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Wow, that was short but hilarious. I had no idea she'd be so mad. She looked so cute! Well, appearances can be deceiving. I love how she got shattered at the end. She deserved it!

He seemed like a nice guy. The animation was very crisp. I'm getting used to the point where I can recognize anyone's animation. Well, I couldn't recall your name. This is just a good joke.

I admittedly didn't like this as much as most people. It was still enjoyable for me. I loved how goofy these characters looked. It looked like Minecraft. Even the weapon seemed like one. It also reminded me of "House Of The Dead".

You know, with the blood and stuff. It's great for a small laugh. While I haven't seen the whole film, I have seen this scene. Seen this scene? That sounds redundant.

This was wonderful. It seemed like you had a brand new style of animation for this. I wouldn't want anyone to experience racism. It's great you could show off something new. It's mostly because of these eyes. Dang, these eyes have such better designs!

I mean, the overall designs were always great. It's just the eyes that could catch me off guard. I have no doubt everyone will love this. I noticed the missing milk cartoon. Yeah, I recall Mighty the Armadillo.

Eh, I don't know. Maybe an English translation would make it more enjoyable. I couldn't follow this. It was still good because of how creative it was. It was certainly a different style from you. Seeing as how you're already surreal, that's a real treat.

It did kind of work against it. You kept showing that same cycle over and over. This was watchable. I just prefer your old style more. I don't need to even look for a plot.

Probably the reason this is so amazing is because it's the first popular "Ace Attorney" flash made in a long time. It's a meme that seemed to have just died out there. I'm glad to see anything revived. I would've been more interested in her breasts than butt. I liked how crude it was. It really fits your style.

My favorite joke might have been the bait-and-switch with his name. Jury Doody. That seems like a joke someone should have already made. This animation is so freaking gorgeous. It's just great joke after great joke here. I'm glad to know you're still around.

This was great as always! It seemed like it might be an intro at first. It was great to see these beautiful sprites. I don't know much about "Elden Ring". Everyone can enjoy these beautiful designs. It doesn't even seem like a parody.

It's more like a recreation of the game. I just noticed the name "Demake". It seemed more like a Nintendo game than a Game Boy. These were some cool looking battles. I won't subscribe to you just yet.

This was impressive for a collab. You used a lot of footage from the first one. Just seeing that again made me happy! This was wonderfully detailed. I'm glad we still have re-animated collabs. I'm not into "Resident Evil" that much.

Anyone can appreciate this artwork. It's hard to judge based on random clips. Everything still looks good. Jill can be pretty hot. The collab should be great just like this!

I'm not the biggest fan of yours, but this was a lot of fun. It's mostly because you made some great statements on gay people. Mr. B? I think the Clock Crew would own the name to a character like that! His voice is funny. I like that football dance.

You make good use of color. I'm glad this wasn't too gross. If nothing else, you were making fun of stuff that sounded gross. You know, like gay sex. At least that guy got saved.

This is my favorite birthday cartoon from you. At first, I thought it would just be a little song at the beginning. Instead, the whole thing was a music video. I never look at "Genre" before the thing begins. This was very deep. It was just fun to see everything going on.

You really did teach me a lesson about ageing. I guess as you get older, you want to try new things. You certainly showed that here. You have nice glasses. That "Patreon" sign looked like a giant Cheeto. 2:26 was my favorite part.

Well, this was another surreal and great cartoon from you. I couldn't tell if this was part of the "Interface" series. I mean, your cartoons are so surreal it's hard to tell them about that much. I do remember this blue three faced guy. His head looks like a butt. It makes as much sense as anything else.

This animation style is so awesome. It's great to see all those little dots. I have dreams about my car crashing. This is more surreal than most dreams. Everything moves so much.

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