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Glad to have Osama bin Laden killed after all this time. Yeah, this series has ended too. Well, at least here. I really do like the animation. The scene where Eva punches Pu Na is very well done. Blackie is so hot. How dare she criticize her breasts!

I always kind of thought that the animation in this reminded me of Archie comics. Are you a fan? Click on Pu Na's face on the credits for an Easter egg. That seems pretty obvious. I heard there actually are some female terrorists out there.

I admit to being bored by this. I mean, it was just you guys talking about a video game. It didn't really have any actual gameplay. I'm surprised this series is still on this website. Well, it does have some animation. There's clouds in the background!

You guys are no Angry Video Game Nerd. I believe you were a part of Channel Awesome at one point. Dang, why does that keep showing up here? I shouldn't talk about that more here. At least it's nothing too stupid.

This wasn't that good, but it wasn't terrible at least. I was confused as to how one of gonz0's submissions seem to be just line drawn on a blue screen. Not that blue screen, luckily. I'm glad there was another one by gonz0. My favorite was the Paper Clip part. It was easy to tell he was a clock.

I believe this was another part of the Daily Day celebration. It would only be the second, wouldn't it? Unless you count the original as one. Yeah, this is the third one all right. That music's pretty nice.

I believe that Wesley Willis' voice at the end. I only really know "Rock 'N Roll McDonald's". I knew they'd show a dick at the end. The animation in the beginning was actually quite nice. I thought maybe I'd have to click on the "Play" button as shown in the actual cartoon. You guys couldn't have done one every day.

You started in October 2004 so it would be over 700 by now. You skipped at least every other day. Well, I'm not complaining. I'm not much of a fan of yours. At least ZekeySpaceyLizard's awesome.

I admit to being disappointed that this was just one cartoon. It seemed like two. Oh well, it still wasn't bad. The speed run thing was too short. I guess speed runs are supposed to be short! At least you could learn about the characters.

That's always useful. The animation is as wacky as ever. You got kind of far with this. It's just a weak episode for me. Other ones are much better.

That goose has one of the funniest voices I've heard in a long time. It looks like him flying was at least real. We all miss Mayor McCheese. Then again, the other McDonald's characters seem to have disappeared from commercials too. I don't even know if I've seen many commercials lately. I loved the Bigfoot joke.

It was especially funny about him eating homeless people. How can Mike even understand him? I guess he does kind of think about it. I'm glad how well everything is put together. It all makes sense in the end.

I admit that there isn't much to this trailer. It's just Waterman fantasizing about the ice cream girl. I do like the little mermaid shout out. I thought this was a trailer for the movie. That comes later. I like this music.

Was the ninth one really that epic? I don't seem to remember. This animation is still pretty silly. I like that strange creature. I haven't seen any episodes in awhile.

This seemed to be one of the longest episodes. I'm glad of that! It's great to make enough time to create as many good jokes as possible. We seem to be introduced to new characters. Yes, this was made about the same time Pluto was no longer considered a planet.

It's always great to look into the past. It still isn't a planet. It looks like the Moon itself can talk! I don't know if that's the relative size of the Moon to Pluto. I want to do my research.

How is it spelled? Harkurian? I can't even tell if it has an "H" in it. It's great to have them allude to the last episode. Well, it wasn't really the last episode. It was the last time these guys appeared.

TTS03 seems to be a separate series from BadGuys. He doesn't look like a golden retriever. This had style. I assume it's over now. It's just too old.

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