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That wasn't bad. I'm kind of glad TheStarSyndicate wasn't directly attached to this. Wait a minute. You can only submit two submissions a day here. They couldn't have done this many. You guys were certainly prolific here.

I recognized that music from "A Clockwork Orange". I KNEW you'd do something related to that. I love "The Wizard Of Oz" too. Most of these labels were pretty self explanatory. It's their biggest submission yet.

That wasn't bad. I still wouldn't quite recommend it. It got close at least. It was indeed a pretty standard cartoon. That's probably why it could have been better. It was too dull.

I guess the animation wasn't bad. It was just about a guy searching for gold. I guess it's fine. 200th? I thought you submitted one every day, so it should be around 365 at this time.

I'm so glad the rating is higher! The best part is how rtil worked on it. He even let some guy named xtil help him! You'd think he'd be offended by the name. I like how they're all pretty long, except for the fanservice one. You really did put effort into this!

Only thing missing was Zekeyspaceylizard. How could you guys submit so much stuff on one day? I guess you can be talented. This was probably the busiest day you'll ever have. It looks like you guys did eventually retire.

I really liked this! I can't believe the rating is so low. It probably helps that it was made by ZekeySpaceyLizard. I really love that guy! I still wouldn't call myself a fan of the Star Syndicate. He's not even a star. It was fun to see all those random images put together.

It almost reminded me of animutation. Dang, I miss that. I'm glad you didn't have to click everything over and over. This must have been one busy Daily Day. You won't stop Clock Day of course.

Aubergine is my favorite artist for the Star Syndicate! Okay, I admit ZekeySpaceyLizard is better. This was still very nice. The rating should be higher. This was one massive Star Day. Was this the earliest use of Darth Vader's Noooo meme?

The animation is quite nice. It can be annoying to have to re-click everything. I appreciated how it wasn't too crude. Then again, they don't usually have porn. At least the rating used to be higher.

It's interesting to see a series with so few characters. There's literally no recurring characters except Blockhead and his conscience. Well, I think some civilians appear later. They don't have names. Then again, neither does Blockhead's conscience. He's at least recognizable.

I knew those wouldn't be tongs. How'd he get cable? At first, I thought he looked like a happy face. In the scene where he bits the box he looks like Pac-Man. I guess both Pac-Man and happy faces look similar.

I just found this really funny. Honestly, I didn't think it was that short. What's really funny is the part at the end where he calls him a fat piece of shit. It's amazing how dumb he is. I like how he says he couldn't juggle even right after he says he could. Chase really is a stoner!

The animation is quite nice. I think the running time was good. You at least got a great joke out. That's what these shorts are for. I like those dancing things in the intro.

I love how he said his carapace was killing him and then it showed what that was. I had no idea (what it was). I like how he questioned that he had a landlord. I mean, doesn't he own the Moon? He's a king after all. Well, kings don't have much authority nowadays.

Well, maybe in some countries. You are British after all. The animation is so good. Moon Keith Moon? Kind of a redundant name.

In my opinion, this was when the series started getting great. The missing testicle thing is so great. I don't know if Hitler had only one ball. I actually heard that he didn't, but then he lost one. It was just that people made up a rumor that was later true! At least he doesn't cheat like Lance Armstrong.

I'm getting more used to the characters. I loved how this was longer. The first one was too short. I had no idea what that ball was. Dang, has it gotten huge.

I remember back when people used phone books. I think this may in fact be the most epic credits gag in the history of fiction. At least you didn't technically lie to us in the author comments. Well, I doubt you spent 7 grand on it. I also doubt it took two years to make. That music's pretty good.

I wish I was one of the people in the credits. Then again, I don't even know where you live. I think this set a record for shortest movie ever made in relation to credits. You should call "Guinness World Records"! It certainly works percentage wise.

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