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It was great to see a cartoon from you with actual action. Well, not THAT much action. Happy Pico Day 2022 indeed! My favorite part was the kid who didn't know what was going on. It reminds me of Bill Maher's latest show where he blamed shooting on movies. Really, Bill are you that stupid?

The animation was gorgeous. This is something that needs to be brought to our attention. We can still make fun of it, though. Yay, Pico is actually in this one! I need to see his character more!

Well, this was as awesome as the winner of a Pico Day celebration could be as I imagined! My favorite part might have been with Kirbopher. That's simply because he's my favorite author here! It was great how you took some cartoons that weren't that well known. I could recognize them, even if I couldn't rate them. I love the "B" part too.

I was wondering when we'd get to the actual WarioWare game. I still like the Oney WarioWare cartoon here better. The song was just so catchy. I've seen many great cartoons with this theme. It was perfect for Newgrounds. I wasn't expecting him to lose them and really, Pico Day 2022!

KOLANI responds:

I love Kirb's work a bunch, which is why I made that my entry!!

Happy getting #1 for Pico Day! Well, this has to nothing to do with it. Still, it was fun. I thought this was Spanish at first. I just every foreign language is Japanese on the Internet. That dog guy with the human body was scary.

This was still enjoyable. I had no idea what was going on. This was just a fun little cartoon. Youfo sounds dirty. You know, like Mofo.

That was the best Pico Day submission of all! I will admit it was too short. I wanted to see some more Newgrounds characters there. The colors were amazing. I especially appreciate how vibrant everything is. It was the first one I've seen with Pico all day!

It wasn't much of a party if he was the only one there. I will Darnell and/or Nene was with him. Well, everyone else likes it more. There aren't many holidays in June anyway. This was still vibrant.

My favorite part was easily the end when he was getting hit by cars. I believe that was Dr. Phil. I thought that was Doctor Doom at first. Well, maybe without his mask. He's never seen without it anyway. I thought this would be like a Chris Crocker joke.

That meme is discredited anyway. He doesn't even like Britney anymore! I didn't see that movie, as I heard it was bad. At least someone remembers it.

Hey, it was 22 minutes long! I knew that the great intro would be followed by cheap animation. I've seen some of these shorts before. You have perfectly shown Piconjo. I wish we'd see Joanna from "Perfect Kirby" in her gorgeous beauty. Happy Piconjo Day!

You guys have captured the trolldom of Piconjo. No Epic Kiss or Confession? This still deserved its Daily Feature. The opening was the best part. Maybe Piconjo Jelly someday?

Piconjo responds:

22 min
22.22 sex0nds (teh player r0unds up to 23 lol)

This was pretty good, I guess. I was thinking something would pop up in the end. Instead, it was just the same thing. Again, it would have worked better if it was just a gif on the Art Portal. You didn't really need music. The animation is good.

Well, it is Piconjo Day! We can celebrate simplicity with that. It does have a good background. I just wanted to see something going on. At least it was only 17 seconds long.

Wow, that was gorgeously animated. I was so impressed by how fluid everything was. I loved how much energy the characters had. My only complaint was that the ending was kind of underwhelming. I did really like how these characters interacted. My favorite line might have been when she said she just happened to be into music in addition to being un hireable.

This was just a very cute little cartoon. The characters are all normal despite being talking animals. I like the unmoving pants design. It isn't one of my favorites, but still great. Well, everyone else thinks it's the best.

I guess the title meant it was like Samus in her Zero suit. Well, in her ball form. Wow, that sounds dirty. Anyway, this was impressive, but too long. It was just the same thing. Well, it was a music video.

It did have great animation. Um, Happy Piconjo Day? This was good in its own right. I would have liked it more as a gif on the art portal. Well, we do need music.

Yeah, I love your author comments. I can tell this wasn't meant to be great. Well, everyone else loves it! I just thought it was too short. I assumed it would escalate, but it really didn't. Cats are always awesome.

It's hard to hate something with cats in it. Well, unless the cat's being abused. I liked the animation. I didn't know that about cats. It never happened to my cats.

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