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I thought this was in fact made by Oney! It just seemed so similar on the thumbnail. It was kind of disappointing to know it wasn't quite like that. This is still a good cartoon. My favorite part is when Satan questions how they are themselves the characters he uses. That really doesn't make much sense, but it is funny.

The animation seemed a little off too. You still managed to capture the spirit pretty well. Weird how you advertised for another website. Well, few people used this one anymore, I guess. Sure worth looking at.

Another awesome Chuck Norris cartoon! I did know he was going to be punched kicked immediately again, though. It's great to see two Internet legends come together! Granted, there would never be a fair fight. The animation is great too. It is so funny to see the Slender Man with a face.

The voice is a great touch too. You even keep the creepy music! It's just such a good combination. The backgrounds are wonderful too. I can see why people like this.

Hmm, how'd I miss the third episode of this? Anyway, great cartoon! My only complaint was that it was a bit anti-climatic. It was still great to see all this cool stuff. The CGI was great too. I felt it did a great job blending in. The jokes in between were great.

I mean the scary ones that were games. Maybe I should have worded that better. I really do appreciate these characters. You even started on a strong note, without the main characters. This really is great and I hope it does get more popular!

Another great addition! I really did have no idea what would happen next. I thought that was poop bouncing out of the dead dog's body. Apparently, it was fleas? It was great to see his ghost come back. I see the art shift with the pixellation.

I do wish these were longer. I want to enjoy them more! You could have put them together as a collection. It really is a pleasant cartoon. I can see why this won Daily Feature.

Great cartoon! I admit I was kind of turned off by the fact that the robot was a transsexual. It just seemed kind of unnecessary. The animation was freaking gorgeous in this! I was amazed at how lush everything was. It was especially great considering how it wasn't even in color!

Everything was just so wonderful. I had no idea what would happen next. Did you sing this? It was utterly amazing! I just love how creative and fun this thing was.

I have to admit that is a nice cartoon. I admit I'm kind of confused about what it's message is. I assume the title means you're going towards science. Are you maybe saying that aliens are not scientific? I don't think people should believe in pseudoscience. Well, it was a great cartoon.

The colors and stuff are just so wonderful. I guess there's some pro-acid imagery in this way. Most people are like that nowadays. I guess you're saying that we should all have our own beliefs. Well, I don't know what you believe.

RWappin responds:

I assume the message is about not succumbing to dogma and not being condescending to different beliefs, but I was just the animator. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I personally am a flat earther scientologist men's rights activist

I love this cartoon! I'm even surprised that it doesn't have a higher rating. I guess Daily 3rd Place is better than nothing. It was great to see this awesome animation. It wasn't sprite, it was something better. I can't quite put my finger on the style, exactly.

The music was awesome. It's been so long since I've read Scott Pilgrim. It and the movie really were great. I hope this game captured the ambitiousness of the series it was based on. This was just a lot of fun.

I loved this! I think my only complaint was that the animation was in fact a little off. It's still great for what it is. I don't specifically remember this comic. It's great that webcomics are coming to life like this. There was one VG Cats cartoon that lasted one episode.

I'm glad that this is around. It's great to hear these voices. They really are what I imagined they would be like! Well, like I said, this isn't the first time I've heard them, I think? Anyway, I wish Scott himself had an account to download these.

Was this made for TOFA 2011? I thought the theme of that was dividing by zero. There were certainly a lot of cartoons made about it. I'm not that familiar with Fullmetal Alchemist, BTW. Of course, this was still a nicely done cartoon. I do think it was a bit too short, though.

It was nice to hear that Japanese music at the end. Listening to other culture is always good. The artwork was quite good in this. I really didn't know what would happen. Maybe I should have looked at the menu page, though.

BoobMarley responds:


As part of TOFA, I thought this would be something shorter. I'm glad it wasn't! The dad sounded like Hotdiggedydemon. Damn, you guys really do all know each other here. The voices were very nicely done. I also really liked the animation.

I have in fact heard of -0 before, but I have no way to prove it exists. Can I? It was great to see that impossible bridge. The dad's remarks are really funny too. This is a great cartoon.

CyanSandwich responds:

Thanks dude!

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