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The movie?! This didn't seem long enough for a movie. It was still great to see ChutneyGlaze's animation. The best part was when the Red "Among Us" Guy appeared. It was certainly unpredictable. It being all a dream did kind of make sense.

I guess anything high rated can be used for Pico Day. This was still great in its own right. I can appreciate this "movie" more than the other entries. I guess everything is gay nowadays. The goofy voices fit perfectly too.

It's always great to see MindChamber! He's been with this website since the beginning. Him and Luis are probably the longest lasting members here who consistently make stuff. I really did like the animation. I should be expecting to see other Newgrounds characters at this point. It seems like we rarely have full blown crossovers.

It's mostly just a bunch of guys meeting quickly for a joke. That's all they need to be though. This had some very slick and unique animation. At least it got frontpaged. Wait, frontpaged isn't a word?

neatoshin responds:

Mindchamber is credited because i basically just ripped his assets that he put up for use- But I do appreciate that you liked the animation! This is kind of overwhelming for me- lol.

This was great, but I missed Girlfriend! She was what Boyfriend's always fighting for! It's still great to see these two iconic characters clash. We get a great action scene out of it. It suits their characters well with how everything turns it. Happy Pico Day 2022 again!

It's amazing how much popularity this has gained since 2007. An FNF day wouldn't surprise me at all. I keep mistaking it for FNAF. Those notes really have grown on me. It's great to see how we've developed.

I guess everything gets a high rating for Pico Day. This is still fantastic. I thought that they would make it but be stuck on that rock. I mean, how else would they get off? The animation was a tad weird. It still worked well for the most part.

It seemed like a nice tribute to old cartoons. Well, it's just a cartoon in its own right. It's great to see such talented people working on it. Congratulations on this high score! At least he could talk at the end.

I thought this was just going to be a drawing. I'm glad it was a lot more! It's great to see Girlfriend and Nene together. I know they MUST have appeared together before. I can't keep up with that game, alright! I just loved the animation.

I only wish we could see the action! It was great to see so much creativity put into honoring Pico! Oh wait, that was Cassandra and Nene. My bad. You bring such a unique art style to this website!

I loved the "Bear In The Big Blue House" reference at 3:37. I also loved seeing Puppy from "Retarded Animal Babies". He should appear more! It was fun to understand Cass. I was really expecting something really violent to happen. Well, it did have drugs in it.

Those of course aren't violent. I really could associate with Cass in this. It was great to make her sympathetic. Happy Pico Day '22! I had no idea it would be this big this year.

Aww, you didn't even show the thumbnail. This was still amazing. It helps that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is such a great movie. I wish it was redone with modern cartoons. It has inspired endless imitators. I miss "Wacky Game Jokez 4 Kidz".

I don't think that series has continued anywhere. Everyone's been trying to imitate WFRR. Wow, has that abbreviation ever been used before? It certainly made me appreciate this website. It fits it perfectly.

Oh, the actual game isn't here. I must admit that I thought it would be Pico-Day related. Well, lots of people give stuff high scores for Pico Day. This is great at any time of the year. I wish this was a game here. The best part is the animation.

It can look a little jarring at times. I still loved it. Zombies are always awesome. Maybe the story isn't that great, but it's still amazing. This might have been worked just great as a cartoon. It's even too long for a video game trailer.

Alucard responds:

Hey man, great feedback there, and also your communication skills are 100+

Alright, let's go first... maybe I'd knew better and didn't expoiled the trailer on pico day, my bad... and youre right because it has a good score and no trophy, but okay - I did this trailer between my job and sleed but did put lots of passion and effort!

Yeah, they're zombies but they're demons too, they're like, evil wretched pests living amongs us... and yeah the story was made much along the way but had lots of brainstorming, both from me and community, altho it ended up something you can call an art, so yes, just like you said.

As for the lenght of the video, something in the mark of 2 minutes is always wanted but, it did really got over a little... these pieces of arts relating the game and being referenced by it will be forever for the universe now... just like to thiink people that love the genre in some way you truly embrace it, just like I did with so many other stories and games!

Thanks for the feedback, take care!

That was one slow explosion. I loved how I could tell that it was moving. I guess the rest of it was talking about how it happened. The alien seemed like an angel from Evangelion. Maybe we could make a Tankman Day? They're mascots of us too.

Boy, do I wish Sam T kept his animations here. The artwork/animation is of course great. We all have our own interpretations of the apocalypse. Well, massive death at least. That's close enough.

My favorite part might have been 0:58. We have to remember that porn used to be our most popular submission. That is, until FNF. It's great to see all the characters again. I'm much more accustomed to seeing Satina everywhere.

I think that was Piconjo at the party. I like the idea that they're on good terms. We did just celebrate his day too. I'm glad it didn't need to be too violent. It just everything Newgrounds stands for.

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