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This is bad, but so is your mom too. Seriously though, this did kind of entertain me with how silly it was. The sound was delayed. That just seems amateurish. Short things can still be funny. I'm glad to learn more about Hoss.

I think he needs more detail. There was at least some shading. It should probably be longer. This almost seems like something from a game. I guess he needed fingers.

KnievilKangaroo responds:

Yeah, it was poorly modeled mostly cus I thought it was funny (he did actually have fingers at one point but it looked awful lol)

I will confess the audio is quite hard to listen to and I hope to fix that when I'm less lazy

That was quite funny. I had no idea it would be so short. It's still very funny. We've seen great short cartoons. It just took me awhile to get into this. I kind of like Hoss, though.

He does seem like such a fat joke. Wow, and I thought Apu was offensive! Well, he destroyed the Earth, so what does it matter if he destroyed the Sun too? I'm sorry if I offended any Martians. It gets better the more I watch it.

I thought this would be your best submission, but I admit it was a bit too long. I was hoping to see the entire game being played out, given this submission's length. It was still great, though. It's always nice to see some behind the scenes stuff. I have never played the original Sonic games. I played some newer stuff, though.

I love how this isn't vulgar or anything. Most of us know video game reviewers through the Angry Video Game Nerd. Your dog's still cute. I've played "Ultimate Flash Sonic"! That's close enough!


Thanks buddy this is one of the older ones!, yes I like to make my videos (apart from maybe DOOM ect) child friendly, I want to educate the young on what they missed out on!

I'd have to say I'm more into Backstreet Boys too. It's too bad that those boy bands never achieved the success of like the Top 10 best-selling bands ever. Boy bands were just a craze that kind of faded out. They'll always be better than Justin Bieber. I never went to a concert of theirs.

I loved how you showed actual footage from what happened. Don't take this off because it contains live-action! I mention "Numa Numa Dance" too often. I don't remember any of their names! I loved the "Pokemon" joke too.

This was a great cartoon, but I will admit it had one major flaw. It ended with the dog eating feces. That's just a bad ending. This was still wonderful. I really found myself rooting for everybody. The mammoths seemed like decent characters, but I knew they had to die.

I especially loved seeing your cat at the end. Cats are just so wonderful. I knew there'd be something really good after the credits. Pupper's a good name for a dog. I think this actually set a record for longest title on this website.

That was a good cartoon, but not one of the best. The animation was quite good. I appreciate how it's rather quaint. I was maybe expecting something dirty. It was fairly clean. I'm just not into coffee.

Turtles are usually cute. They are certainly hard workers. I think this coffee maker design is pretty common. It doesn't seem that different than most. I like that little book.

That was very impressive! I've certainly seen a lot of great submissions that were much shorter. The robot guy is so funny. You manage to tell a lot in a short time. That's a lot of people working on something so short. The voices were great too.

This would certainly be great as a series. The credits were probably too long. I assume they'll be the same length in the feature cartoon. A review of a preview! That seems like an obvious joke to make.

ThePrimatePunk responds:

Thanks man! Yeah it isn't too common to have so many people on what is essentially an internet cartoon, but animation at heart is a collaborative process and I plan to involve as many people as possible if improves the overall experience of what I'm trying to do. I would love to make this into a series some day, but let's see how this indiegogo campaign goes first.

I believe this is the longest submission you've ever made. It's easily one of the best too. You show off such a creative game. I don't think I've seen this gameplay before. That was a wonderfully unique thing for me. It kind of reminds me of "Doom".

Well, that is in the tag. I had no idea these enemies even existed underwater. The cardboard parts are as good as ever. You give depth into what's going on. I literally mean depth.

I admit this wasn't as good as the other entries. I loved finding out how you were different in your previous submission. Yeah, there isn't much to say about this game. Everybody wanted to shoot the dog. He's worse than Scrappy. No one can defend the dog.

Aww, you have your dog with you again. That must be disturbing for him. Don't worry, he's as disgusted with the dog as you. I'm more used to seeing the sticks. Well, your hands aren't visible.

I love how you kept saying "Walrus" over and over at the beginning and then just stop after a while. This really was a full-fledged advertisement. There were no credits or anything. This seems like a legitimate thing. I learned a lot about NFTs from "South Park". Butters truly did become evil.

I did like the animation. I thought you'd run out of uses for the crab hat after two. Instead, you managed to keep it up. Now that takes talent! It sounds like "Wallace" after a while. I've heard of that "Tusk" movie.

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