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That was a fine little cartoon. I will admit I don't like it as much as most people do. The best part is probably how serene it is. I guess it doesn't need to be that elaborate. It's still a nice little cartoon by itself. I wish I could whistle.

I like that flaming pickle logo. Those frogs are pretty cute. That is indeed a hat. You do have good animation with what little you show. I just don't love it.

I loved this if only because it mocked "Family Guy". They really deserve it. I was never really into that show. I don't hate it, it was just never for me. I love this animation of course. I doubt there was an actual episode like that.

They would have had nothing but cutaways from the episode. I love them saying, "'Remember the time?" over and over. There have been some episodes with up to 16 cutaway gags! That isn't talent. I still like Game Grumps more.

How did this not win Daily Feature?! I think it's one of the best FNF cartoons ever made! I just loved the animation! I thought it was going to be a parody of "Psycho". Well, it's not under tags, so I don't think it was. The music was great too!

I should have expected a downer ending like that. Well, that guy was a demon anyway. The censorship joke was great too. You showed such fluid movements too. That sounds dirty. It had some of the most unique lyrics too!

This had amazing animation and it flowed perfectly. The red really showed how serious it was. I love this only because of how much I hate this new thing they did. It's ridiculous on every level. It violates freedom of speech. This is how we let things like "Cuties" get likes at all.

The music was amazing too. I knew this would have a high score because everyone can relate to it. I mean, EVERYONE. It works perfectly as a loop. I mean, with so many videos affecting it, this makes perfect sense. At least we still have scores here.

That was a nice little cartoon. I admit I wish it was longer. It was still good for a short gag. I mean, that's what things like webcomics are for! Well, they can still get rather long. I was certainly not expecting that.

I saw an eclipse once. I don't remember it very well. I can like shorts. The animation is as wonderful as the other cartoons. I just wish to see a feature length one, by this website's standards at least.

This was wonderful. I especially loved how hilarious the final reveal was. I mean, I've never seen that joke before! This is definitely becoming the next big thing. I don't know how faithful this is to the series. All I know is that it's hilarious!

My favorite scene was Game 05. I just loved how unpredictable it was. I can count on you to make great cartoons. I like how you showed damage with the slaps. A cartoon wouldn't normally go for that realism. Well, Squidward didn't make it realistic.

Wow, your stuff's getting better all the time! I appreciate how you're getting rid of all the feces. You seem to be focusing more on blood. At least that's something original. I love the "Koit Studios" joke. Many of your cartoons confuse me.

He looks like a giant pill. Those are good for unlucky people. I'm glad it wasn't too long. You raise so many good points. How does he function with those limbs?

That's a pretty fast way to reboot a movie. Well, everything's a remake or reboot nowadays. I know all the insanity that's going on with Amazon. I can see something like this happening. I'm glad it wasn't half credits. Thanks for making me feel better about MY job!

It has great animation the whole way through! You have a good number of jokes for something so short. You of course have to do that. I am liking this character. It even has good action for its short running time.

Wow, this seems like an actual show from Adult Swim. I actually had to look up to make sure it wasn't. I appreciate how authentic it was! You definitely wanted to make it look like that. It kind of reminded me of "Too Many Cooks". Yeah, you must have seen that too.

I like the title too, although I think that's been done before. I hope it doesn't get removed for having live-action characters. I really had no clue what was going on. I certainly appreciated that too! That owes to its creativity.

Wow, I thought this was going to be something innocent at first. Then I suddenly heard the word "fuck". I appreciate the animation. I mean, I guess it's not graphic or anything. It just quickly sends you a sexual feeling. I don't really like those in this situation.

It's still a great cartoon. I'm glad to have come by it. I imagine this is what talking dogs would sound like. It did a fair amount for something only a minute long. I'm glad to have come by it.

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