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It’s been awhile since I’ve since that guy. Thank God for that! It was too much fun just watching him get hurt over and over. You didn’t even use the annoying voice he has. I don’t know why he’s green. Copyright problems?

The animation reminded me of “Napster Bad!”. There isn’t that much to this, but it’s still fun. Why is this a movie? It’s clearly a game! There have been plenty games with the same interactivity.

It was easy to tell that this was something you made. Every bit of animation reminds me of the “Primal War” series. I’m glad you went and tried something new. You were able to get in some pretty good character development in the little time you had. The voices just made it. The blue guy reminds me of Thanos.

This is a really different setting. It’s even more sci-fi. I like the designs of the ships. Those things seem more appropriate in a cartoon like this. I’m glad you made this.

I thought this was good. I admit that it isn’t one of Lemon Demon’s best songs. I’m surprised he let you do it without it being on his profile. Then again, he might not even care. I appreciate how this does get better as it goes on. I like how it gets more violent.

Dang, I’m disturbed. The lyrics didn’t seem to change much. I guess I’m glad this was a music video. It added more depth. This was pretty fun.

I didn't like this that much because I couldn't understand it. I mean, it made little sense to me. It was just a single joke. Then again, I admit that it was unique. I certainly had no idea what was going to happen next. It's nice to see your style of animation.

You usually work with sprites. In terms of flash, this was kind of interesting. I like the facial expressions. The story just isn't that good. There's still nothing too bad about it.

It's great to see where this series started. I find it tons of fun! It's a pity that this never got the attention some of your other stuff did. It's always nice to learn about "Dungeons And Dragons". I feel bad for never having played that. I should be more of a nerd!

The voices just make this. The emotions are done wonderfully. The constant interruptions and irritation make this great. It reminds me of when it said a dumb character is funny when he annoys the other characters than the audience. Monocles are nice.

I was really amazed at how authentic this was. You really see slice of life stories here. It's nice to see something so mundane. The music was great. I really felt sorry for her in the flashback! That drawing looked nice enough!

The animation is quite good. It's just a very sincere little cartoon. I even liked hearing all that school stuff. It's been awhile since I've been there, but I remember what it's like. I'm glad you're promoting the formation of relationships like this.

KenSkaii responds:

Thanks for checking this out 10 years after it was made! I'm tempted to redo the audio to make it sound better and more presentable. I also saw all your other reviews. I appreciate you checking everything out!

check out my other material at youtube.com/kenskaii

Was he supposed to be like Mr. Peanut at the end? I mean, he looks more like a peanut than a potato. It was loads of fun to watch this. It just comes off as so cute. Granted, people have died in this cartoon, but it's still nice. I just love the animation.

The music was nice and appropriate. It was more or less a music video. The outlines of the potato are really nice. The music even stops at the credits after awhile. It's just a very fun cartoon.

This reminded me of Wonchop. I guess it's just because of all the monkeys. The joke at the beginning with the chest on fire was amazing. I just crave jokes like that. The movements were very good here. You had a great sense of adventure.

The comedy worked well. I wasn't expecting a spaceship to appear in this. Well, I guess it was more of a plane. Still, it's well done. The name is really funny too.

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