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It seems like most people thought this was just okay. The animation was fairly mediocre. There just wasn't much going on. It probably could have been a tad longer. The colors weren't bad. I guess the idea is pretty original.

It just doesn't quite appeal to me. There are so many better cartoons it's easy to forget this. Hey, I'm your first reviewer in ten years! Sorry it was a negative review. It's just not noteworthy.

I did not really care for this. I just found that it needed more action. There’s still nothing awful about it. It’s just something that was fairly boring. I guess if I was into the “Worms” series, I might like it. Instead, I was just bored by it.

I’m glad you mentioned how short it was. This does work better as something longer. The animation isn’t bad. Is this guy supposed to be gay? It’s just the muscular guy picture he has.

I though this wasn't bad. I was just surprised at how goofy it was. I mean, it didn't have much of a plot. It still managed to be fairly entertaining. The animation was good at times. Other times, it was just too cutesy.

I guess it was at least different than other stuff I've seen. It just seemed too nonsensical. It was the kind of thing that should have had more of a plot. I still like the music.

It's great to watch the first one with real action! Okay, I guess the original technically had animation, but you get the idea. The animation and voices are as wonderful as ever. The funniest character is easily Biggs. This still wasn't that long. It's nice to have a developing story.

I really feel for Link. Yeah, you can probably tell by my avatar I have some connection with him. The colors are absolutely gorgeous. While still short, it delivers more. I just love this series!

I feel bad that this is so short. I still really don't care. I mean, everything is so wonderful it's hard to take any offense to anything in it! My favorite thing is the animation. I've seen a lot of animation that doesn't hold up to today and this isn't one of them! Everything is just so beautiful here.

I'm glad I can get familiar with the characters. I'm not that familiar with recent Zelda mythos. I just like seeing these guys. The voice acting is beautiful as well. Everything is just gorgeous.

I was truly impressed by the animation! I couldn't even tell that this thing was a robot. I mean, it looked more like some standard creature. It really reminded me of Scyther. I just found out from Kirbopher that Scyther is his favorite pokemon. I guess I'm just in the mood for it.

These really are different from ninjas and robots I've seen before. I like how the damage on the robot was visible at the end. The ambiguous ending worked pretty well too. I liked how the robot fought. I'm glad it's in two categories!

Yes, this is a wonderful fanfic! Well, I guess it's based on something else. That could be considered a fanfic in itself. I really do love this story. It gives closure on what happened to Watto. I mean, I just assume all the prequel characters died, right?

The animation is wonderful. I am aware of a lot of Expanded Universe material. "The Force Awakens" seems to ignore them all. Then again, THIS could still be canon. I was disappointed Darth Maul didn't appear in the new movie, he had so much potential!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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