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Huh, emos

It is interesting to be introduced to a new series on this website. I can say that it seems to be starting off fairly well, even if it is a little hard to understand. Apparently this is supposed to take place in 2910, but I don't see any technological advancements. Of course, given how dishonest movies are about predicting the future, it's probably more realistic. Some of the characters did not have dialogue, but they all seem to be likeable. It seems like a pretty original idea that has many things in development.


You have made some truly fantastic stuff on Newgrounds, but this is among your best! It is easily the most mature thing that you have ever made. I loved every second of this, and thought that it had the best animation I had ever seen in one of your flashes. It is a huge departure from your regular stuff, but it manages to work as well, if not better than your other stuff! I loved the voices, especially the tiny Japanese girl. This shows off that you truly have an appreciation for flash as an art form!

It was pretty funny

I really like how you use an actual photograph of a tibetan fox to emphasize how bored the character is. This reminds me of Egoraptor, although it does seem like it was made on a, well, lower budget than Egoraptor. What I mean is, if there was more color and moving, I would have liked this more. It is still fun to watch, simply because the premise is so funny. I love how this poor guy is being driven insane by the fox making that noise. That seriously looks like it could be the next Internet meme, like Serious Cat.

It is early

I can tell that this is one of your earlier contributions because of how primitive it appears to be. It at least looks like that when compared to modern standards. It is interesting to see how this was a forerunner for the later cartoons which are much better. I do not like the animation in this as much due to the fact that it is simply less silly. It did have unexpected turns and I was not expecting for all the turtles to die. I would guess that this is not something really concerned about continuity.

Let freedom ring

Yep, it reminds me of when George W. Bush launched that first attack on Iraq. I distinctly remember seeing a video version of this, but I loved this cartoon version. The animation is really good in this one and I love how stupid George W. Bush looks with his Pikachu. I also love the large number of famous villians that appear in the crowds. It was also funny to see the Chipmunks and the Teletubbies there too. While we do not have this to worry about anymore, it's still funny to look back.

It was a year

These Cactaur And Tonberry movies are among the funniest that I have ever witnessed on Newgrounds! I had not even heard of things like Moogles or Cactaurs before watching this series. The jokes are awesome and every scene works great in its own right. I love Cactaur's voice and stupidity, especially with how the ads pop up to destroy the planes. I find it strange that a guy would have the same name and wallet as Cactaur, but that just makes it funnier. Tonberry's deadpan style is flawless.


I am quite surprised to find out this has such a low rating, as I believe it to be one of your best submissions. While the animation is not great, the satire is spot on. I love how stupid George W. Bush appears and how he wants revenge for killing his father. As that guy mentioned, his father is still alive and he is not avenging anyone. The big boobed women were also a nice touch, as can be expected. I also like how he wants to be king alluding to his nickname of King George II, which is so close to King George III whom we defeated in the Revolutionary War.

Very cute

I liked watching this one simply because it was so amazingly cute with the animation and everything. However, I do want to make an important point to you. James Cameron can really not be sued for calling it "Avatar" because neither directors own the word. "Avatar" is a term meaning the embodiment or personficiation for something. In the animated series, it refers to the title character (Aang) as the embodiment of the last airbender. In the James Cameron movie, it refers to the bodies that are created for the humans where their consciousness is represented.

CurtisCarey responds:

Thanks, I aim for simple but cute...maybe a bit annoying as well.
I'm not talking at all about sueing anyone, I'm just poking some fun. And playing with the idea that My cat thinks it's Ok to call a movie Seinfeld. I get the whole name thing, I just think it's funny is all. Like M.A.S.H is an actual thing too, but if you made a MASH Movie, you'd probably expect some drunken doctor highjinx more so than some amazing CGI Thunder cats. I meant no offense to anyone.

Not much

I could easily tell that this was a scene from a movie, and probably a pretty cheesy one at that. I can tell that the dog being kicked off turns into a puppet when it falls off. I highly doubt that watching the first episode of this series would help me understand it more. The description does not match the submission at all, but at least you made a good description. Now if only you could put this into an actual submission. The music is okay and it was not really particularly pleasant or annoying.

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