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Well, this was another surreal and great cartoon from you. I couldn't tell if this was part of the "Interface" series. I mean, your cartoons are so surreal it's hard to tell them about that much. I do remember this blue three faced guy. His head looks like a butt. It makes as much sense as anything else.

This animation style is so awesome. It's great to see all those little dots. I have dreams about my car crashing. This is more surreal than most dreams. Everything moves so much.

Wow, what a great trailer! I had no idea this would be that epic! It's been awhile since I've seen a great stick cartoon. To think the "Stick Slayer" series was that long ago. It's now before most sticks! I loved this animation style.

My only complaint was that it was too short. Well, cartoons submitted here aren't generally that long anyway. This worked out just well. It's cool to see "Counter-Strike" cartoons as well. It's typical, but still great.

I loved seeing this animation again. This wasn't one of your best, but still hilarious. My favorite part was when your dad appeared. I mean, Happy Father's Day right! We need to be more aware of that holiday, huh? Your voice is always funny.

I knew he'd mention a "son" as well the Sun. This was just really fun with how he kept coming back. I don't really play modern video games. I learn most of what I need to from these submissions. Your dad seems great!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Thanks! Yeah, the puns are pretty obvious in my writing choices here, but it was an angle I hadn't seen done with Dark Souls yet, so I figured it fit. Though the main reason I went ahead with it was the thought of Solaire playing Solitaire, with the words basically being two letters apart. I love my word play. Plus it plugs up some logic for the dragon part in episode 3, so I figured it worked well enough. And it was an excuse to finally have my dad provide the voice of his own character, which was definitely reason enough. Thanks for watching!

This was a very cute little cartoon. I never get tired of seeing Girlfriend. Honestly, she's probably never looked more attractive in this. I don't see the full lower half of her body that often. It's basically a one piece swimsuit. Wait, shouldn't that be "an one piece"?

Whatever, this was very nice. I love how the tankmen get in on it. The animation moves very well. I liked seeing Boyfriend too. This isn't even one of my favorite games.

I thought Apotheosis meant the making of something holy. I counted 87 kills. I know it's not exactly the same as the original. I don't think I've even seen the original that many times. It's just that everyone is familiar with it. The best part was probably how it was slightly different.

I noticed the one guy again whom Hank didn't kill. In the original, when Jebus opened the door, it killed him. Here, he was eaten by a zombie. This works fine too. I was expecting all the dead bodies to turn into zombies.

That was surprisingly heartwarming. I'm so glad it didn't go down a dark route. I could really associate with these characters. It was just great seeing how happy this kid was. I'm glad everything worked out for him. It was just a cute cartoon.

Well, it still talked about killing kids. This kept it up for 13 minutes. I wasn't expecting it to be that long! This was just front page material. It's hard to believe the original Tankmen only had two installments.

Boy, was that awkward! I didn't even know what was going on at the end. It's probably meant to be surreal. I not about that meme so I can easily understand it. As Syndrome would say, "You sly dog! You caught me monologuing!".

I've learned a lot about "Postal" from this. I probably won't remember it. Wait, is that ironic? I know how to use a toilet. That's the most important message I got from this.

I have to admit this was too short. It wasn't as good as the other one I reviewed. I was also distracted by the furry porn. This was still well done. The coronavirus joke was great. I still know little about "Postal".

I think you should have submitted all these together. Well, this still works. The voiceover is good. At least the furry porn wasn't graphic. I'm just not a furry, except for Rouge.

When in doubt, don't do what the movies say. I don't even know how those work. They're right! I don't recall cutting green in movies. That makes sense! Their voices are so funny.

It's been awhile since we've seen "Team Fortress 2". They're so iconic. It's great to see that they never went away. De-Fusion? That's a "Yu-Gi-Oh" card.

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