with the dialogue. That's an interesting technique. I guess I would just like more talking. You seem to have a good understanding of story structure. It's just that this was too short. It comes like that in a long running series.

Well, at least one with a lot of episodes. The sounds are quite nice. I admit the breasted snake is really unsettling. I'd be off worse if it WASN'T unsettling. I'm not the biggest fan of this, but it's nice.

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