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I remember you saying that the next installment was going to take place in ancient Egypt. This was entertaining, mostly because there were just so many ways to screw everything up. I especially loved it when it went so fast and we saw all these silly designs. A pity the creator decided not to just punish the pharaoh, but all the people were fed to his alligator. The alligator looked pretty funny all fat at the end. While there's no dialogue, the voices are still good.

It's especially funny to see the pharaoh get progressively angrier. It all builds up to a nice final punchline. Most pharaohs spent most of their lifetimes preparing for death by having tombs built anyway. It seems like a lifestyle you wouldn't want to copy. This was better than the original.

That was fairly good. I am so glad to be reviewing something you, Kirbopher worked on. With all the craziness that's been going on lately with this redesign, it's great to review stuff by someone so familiar. I didn't really understand the appeal of this, because it didn't seem to have much of a plot. Of course, it wasn't intended to be anything that had much of a plot to begin with. The funniest part is probably when she becomes undressed at the end.

It's funny to imagine how that's a situation where both parties would be embarassed. This guy seems likeable enough. Is there going to be a new series made featuring this character with all you guys working on it? If so, it looks like it's off to a fairly good start. It's fairly humorous for the short running time it has.

Wow, this was one weird entry. I had no idea where you were going with this, but the end result turned out to be really good! I think the coolest thing about this was how good the animation was. Now, while I do wish you would go back to making animutations, your artwork is always good. What's really cool is how everything moves in such an elegant manner. I guess it would, given the content. When the guy was talking about a holiday, at first I thought it was going to be Valentine's Day.

I have never heard of this holiday before, but I guess it's as real as any other holiday. What I didn't like was the scene where it showed the guy's butt hair growing. That doesn't seem very sophisticated. I think the coolest part might be when he was smoking all those pipes at one time. Sophistication is generally good.

Well, this is the first time I've reviewed something that was under judgement in this new format. I think it's great because this is one of the best things I've reviewed since the site changed. I think the best part of this is when the guy shoots the enemy and the enemy just blows everywhere with rainbow blood or whatever that is. It's nice to have such great music. While it didn't have lyrics, it didn't need them, because it delivered a powerful message.

I was really feeling sorry for this guy and I thought he had a good relationship with that woman. What was also cool was how well you were able to keep up the great atmosphere. I think the hero resembles some video game ninja character whose name I can't remember. It really created a notion of sadness. I am glad to be introduced to your stuff.

It's interesting to review something by someone who I really like on this website! What's pretty cool about this is how there's so much going on! While the presentation itself might be rather mundane, it's still very funny. The best part was probably when the joke was made about the stuff coming up to the woman's tits. It's hard to not like something as clever as this. It makes you realize how much we rely on puns and/or wordplay for a lot of jokes.

I also think the animation was really good. While it didn't have a lot of crazy things going on, it still was nice to just watch. I appreciate all the different kinds of styles you put in your work. Hey, with all the freaky stuff out there that you've already made, this is actually one of the least silly stuff you've ever submitted. I hope you get used to this new format as much as most people.

Well, here is my first review on this brand new system! I should have known better about what it was parodying since I am a fan of the show. It took me awhile to figure out that he was saying, "Sofia", especially with how he seemed like he was saying "So fat" at first. The funniest part was probably when he ran out of batteries at the end. I look forward to this show coming back this Sunday night. It's nice to watch a parody of something I am familiar with.

I believe that was Sofia at the end near the barn if the show is to be believed. The animation wasn't too good or bad, it was just really goofy. Given the non-sequitor nature of this cartoon, that makes sense. I don't know much else about you, but I am glad you managed to get front page. I'm still getting used to the new design.

DoomedChi responds:

Thanks for the review, I should hire a writer next time I animate something, everything I submit seems kinda random at best.
I really don't know how this one managed to get frontpaged but I'm thankful for it.
About the new design it's gonna take some time until we get used to it (not being able to see the amount of reviews, a numerical score among other things its kind of weird).

That's a meme

I love this cartoon because it's just so amazingly ridiculous. You think it's going to be weird when you get to the part with the actual show being pitched. The funniest part was probably when you mentioned bronies at the end. That is probably the most popular thing on the Internet, like ever. I love how the animation is so freaking fantastic! Everything is so wonderfully gorgeous with all these bright colors!

While there might not be that much action, there are still weird things going on that are great to present. I had a feeling you would submit something the same day as "Moisture Care". This could have used more memes, but that was probably part of the joke. It's nice to know you will never lose your touch. I would watch something like that.

It's funny...

...how LazyMuffin's below me when I thought this was something made by HIM. The best thing about this is probably the ending. It it easily the funniest part of the whole cartoon. It was a bit hard to tell what was going on in the cartoon, if that was part of the guy's imagination or whatever. Anyway, it mostly wasn't and it also helps that the animation here was simply fantastic. It looks like a combination of some our greatest animator's work.

The coloring was nice and clear too. I am amazed that you were able to pump this out so fast, because it's such a great cartoon! I have little doubt this will go on to be extremely popular. It makes me wish that I had a skin moisturizer lady as beautiful as this one. Hey, it would be the closest I could get to getting intimate with a woman!

Just that?

I'm sorry, it's just that I have been so used to seeing Madness stuff with more action in it. I can't hate it, because there's nothing that bad about it. It is certianly not something I would recommend, but at least the animation is good. I think that is how the movie "Silent Night, Deadly Night" started out. In case anyone's wondering, the body count is two. That has to be the lowest body count for any Madness tribute I've ever seen.

I can only suggest that the next part have more action in it. I haven't seen the other entries in this, so it's hard to judge. Why is it called the third in the series if the cartoon itself indicates that it took place before 2010? Well, I hope you had a great Christmas season, I guess. It's great how Madness and Christmas always gets high ratings.

Rapheus responds:

Never seen "Silent Night, Deadly Night".
And I've already broken the 'Lowest Madness Tribute Death Count' record twice: Tale of Lambert with one death and Mother's Day Massacre with zero deaths.

And this is kind of a prequel to the MadSeth Christmas animations. I'd suggest you watch the other two for some grounding. -Plus they have higher death counts.

Regardless, thank you for the lengthy review.

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