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This was awesome! I just had no idea what to expect with this. Yes, I'm reminded of Patton Oswalt. Dave does sound like a demon! It was just so cool to see these cheesy effects. It fits the tone perfectly.

I can't tell if this is real stock footage or from movies. Probably the former. Why would you submit this on New Year's? Well, at least you include that holiday in the author's comments. Santa is evil a lot of the time.

Okay, it was just Donald Trump breaking into someone's house and saying he (or she?) was fired. There was nothing else. I still can't give this a low score. I just want to mock Donald Trump as much as possible. He's actually getting high in the polls right now! To think, he was even famous before this.

Some things never change. Let's hope that goes for the presidency and he doesn't get elected! You made more of these? They don't seem like much. You're still infinitely better than Donald Trump.

I thought it was just going to be the intro to this. I am glad it continued. You spelled "tricycle" wrong. I found this to be fairly entertaining. I liked how his voice changed. I didn't it how the subtitles made you know what would happen next.

You know, the thing with his jaw? The voice change was funny. The sets were pretty nice too. I just wish there was more smoother animation. It's still worth checking out.

I never thought a flash with a name as simple as "Samantha" could be so good. Maybe I just love this because I love cats so much. This was really a cute story. I'm glad it wasn't cynical or anything. I was in fact expecting something bad at the end. I'm just used to that on the Internet.

The narration was wonderful. People should make more sweet stuff like this. It even got more elaborate as it went on. It was a little too long, though. It's not a complicated story.

Well, that was certainly fun! I appreciate how there's so much hard work put into the animation. I admit to being confused at first. I mean, it was labeled as a comedy, but there was nothing comedic about it. It got so much better at the end of the cartoon. I don't what to spoil it.

The action is just so slick in this. It's nice to see so much great action. The voices are nice too. This seemed to have nothing to do with Shamoozal at first. Then again, I'm not that familiar with the series.

I counted three Wilhelm screams in this! I'm sorry, but this just seemed too desperate. I can still appreciate some of the jokes. It is pretty funny to see Pac-Man like this. This still has the same name as that MondoMedia show. I thought it was also too long.

It is nice to see the Grim Reaper in this too. The animation just seems way too bland. I need to see more detail. I guess the "Pulp Fiction" jokes are nice. At least Quentin Tarantino spoke intelligibly.

The animation was really nice in this. I had no idea you were talking about these two. I guess I assumed it was about the royalty of England getting married. They still probably have more significance than these two. I highly doubt a woman who has a kid is a virgin. Artificial insemination, perhaps?

The length of this was pretty good. I have to admit that Tom Cruise is still a good actor. Still, it is nice to mock him for his crazy beliefs. It was more about Catholics, not Christians. Well, I'm not a theologian.

This cartoon for some reason reminded me of "Adventure Time". I guess it just seems like this is something that would show up in an episode with a weird kingdom or something. I appreciate the animation. This guy kind of looks like a giant cell phone. It was a pretty sweet story. It made no sense, but was still nice.

There probably could have been a bit more action. Then again, it was only two minutes long. I didn't realize he was building a bridge at first! It's just a cute, weird cartoon. Yeah, that does describe "Adventure Time".

I'm not that disturbed by animal boobs. I knew the lizard woman was going to appear sooner or later. Anyway, this was a great entry. We get to see all the characters in this. There's not much dialogue, so it's hard to remember their names. I couldn't do that anyway.

The flogging was probably the most intense part. I still don't recall the story much. At least it's still great to watch. There could be a little more action, though. You mostly did a great job.

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