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Decent cartoon

I don't think I had heard of Garbodor before. It's just that there have been so many pokemon there came a time where I simply decided to stop trying to remember all their names and appearances. I think it was around the fourth generation that I just lost count. I appreciate the decent animation you have. Garbodor especially looks nice and at first I wasn't sure if that was a real pokemon or not. The appearance does look a bit familiar too.

I like how everything is so simple in this. Of course, it might be a bit too simple. I'm guessing you could have just put in some more stuff and made it more enjoyable. It's far from bad, it's pleasant for a quick laugh and I like how this guy gets what he deserves. If only the bigger haters of pokemon would get their comeuppance.

That's too bad

This is a really bizarre cartoon and it's a shame it will apparently never advance! I haven't seen the others in this series, but I imagine they're just as weird. I am generally not a fan of your work, but this was actually really good! It reminds me of that one "Twilight Zone" episode. It featured people who were stuck in some place and they couldn't eat or sleep. At the end, it turns out they were actually toys in a container!

I doubt that's going to be the same here, but then again, we'll never find out. Hopefully, we can all learn to appreciate what you left behind. This doesn't have the senseless and silly violence that most of your flashes had. It does look a bit dated, but still nicely done. I appreciate you submitting anything you want to here.

Fine, I suppose

Hmm, you actually made a Kamehameha in school that destroyed the entire Earth? You would think I would know about the Earth being destroyed. Anyway, the animation in this wasn't too bad, but it just wasn't anything that special. The same goes for the voice work. I guess there have just been so many DBZ jokes it's hard to come up with new, original ones. The execution wasn't bad, it just didn't accomplish that much.

I will admit that it was fairly unpredictable. As you originally said it was based on a true story, I expected nothing supernatural to happen. Well, that's how it goes sometimes. Hopefully, you can learn to put in some more jokes and it'll be more enjoyable. At least you can say you got a really high score with only a couple hundred votes.

Needs work

The animation itself isn't really that bad. Where you lose points is that you seem to not have this at the right resolution. I know that when something goes to a lower resolution, it can be annoying, but you could try numerous things. The only thing I ever submitted here turned out badly. I think the best part would be when he's firing the staples at the zombies. It was also a good idea to make fun of how cars always explode in movies.

What's annoying is how it just seems to go on too long. A lot of the time, the jokes seem to take too long to really understand. The voice work isn't that bad, but could probably be better. I also wish I knew how to tell you not to make it into an infinite loop. From the title, I thought it was going to be a parody of Dragonball Z, or DBZ.

So awesome

I think the funniest thing about this is probably the joke at the beginning. There's nothing like a character complaining that they're not really in a cartoon. This is something where you really have to appreciate the animation. Everyone just looks so wonderfully designed in this and it seems like something straight out of an abstract art painting. The voices are also fantastic. The male rat especially sounds exactly like what a rat in that situation would look like.

It's great to see a funny cartoon that has so much going on. The jokes are so unpredictable. I guess it's not as good as #10, but still a great episode. I like looking at all the detail in this cartoon, like all the math formulas the rat writes down. It seems like the female rat might have gotten in the fourth wall when the obscure character came.

ApocalypseCartoons responds:

meta thanks!

That was awesome!

This is easily your best submission and it really works well because it's so consistently hilarious. The animation is absolutely flawless. It's probably my favorite MLPFIM parody I've seen on this website! I just love how every frame just seems to be showing these guys exaggerating their body movements and jumping all over the place. Every body part is just going off in the zaniest directions. I thought it would end after the first guy.

I am SO glad it kept going on, because it kept up how funny it is. It's weird how people make fun of Princess Celestia like that, when she's only been mischeivous a few times. It, of course, works wonderfully for this hilarious masterpiece. You just have no idea what's going to happen next. You are a great credit to all bronies and everyone who's a fan of insanity. You never let down, friend!

Skaijo responds:

Thank you very much for all of your kind words!

Has lots of good moments

I think the best thing about this was probably getting to see that Kefka sprite again. In the early days of the website, you saw him all the time. This is good, because it introduces a lot of cool characters. Onslaught is one of the most awesome villians ever and I'm glad he had a cameo. Trust me, under that space suit, Samus is drop dead gorgeous. I wasn't expecting anyway in the cartoon to succeed like that.

Of course, it could be argued everyone died when Kefka blew himself up or whatever he did at the end. The voices were fairly decent. I thought that this was a part of a series, but I looked at your other submissions and didn't see anything else with a similar title. Of course, in the author's comments, you imply it is part of a series.

Not much going on

It didn't really seem like anything special, because it was just a guy being chased by the "B" over and over. At least it's nice to know that Benny Hill theme never gets old. There could have been a lot more detail like color instead of just the actual red "B". Of course, this was intended as a spam flash. How come the flash I submitted didn't get a high rating like these others do? I guess I should have made it more about Clock Day.

BTW, it's deleted now, so don't bother looking it up. At least the voice was pretty spot on. Well, it wasn't technically a voice, it was just created with that Speakaphone thing. As a short, very silly flash, this truly does succeed in what it sets itself out to do. It's funny how no matter what the quality is, you still have that awesome loading screen.

Haggard responds:

Yeah, if you want your flash to succeed on Clock Day it should at least contain the letter B, haha!

Better than it seems

I was afraid it was going to be hard to understand what was being said, but I understood it. The censored jokes at the beginning were pretty funny. It's scary how the ferret has a male voice while having four breasts. It's actually nice to see a representation of an animal like that. It reminds me of this controversy I heard about Disney characters being depicted on a Day care center. They were simply painted over.

I guess more websites about the evil of SOPA should be made instead of Disney. I love how amazingly surreal everything you make is. There's a great sense that you're trying to be unique and you succeed. I think the funniest bit was probably when you mentioned that if the ferret was drawn on a baby, the baby would be destroyed. Goofy explosive effects are usually funny.

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