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I haven't seen a great demo reel in a while. I guess I could say "Happy Halloween". This had nothing to do with it. It still had really nice music. I admit to not seeing any of these cartoons. Shouldn't it be 2022? Oh, this is upcoming stuff.

That should be quite fun! It's nice to see previews. You rarely see them a lot here. I'm not into that "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" cartoon. There's too many of them to list right now anyway.

LiteralHat responds:

They've already been released.

Happy Halloween...I guess? This was pretty unpredictable. If only there was action. Well, "Madness Combat" has violence and monsters in it. That's kind of like Halloween! It's weird to hear a woman's voice in a Madness cartoon.

You should just compile all of these together. That's a pretty generic title. Still, it does make sense. Madness for Halloween and not Madness Day? Well, you can use them any time of the year, really.

GlitchArtTV responds:

I don't have a lot of time to make more longer things, work, more work, and mooore work.
This is not a halloween short, is just a short.

The animation style reminded me of theonewithoutaname. This is still amazing. You really know how to capture the Halloween spirit! I truly think this will win Daily Feature. I was wondering if the last scene implied it was all a dream. I knew it certainly wouldn't be!

I had no idea she would be the good person. The artwork was great, if a bit sketchy. I'm not even sure what that means in this context. It was definitely creative. Happy Halloween 2022!

Happy Halloween! I have to admit that I was expecting something more, but then again, it was just an intro. I recognize nearly all these characters. I just don't know their names. I'm like that with people anyway. I'll always remember Morrigan.

She'll always be the hottest. Anyone should be able to appreciate it. It just wasn't that much for a re-animated collab. Well, it wasn't even a collab. It's in the Halloween spirit.

MichaFrario responds:

Sometimes I spend months on just 30 seconds and go "wow, that's it"
don't worry, I want to make longer stuff too. I still go "I expected more" of myself ahaha

That was really clever to have the gray alien appear at the very end. I loved how he wasn't scared of him at first. I guess he was more malicious than Siren Head after all. I haven't seen a flash with Sirenhead in it ever. It's great to see such a popular character back. It was nicely animated.

I was confused by its body. I mean, the head is the only thing particularly noteworthy. I guess that makes sense. Congratulations on this super high score! Happy Halloween 2022!

Thank you for including the lyrics. This was something unique for you. I loved seeing the people at the end. I was just thinking about cats! Well, cats are everywhere on the Internet anyway. Andrew looked great at the end too.

He looked like he jumped INTO a shark once. That was a joke from "Ask A Ninja". I like how the goblin's junk is sometimes shown. It just shouldn't be all the time. Goblins are like Halloween, so happy Halloween too!

Only seven seconds, but damn was it funny! Yeah, everyone's thinking about the Mario movie nowadays. It was just fun to see this great animation style. Everyone shows so much emotion. I especially loved their expressions. Ghosts really can have a lot of those.

Happy Halloween! This should count as a Halloween flash. Luigi does look pretty silly there. He's usually better looking. You have a lot of movements. I'm reminded of Carrie from "The Amazing World Of Gumball".

Dang, this was well animated. It was another appropriate thing for Halloween! I appreciate the music too. I thought this would be about "Twisted Metal" at first. I couldn't tell if she was drooling or vomiting. I assume with the hair, that's a she.

That cake in the middle looked the best. The actual "Sweet Tooth" title one didn't look all that appetizing. I'm sorry, it's just that we're all obsessed with cake. Nice brain too. A music video doesn't have to be that long, if that's what this was supposed to be.

I really like the animation! You know how to get someone in the Halloween spirit! It looks like she put teeth in there. I guess witch's potions can be whatever you want them to be. I think the music is very stylistic too. You use purple very well too.

It's short, but that doesn't matter. We get short stuff for Daily Feature all the time! The pot almost seems like a crystal ball. I assume a witch would do that too. I like how you can see his heart.

Wow, at first, I thought this was a reference to the Nostalgia Critic. I then realized you are obviously named Rob. Then I realized it was a reference to the Nostalgia Critic after all...I think. I thought this was hilarious! I'm surprised the score isn't higher. At least it got Daily 5th Place.

I loved the millions of years old joke. I guess he's at least 65 million. I appreciate the animation. The cop joke was great too. I'm glad I'm at least here to give this flash some love.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Thanks! And honestly, I forget what the Nostalgia Critic reference even means. I know one of the characters is named Rob, is that literally the name of the dinosaur mask they use? Cuz I've seen a bit of that, but I don't recall that one. Like I know I've seen the character in clips, but I guess never saw the original he was in. Dinosaur Rob is actually more a joke about how old I feel, so I figured I'd make myself a dinosaur and have him ramble about being a dinosaur everywhere he goes.

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