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I have to admit I didn't think this was that good. It just wasn't that well animated. It's still a good cartoon! It just wasn't great for me. Stop making me feeling bad for not knowing the pokemon's names! I lost count after the first 500, okay!

I'm still a fan! 1:29 was easily the best part. I think it should have just ended before he was attacked. Well, maybe "attacked" into the best word in this scenario. Pokemon's done everything already.

What's with the big boobs? Then I saw a big butt. I was half expecting him to have boobs as we...damn it. Wow, that was a lot of jokes for something so short! My only complaint was that it was pretty disgusting. I don't what to know about caterpillar milk.

They don't have nipples! Dude, this should be a series. I loved the medium shifts. The animation was great too. This truly is a diamond in the rough.

Oh yeah, I looked on Google to find that out! I always keep up with those holidays! This year did seem to go in like a lion...or a tiger. I hope it goes out like a lamb. Wait, that's Spring, not the year. Whatever, this is great.

I liked your statue one better. That was mostly because the characters were hotter. Yes, that is indeed a factor in rating flashes like this. You're a great artist either way. 32 seconds is so long for something I've seen today!

Wow, that was one short clip to appear on the front page. Well, reanimated clips tend to be like that anyway. I admit I don't find the characters "that" attractive. I guess it was supposed to be distasteful anyway. Well, not in an "A" rated like way here. Most of my stuff goes to an "M" rating at the highest.

This did have great action though. I'm surprised it wasn't just erotica. It had actual action! That isn't easy in a four second clip. Good for you.

Wow, that was surprisingly depressing. I'm glad that song is now in public domain. Why did he say "best buddy"? It looks more like a birthday to himself. I hope he isn't a representation of covid himself. The animation was fantastic.

I thought it was LazyMuffin at first. At least I got a job. You make the best short cartoons. I mean, really short, they're like less than a minute. I can see some eddsworld influence here too.

With someone as popular as you, I wouldn't be worried about trolls. Well, this spoke more to the layman. That's me! I didn't know much about NFTs until that "South Park" thing. I guess I do get most of my news from there! This troll character is great.

He ends up being a decent guy at the end. I thought he'd just turn into a jerk eventually. That was surprisingly heartwarming! You deserve your Daily Feature. Yeah, a break from Pixel Day!

Oh, what an adorable cartoon! I think the problem was that yeah, it was too short. Maybe it could have been a gif? I mean, it has no dialogue! For whatever format, it's still wonderful. I especially love how joyous it is.

You could compare it to slapstick. That is rarely without misery. It can work well too. Wow, you've made a lot of cartoons like this, it seems. Good for you!

That was great, but it was too short. I really don't even know what to think anymore! I guess in that way, it fulfilled its purpose. I loved the animation. Everyone does. I can't tell if his crotch is about to be exposed.

He isn't spitting. He's such a weird looking guy. The background is great too. We need longer CGI here. I can indeed see this as an adult swim bump.

Eeyup, this was amazing. I especially loved seeing the characters from "There She Is!!". For such a popular series, they don't really appear in fanworks that often. I'm up in Atlanta now and it just snowed last night! It certainly got me in the Winter feeling. For an opening, it sure was long.

I just it can just live on as something to celebrate Winter in general. You managed to even work the "Epic Kiss" meme in there. That's a meme, right? I don't think I've ever seen a tankman without his helmet before. Well, his face is still covered in bandages. I feel sad about not following any of these people.

I really feel sorry for her. It's as if lacking an arm isn't bad enough! I loved seeing this animation and hearing this voicework too. That's a lot of sponsors. I'm glad you didn't pull a "Mighty No. 9" with the credits. Yeah, look that up.

I think this worked better comedically. I could still associate with everyone of course. Well, as much as I can with animals that turn into people. With something this good, there's no evil indeed. It's as great as the other episodes.

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