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Woah, I had no idea there was such a deranged cartoon as this out there! I freaking fell in love with this cartoon because of how insane it was. The animation is completely flawless, there's always something going on in every single frame. It's simply hilarious that the owl has gone so insane from being asked that so many times. The voice acting is also completely flawless. I especially love how exaggerated everything is.

It's cool to see how these heads and faces just spin around everywhere. In case you're wondering, I have actually myself found out how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop! I did it one morning when I had nothing else to do. I counted 1,376 licks! Of course, I imagine that it varies from person to person depending on what kind of tongue they have. I love how it didn't end with the owl the first time.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Im glad you enjoyed it! Yes, it is indeed very exaggerated. We really wanted to turn the old commercial into a deranged farce against something seemingly innocent. We wanted it to be twisted and unique. I think Sh0t-Down and I made a very good team, since we are both batshit crazy. My friend Alex and I laughed at every idea when crafting this strange world around this strange kid who asks a strange question to strange animals. We were really proud of the outcome. Thanks for your comments!

I can ALWAYS count on you to come up with new and ridiculous cartoons! The best thing about this was at the end when the one guy gave it a perfect "10". I just loved that because I like the notion that this did have a happy ending even though his partner was stabbed. It really makes you care for the characters. Even someone as silly as this should have that. The timing in this cartoon was just great too.

Dang, those are some pink nipples. You really know how to make those stand out in a guy. I was a bit disappointed that this didn't actually have people fighting with knives. It did, however, have a guy being stabbed at the end, so that was good enough. Congradulations on yet another Daily Feature!

Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks, ericho.

I guess you're taking a break from the Pony.mov series. This was a really cool submission, mostly because the animation was great. While not as good as some other stuff, it's still very nice to look at. I had absolutely no idea that was going to happen in the end. I guess I'm glad it wasn't too graphic or anything. I loved how stupid Sonic looked when he was going through all those poses.

It's amazing how many funny lines and poses you can make in only a minute. Sonic looked like he was farting or taking a dump sometimes. I loved the joke about Jews at the end. Hey, if you want to show that someone's inconsiderate or random or whatever, just say they hate Jews. I guess Sonic got his wish of going that fast.

Wow, this is one of those cartoons where it's hard to say why you like it. I guess it's mostly becaues the animation is so good. I could have sworn that Piderman did indeed say, "Batman". I had no idea this was going to become such a popular series. It's really sad that this is the only episode that has ever been uploaded to this website. It's achieved such mass success in other places!

I can't really tell you to make things any different because you've already made a series based on this. I like how the colors just sort of jump out of the lines. It reminds you of the old drawings you made as a kid. I was the kind of kid who mostly stayed between the lines. I wasn't expecting a sandwich to appear in this.

This didn't look like it was going to be that good at first. I was nicely surprised to find out this flash was a lot of fun. I felt bad for the worm when he got his silk taken away. I was afraid you would end the cartoon right there, but you went with it. I did kind of miss having the main character there, although he did appear in the intro. The animation is as fantastic and well detailed as ever.

I like how everything has a nice cartoonish feel to it. It makes you appreciate all of the things you can do with animation. I really don't know much about silk and the history of China. I guess this probably won't make me an expert on it, but it's nice to watch at least. Thank you for another fun cartoon!

Wow, I had no idea you were a girl. Or are you not? Anyway, while I'm not as big a fan of yours as most people, I thought this was really cool. I guess I have to appreciate you not having child porn. Then again, it seems like some of the characters in the hentai stuff like Starfire and Raven were probably underage. BTW, that really is a cute representation of what a pony version of you would look like.

I'm not going to make any requests, I'm not that kind of guy. This was probably the cleanest thing you ever submitted to this website. As long as we NGers are horny, you will always be successful. The animation in this was so awesome! The voice acting was great and I thought it might be Rina-chan at first.

I have not played the Gears Of War game, but I still found this to be funny. I can see why some people are a tad mad at you about this. It's just that in terms of what makes a good game, I honestly don't think character development should be that big a deal. It's a game, not a movie. Of course, movies based on video games are mostly bad anyway. The animation was as fantastic as ever.

I do think that it's less confusing when you name something Gears Of War plus the number. I like how the voice is so gruff and stupid sounding in this. I should have expected there to be a penis of some kind involved in this. Not that you're known for it, we're all known for it! This is the Internet, after all.

It's unbelievable how people will never stop making unique Madness stuff. It's great to see the twist ending where it was Jebus all along. What I do find weird is where was the present version of Jebus? Well, MC never made much sense to begin with, so it doesn't need to. I liked how you showed the characters literally messing with the timeline. It does kind of make you wonder why he didn't just shoot Hank when he first saw him.

Oh, but then there wouldn't have been as much awesomeness. I love how Jebus has those cigarettes that burn people into skeletons. It isn't used that much, but it's a nice little touch. As usual, it's great you have so many people to thank for. I was amazed he survived being shot like seven times in the head.

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