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It seems like it's been awhile since you submitted something. In fact, it really has been too long. I love this cartoon and think it would be great in its own right even if there was no game to it! The funny thing is that I was a fan of the original Stick War and even wrote online about it. I like how there's so much depth put into the characters. You would think it would be hard to give stick figures that much depth.

We here at Newgrounds have of course shown we can do anything with stick figures. The voice acting was great in this too. I really like how you're getting ready to tell an epic story. I hope the game makes it onto this website. If not, I will probably play it somewhere else eventually.

CRAZY-King-JAY responds:

Thanks - Yes we will deff have an offline version on newgrounds

It was cool to really answer people's questions like that. I now have no doubt that these are all in fact real. What's really cool is how you keep a weird flow of animation and effects the entire time. It might not be as well done as the stuff in your Pencilmation series, but it's still really cool to watch. I especially appreciate all the nice colors used. It's great because you never know what's going to pop up in this cartoon.

I guess it would be gauche for me to ask questions in my review. It's probably all the better, because I can't think of a question right now. It's nice how this is just intended to be a cute, harmless series. It could probably use some more jokes, but still very nice. See you next episode, I guess!

This one didn't do much for me, because there was little violence. It was sad when I realized this because of the low rating. I'm just reminded of this other parody of the Tootsie Roll pop commercials I saw recently here that was better. It just doesn't amount to much. That being said, it did have its good qualities. It's mostly because the animation is good. I thought the audio might have been from a parody, but I believe it was an actual commercial.

It's nice to see a different take on the genre, I suppose. As I've said before, there was this one morning where I was bored and I actually found out how many licks it took to get to the center. I imagine it varies from person to person, but it took me 1,376. People should be aware of that. Try to have more action in the next submission, okay?

As the final in the series, it's nice to end on such a good note. This is really good because it shows the best colors you've ever shown in your cartoons. Again, it makes me sad you haven't gotten popular on this website. I really like how everything is so wacky in this. It's interesting to show that even with a lack of animation, it gets a lot done. I really did not need to see the penis in this.

It's funny how the sitcom is a lot like his actual life. I'm pretty sure that Wesley Willis singing the song at the end of the episode. Hey, if you can go to LA, you can't be that bad in terms of financial problems. It's nice to know you have gotten a job since then. Maybe the next cartoon features him getting success with a flash series?

All I saw was a poor Garfield animation where he burped and acted stupid. Granted, in most Garfield comic strips, that's what happens, but this isn't that good. I guess it was probably meant to be a parody of how dumb Garfield is, but it didn't too much for me. I think the only good animated part was when Jon raised his eyebrows. If this was meant to be cheesy, then congradulations, for it was truly was. I just wish there was a more deconstructive parody.

I am one of those people who loved Garfield as a kid, but have now come to hate it. I think most people are like that now. Somehow, a cat being useless and fat isn't that funny anymore. Hey, at least you were better than some Garfield strips. I feel sorry for the peanut allergy thing. My brother's allergic to gluten, so I would know.

I think this would have been better if it didn't go on for so long. This lasts about nine minutes, fairly long for a flash submission here! What I found weird was that the animation wasn't that good. I wish there could have been more detail, but maybe that was the point. I realized how stupid they were not to notice a giant dragon had landed and was going to attack them. Of course, they just thought it was a cloud.

It's pretty basic stuff, nothing that noteworthy. It looks fairly dated for something that was made fairly recently. At least it showed all of the brothers being killed, I knew that would happen. We should have more assassin games because present celebrities are even worse than past ones. One where Rebecca Black dies would be nice.

Weird, why did you call this a "fan" trailer? If something is written by the very people who worked on it, it can't be a fan trailer. This reminds me, it's been forever since DanPaladin has submitted something to the portal. It's great to have him back! I remember talking to you in the forums when you said the game reached 20 million hits on this website. I thought that's what you were celebrating at first.

I can't believe there's still more stuff going on with this game! I love this trailer. It seems like it's been too long since I remember what the guys look like without their sunglasses. It's great that you're going to all sorts of locations like Russia. Those commies are always looking for a fight!

I thought this was pretty funny. I don't even know if you're talking about the same redesign that went up recently. I'm going to say you probably weren't, and it really shows how much this website has gone through the years. I think the best thing about this is the part at the end with the goldfish. It seems like I've hearing that song a lot lately. It's such a fun song that can go with so many things.

The animation wasn't that good, but at least the voices were nice. Everyone seems to be so snarky. I appreciate how you managed to make fun of Tom and he can take a joke as he favorited this. It would funnier if you made another one about the recent redesign. I certainly felt like that for awhile.

Wow, this is one of the cheesiest things I have seen in a long time. I, of course, had no choice but to thoroughly enjoy it. You kind of lost points on how, well, bad it was, but it doesn't matter. I like how you just have no idea what's going to happen next. The narrator gets so many things wrong in such a funny way. I really like how he talks about the apple of his eye, and then he talks about someone's face being an apple.

The animation is as cheesy as ever. I believe I know your secret identity, Mr. Jerryjackson, lol. Anyway, I wasn't expecting there to be so much nudity in this. Of course, it wasn't well detailed, so I guess it's not that bad. That logo sure spins fast.

Wow, I had no idea that this was going to turn out to be so epic! Granted, the epic stuff was a dream, but it's still nice to have. It really doesn't matter what animation style you use, because it can always turn out something great. Wow, I had no idea this was so old. I guess some people didn't like it because it doesn't hold up well. It's still nice to watch this and I especially like how it has that song at the end.

Maybe I'll try that cupcake sandwich idea sometime. I appreicate you continually trying to appeal to us on a level we can all associate ourselves with. I guess you have found a job since then, seeing as how popular these cartoons have become. Yeah, I like thinking about boobs too.
The symbols at the end were good too.

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