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I did enjoy this, even though it was too short. It's hard to turn down anything by Lemon Demon. He truly has a lot of great songs. The animation was nice too. It's great to see Thanksgiving related stuff. You rarely see that in pop culture at all.

The voices were great. Wait, you didn't come up with them. I guess I can only compliment the animation. It is quite good. As it's short, I'm not sure if this is the full song.

Was this Radar named after the one from M*A*S*H? He was also in the military. I admit that I wasn't that satisfied with this. It's mostly because it's just one simple joke. It still works pretty well. "The Shawshank Redemption" was right.

The back of a hung painting is a great hiding place! I felt kind of sorry for him. The animation probably could have been better. I think these cartoons are just okay. They're not my thing.

I thought the Great Pumpkin was something created by the "Peanuts" comic. Well, I guess there's nothing to stop you from using him or it or whatever. The animation is great in this. It reminds me of the stuff by Hotdiggedydemon. That seems to itself be inspired by "Invader Zim". In fact, these characters look straight out of that show!

The voices are quite nice. You really have a nice big story with this. John Kerry does have a long face. It was really cool to see that flashback. Yes, I tried to say that guy's name three times fast.

This is amazing simply because it's great to see how far this song is willing to go. This isn't just Weird Al Yankovic's longest song, it's one of the longest songs I ever heard! You really have no idea what's going on. It's not even really that much of a song. There wasn't much rhyming. Anyone who makes an 11 minute song should be praised.

You are of course the person who did all the animating. This is probably the longest animated music video ever made. The lip synching is great. You have to work with a lot of material in this. I like this character.

This wasn't bad. The main problem is that it went on too long. I just don't understand why it was longer than the other episodes. It was, right? I probably haven't been following these so closely. The animation was alright.

The best part was probably the Target guy. He really knew how to say funny lines. There seemed to be more movement here. I especially like the smoke coming out of the guy's body. It's not much, but it's nice.

This was probably the best episode. I just like the fourth wall joke. The disappearing pants is pretty funny too. The animation still needs to improve. The black outlines are too thick. It's nice to make jokes about living somewhere.

I guess it's mostly because I live in an apartment. Well, lots of people do. Why is that duck blue? Then again, it makes less sense that he talks. Again, not that memorable.

I lose track of the months these cartoons were released. I just loved this because the animation was amazing! I appreciate how fast paced it is. At first, I was disappointed to find out it didn't have monsters in it. It actually did later! I'm glad it lived up to its name.

I just love how rough everything is. It fits the atmosphere very well. I especially love the vamp frog. The music was nice and appropriate. Wow, they made tablets for $40?

I wasn't impressed by this that much. I guess the animation wasn't bad, but it was still seemed weak. I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue. I didn't bother turning up the volume. It was just nothing memorable. I did like how it was a bit unpredictable.

This didn't make me cheer up. Um, Happy Mother's Day? This was just too bland. There is little to say about it. The lip synch wasn't good.

This was quite good! I wish you would make more cartoons. It seems like all my favorite creators have left. Yep, you gotta have blue hair! The music was really nice. I'm not sure if he died of natural causes at the end.

Oh duh, his death was caused by pollution. The guns looked really cool. The action was pretty unique. I think it was pretty unique for your cartoons. I still recognize your style.

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