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Um, other Presidents are referred to by their middle names. Have you never heard of William Henry Harrison? What about William Howard Taft? Well, they're not the most well known Presidents. Oh, we have the Internet now! We should know the names of the Presidents.

This was something new for you. Hey, it rhymes! It isn't as good as your other stuff, but good. I will never let go of "Numa Numa Dance" being removed. We should at least have some live-action stuff here.

squeakytoad responds:

Hm you’re right. I suppose Kermit’s over-confident misinformed viewpoint makes this a more authentic representation of most podcasts.

If I explore more puppet stuff, I’ll try to mix in a little more 2D animation.

I have to admit this didn't do that much for me. I mean, sure it was fine, but it could have been better. I liked the presentation. I'm glad the whole thing wasn't that call. I remember listening to prank calls online. Now we have caller ID.

It's no wonder that disappeared. Looking at stuff in VHS tapes is always nostalgic. Well, I really am getting older. I do indeed like the animation. It just wasn't one of the best I've ever seen.

This was a very cute cartoon. I'm impressed at how well done it was. I was almost expecting something violent to happen. The best part was probably the animation. It seems like we've gotten such adorable cartoons lately. I thought this would be about mix and match critters.

Well, they kind of do look like them. The characters are quite likeable. I love how she mentions the 57th time. I recognized your name. I'm glad it works well for kids.

I love how you showed the Patreon Sponsors like that. This did seem too short. Well, everyone loves it. It's certainly a cute little cartoon. I get used to that Glados voice. It's well put together.

The main character was voiced nicely too. It's hard to judge something this short. It works fine for a short little parody. The animation was very cute. It just needed to be longer.

These should get their own section here. I loved seeing this animation style. I will admit that it seemed to get too many closeups. You could really see the sketches there. The artwork reminded me of "Peanuts". Damn, I love that.

Kuma really does make sense here. I wasn't expecting it to go like that. The voices are so good! It's such a cute setup, even though it does have cartoon violence. That's actually a nice combination.

I only recognized James Rolfe's voice at the end. I was actually thinking those same problems with the episode at first. Daron Nefcy?! I love how this has people from "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil" working on it. This really did have an all-star cast. I knew those things would be real at the end.

A parody of the "Ernest" movies seems like an obvious thing! I mean, there's so many of them. The animation might be the best in the entire series. Episode 6 is still my favorite. I thought they'd just go to the movie theater. They still have movies at libraries, you know.

Damn, I wasn't expecting it to be that good. I mean, how did this not win an award? It at least got Weekly 10th Place. It's a pity that award doesn't show up. You can take pride in that. This was just so creative.

I love how it escalated every time it was used. The colors were fantastic. It didn't seem that good at first. It's probably just because I watched a Matrix parody that I was reminded of it. You know, with him taking the bugs. It's one of the best out there.

RealityBreak responds:

Ive been on the front page for a few days now, so i cant complain! Definitely dm me that matrix parody, id love to see another take on bugs

Personally, I didn't care for this. Don't you mean what would happen if Neo took both pills? I've seen this joke a lot before. Was he already wearing purple? I mean, that's what the color would say. I do like this animation.

Maybe I should like this more? Anyway, it's just my opinion. I thought I could recognize rotoscoping. It was at least interesting. Surrealness has always been a part of "The Matrix".

Sabrina looks way different than what I remember. You know, it's hard enough to keep up with all the pokemon. It can be even harder to keep up with all the human characters! Remembering these guys was like remembering the state capitals! I wasn't expecting Abra to talk. Well, it was probably telepathy.

Psychic pokemon can do that you know! Your stuff is usually black and white, so it was nice to see some color. I'd love to see how sexy you could draw Jessie. Morty's name was on the tip of my tongue. It deserves its title.

That "purple" joke was great. This is easily your best cartoon. I will admit the animation could have been better. I've wondered that myself. I mean, wouldn't they have powers like their powers? Stretching and super strength?

Maybe it's a recessive trait. It must be hard to determine superpowers. I can only imagine the powers Beast Boy and Raven's kid would have... Yeah, I'm just that into shipping. I still hate "Teen Titans Go!".

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