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That was from an actual Spongebob episode? How impressive. I remember that one, but not the song. Well, I had no idea this would be so good. I thought you were just singing a song about someone named Gary. I didn't know that was the actual episode cover.

Yeah, I have watched more recent Spongebob episodes. They've gotten better. This is a pretty cool voice. It is too short though. Well, that's not your fault.

That was great! I was reminded of some other people whose names I can't spell. Catop, something? I loved how there was no dialogue. Well, there never was any attempt to tell a story. It works great as something experimental.

Well, it's technically a music video. Dang, LSD can be good I guess? This was quite entertaining. I'm glad we can appreciate stuff like this. No lyrics is what I meant.

I guess Cactaur And Tonberry was a tough act to follow. This was still nice. My favorite part was probably when he tried to think of a corn-related one liner. He ended up just saying, "Screw you". The animation is fairly good. I admit to not keeping up with this.

I'm not used to you having an ongoing story. I never played "Dungeons And Dragons". I just keep seeing parodies of it all the time. This is certainly nice. It might have its own section.

Wow, I didn't know what to expect from this. The animation was great! For something less than a minute long, it was still quite epic! I quite appreciate that. This was a comedy? It seemed mostly serious.

I can like Ancient Egypt. It's always great to see original stuff. Even title sequences can be cool! Well, it could also be an intro. It's nice.

What a coincidence. I'm going through that trouble right now. Not getting a salad. Needing ant traps. It's just funny to see them in costume the whole time. It still comes off as so realistic.

I like the subtle animation. I like how more ants come every time it cuts back. At least there's no ants in his eyes! I love "Rick And Morty". You'd think they'd eat at their own restaurant or is that their own restaurant?

Aaron-Long responds:

sometimes they eat at Subpar but this time Tangy Mustard wanted to show Sublo a new place.

I really am impressed at how much better your animation has come. It's great to see people making "Kingdom Hearts" flashes. I've never played the game. Wait, what am I saying? It has ten hours of cutscenes! It's barely even a game!

The voices are great. Goofy's is always funny. I at least know the Disney characters. That should be enough. Well, not Sora.

There seem to be a lot of collabs here, am I right? I just remembered the Kirby one. I admit I wish that this was for an entire episode. Okay, I'm just comparing it to the Kirby one. I still think this is great. I sadly don't know most of the people who worked on this.

Well, Tom Fulp I did. Yeah, that's a pretty catchy song. Oh wait, this was already done here with the "steamed hams" meme. This is still quite creative. It's so hard to come up with a favorite part given how many there are.

These wacky antics will never run out! Anyway, this was quite nice. I especially loved you finding out about all the sex equipment. I don't know any people like that. Well, I don't look at their private stuff. I don't look at it.

I like the music. You know how to create atmosphere. Dang, was I busy with reviews today! I took too many days off! I guess that "Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog" episode about warning kids to stay away from washing machines was accurate!

I love Katamari! Well, I don't really love it. It's that I love it when it's played on Game Grumps! It's just a beautiful looking game. I do wish he was actually rolling things. It's still great to look at.

I seem to see this animation style a lot. If only it was in "Super Smash Bros". The music's great. I just love seeing this series get attention. Anything involving it is awesome!

CaseyAnimates responds:

Glad you liked it, man! There's currently a sequel in the works, so I hope you enjoy that one when it's completed!

It's weird to win both Daily Feature and Underdog Of The Week. Oh, and Weekly 3rd Place! Anyway, this was great. It reminded me of Game Grumps. I've been binge watching that recently. What am I saying? I binge watch that all the time!

I'm going nuts trying to catch up! Anyway, it was great to see all those different styles. This really was a massive collaboration. I always want everyone to work well together. Nice to make this a romance.

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