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Now that's awesome!

It still seems as though you could have shown more of a battle, but this was still one sweet cartoon to watch. I can easily see why Tyrant-D favorited it as it appears to be a big influence on his work. It really shows off the idea of pokemon battling in the coolest way possible. I think you are really trying to add to the epicness of the battle and were influenced by stuff like "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann". The sound itself is funny. The way the Beedrill moves with his powers is so amazingly slick.

Who needs the movie?

Dude, I don't even need to have "The Empire Strikes Back"! I can simply watch it being recreated in such gorgeous flash animation as this. Everything looked so similar to stuff by LegendaryFrog, so I was surprised to realize he had nothing to do with it. While I have not seen the movie in awhile, I am fairly sure this is a word-for-word recreation of the scene. It is not actiony or silly, it's just exactly what the movie was! The animation was great with its characters, especially Chewbacca's detail.

Not terrible

This was very mediocre, in that it seemed to have equally good and bad things about it. The bad parts were that there was so little that happened and it needed more of a story/punchline. The good parts are that the animation is actually really good. I was expecting something dumb when I saw this, but was actually a little surprised. Next time, you should work on making it longer with more going on. I will say that it seems as though you got the animation part down just where you need it.

Dipflow responds:

I also felt, when i finished and looked at the thing as a whole, that everything went far too quick and nothing really interesting hapenned, but i didn't feel like going back and revising everything.
Next time, the plot will be given more thought and be written down before i start animating!
Thank you for the input :)

Hard to understand

It was great to see this animation, just as I was thinking about the Christmas season. It was also fun to really see how everything has depth. I am thinking this was trying to make a pun or something with the title "Drunk Ass Elf", but I'm not sure. This did not do that much for me and I think it is probably the worst thing you have submitted. At least you managed to get through an experiment well. I appreciate you wishing all of us a Merry Christmas and showing a little humor in the yuletide.


There are simply so many anti-religous people out there (especially on the Internet). I would have liked to at least see something that admired religion. Even if it turned out to be really bad, then at least you had the heart to do something good, or maybe you did not. I am a religious person myself and I happen to also believe that Jesus is cool. I am glad there are other people like me out there even if those people can not express themselves very well. I hope you at least live a hopeful life.

Fairly imaginative

The best thing about this is that it just has a very casual feeling to it. It is fun just to see this guy skip along for awhile and it seems as though he might represent a stereotypical ghetto guy, but at least he acts normal. It is interesting to watch how he goes out of his mundane life. Probably the best thing about this was when he went through the candy mountains, or hills, or whatever they are. The music was of course quite suiting. I also like the drawing shown at the "Play" button and how it contrasts with the flash's simpler animation.

YouriX responds:

Wow thanks for the detailed review. :)

Quite random

It was hard to get into this a bit, because it was just so unfathomably silly. I am still probably glad that it was made because it certainly showed what you are capable of with no scripts (all of you). The best animated of the whole bunch was easily Sh0T-D0wN's, as I expected. Everything was just so nonsensical it was hard to describe it as being good or bad. In most collabs, more people have structure or at least similarity in their stuff. I am sure you guys had a lot of fun with this wacky experiment.

RicePirate responds:

It's true, randomness ran rampant. With other collage there is generally a unifying theme that is easy to see. I think the fact that the unifying theme of this collab was more in the process and audio, just made it less about a common visual thread. Good thoughts though :)

That was sweet

I am normally not a fan of when more well-known authors try to put out stuff that is relatively short, but this was just great. In fact, I was actually thinking about the cross before I watched it! It was pretty impressive how you managed to make something for college with so much blood. Well, it did have a happy ending so I guess it all evens out. Even those people who are getting anal-raped in prison have some hope. Please let us replace all the swatiszas with crosses to bring more hope in the world.


I am so glad to see a collaboration between Sexual-Lobster and TheWeebl. When I saw the "mandance" cartoon, I could not help but think SL was ripping off Weebl. Now, of course, I know that you guys are on good terms. This was pretty fantastic, because it had a wonderful sense of wonder to it and the moral at the end was really goofy. It's hard to tell if the Earth turning into a giant owl is really an improvement. The animation was great as always, although I was kind of hoping the two of you would both work on the animation.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

haha yes i strayed deep into the weebl's territory with Dance of the Manwhore
glad you liked it!

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