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The animation with the woman was just weird. She had strange looking breasts. At least her personality was different. I really had no idea what would happen next. I guess most people don't like the Ewoks anyway. The bit with the two robots was pretty good.

You shouldn't be harassing women when you have a wife. The animation wasn't bad. It wasn't quite my thing. It was a pretty original idea. Attack Of The Clones was pretty long ago.

This was a bit better than the first one. It's mostly because you actually have audio with the dialogue. Its main flaw was that it was once again too short. So, this guy wasn't bitten? It was too short to divide into two parts.

It's weird how you would mention making a second one the same day you made the first one. It's pretty obvious from the title that there'd be more than one. The animation is still pretty good. I don't see why it's so short. Well, it was probably just a long process for you.

I like how this has a story. Well, you didn't really get much into it this time. I guess a lot of people use the "South Park" style. I appreciate how good the sounds are. I don't know why you had to click to advance with the dialogue. Then again, I guess it probably would be slower if you didn't.

The zombies are pretty well designed. It's great to know they were popular even back then. It was a bit too short. I don't know why this was split into two parts. Uh, Happy Clock Day?

I appreciate how good you build up tension. It's difficult to do this with gun fights. I mean, in a realistic sense, you just shoot your gun and the opponent dies. I think this was a pretty realistic way of doing it. The music made it all the better. I guess this was before Clock Day came out.

Okay, it probably wasn't THAT realistic. I don't know much about guns anyway. You put a ton of expression and thought into this. I'm surprised it didn't win Daily Feature. At least you were close.

It was pretty easy to tell this was influenced by "Dragonball Z". Then again, a lot of stuff here is. I wish there would have been audio of the action. It was just music. This didn't make it very good. At least it was kind of unique.

Other people have probably made stuff like this too. The audio probably could have been a bit better. It was still by no means terrible. The hair just seemed too random of a design.

I love this, if only because it's the first in the series. It really did remind me of a motion comic. I thought it would be one where you'd have to click to advance. I'm actually pretty glad it wasn't. You rarely see cartoons at all with speech balloons like this. The music was great too.

You really didn't know what was going to happen in this. It was great to see that creepy thing go in the vampire's body. It does kind of remind me of the old Fleschier superhero cartoons. The colors are great as well. The title's kind of nice too.

I can certainly see why this is the highest rated cartoon in the ten amazing facts series. I always love learning trivia. It's even better when the trivia has some real significance to it. You really wanted to make us feel for ourselves. There was even a great story in itself that you told. The animation is great.

I can totally see myself in this situation. A pity I have yet to be in a real relationship. This did give me hope. I'm glad you put so much heart in this. I knew some of these facts before. I didn't care because it's told in such a wonderful way.

I personally thought this was much better than the previous episode. It's mostly because the animation is so good. It worked better as a direct parody of "Attack Of The Clones". The best part is when Count Dooku talks about his motives. I also love the deathstick part. That was already so funny in the movie!

I liked it when the characters had eyes and mouths. It showed more detail. The voices were better than you let on. I didn't quite get the KFC joke. It made more sense at the end, though. This was fairly long.

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