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Since when is 2d animation a tag? Isn't that what most of the stuff here is? Anyway, this was a very quaint little film. I was getting a lot of vibes from "The Iron Giant". That must have been intentional. I admit there could have been more going on.

Maybe it's left up more to our imaginations. This was a very sincere cartoon. I just now notice the backgrounds. Those trees look so awesome. I think it was watercolor.

This was good, but it was just too short. I mean, it was just one joke. I would love to see more of these cats. From the title, I thought it would be really dark. Then again, that probably would have been too unpleasant. This wasn't too short.

Well, it is an animation test. I guess it's not meant to be that great. Everyone else seems to disagree with me. I review anything with at least a 4.20 here. Ooh, 420.

Eh, it was well animated, but just not great for me. It was just showing off a single character. She kind of reminded me of Hatsune Miku. The music is actually nice. I do like the white spot. It kept moving in the same place.

I just wanted to see her in action. I mean, I assumed this character is a "she" because of the pigtail like parts. Am I sexist? I thought this was just fine. Holoblade's a pretty cool name too.

Wow, I think this is the longest OneyPlays animation I've ever seen before! It's probably the longest of any game play animation I've seen like this. I just loved how this joke went on. I loved how you showed "To Be Continued" at the very beginning. I was thinking maybe the cartoon would be done by then! This animation is great too.

I never really thought about lipstick this much. I never had to deal with something like this. I like how he's drawn when blue. There really are great visuals with this. With only a few colors, you're still quite colorful.

muoi responds:

Thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoyed my work and I’m glad I got you to think so much about lipstick :)

I'm expressing some bias here. SMW happens to be my favorite video game. I simply have to give a perfect score to someone who reviews it! Well, it also helps that you're so freaking talented. Of course, you'd review it! My favorite part might have been when you showed the ghosts.

That spinning work was just so creative. I loved the Bowser sign changing too. I've seen this game and played it so many times. I love seeing new versions of it. The show was okay. I'm surprised more people don't make "Mama Luigi" jokes when talking about the actual game.


Thanks so much mate!!! I loved the TV show!! Also the Mario bros and Mario 3 one! AMAZING!!

Now that I can get a better look at him, I think he resembles JonTron. Or did I already say that? Anyway, this was great for something really silly. You rarely see full CGI here. I'm wondering if people would want to eat HIM. It would feed an entire community for years.

That grill looks so cool. Maybe you could have used a different phrase at the bottom every time. He does have a lot of good mobility, especially for someone that obese. He almost looks Mexican in closeups. I like this more when rewatching it.

Potatoman responds:

He does look like Jon!
Also yeah newgrounds needs more 3D!!!!!!!!! I do wish i could've went further with this

This was awesome and it wasn't even that much of a parody. It seemed more like a straightforward crossover. Gatomon's so cute. I never got into "Digimon", but cat creatures are always awesome. I thought she'd be fighting Meowth. There was Mega Evolution, which seemed more like Digimon in that they could revert to their previous forms.

I seriously think this is the best cartoon you've ever submitted. It helped that it was the longest! I actually think there's even more Digimon than there are Pokemon! I lost track of the sheer number of pokemon, don't expect me to keep up with digimon! I always found that human transformation to be really weird too. It's just like having a human as a pet!

Hmm, I know I've seen this before. Whatever, it's still good. I was thinking that maybe the wasp would still be alive. I was hoping you'd hear the wasp talking. He was on the mike after all! It would make as much sense as the explosion.

This was still well animated. I knew something over the top would happen. Jerma's kind of an odd name. I just didn't think this was great. I can't give a 4 1/2 score to everything!

Aww, so she wasn't really interviewing Miku this whole time. I am quickly growing attached to these characters. I never noticed how much she sounded like Sweetie Belle. It was obvious! Miku's voice did get annoying. I'm just going to assume the information you say is true.

Cybermare's voice is obviously Maud Pie's. I didn't know you were popular enough to get so much fanart! It reminds me of when you mentioned "Rule 34" in the last video I saw. I...found something for the word "Shadok".

This was just so gorgeous. I will admit that I wish it was longer. It would have been interesting to see more develop. This did indeed have more. I think these two should have been submitted together. I've forgotten the names of the characters!

It's been a while since the show. You know how to use green. Now if only it was orange, my favorite color! I love your gif at the bottom. That should have been submitted to the Art Portal.

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