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That was unexpected

I have seen a lot of animesque stuff on this website and this was very weird. It was still great, because it was certainly original. I have seen human versions of well known anthropomorphic characters before, but not the three little pigs and the big bad wolf. If you do ever get to finish this, it will probably be well worth it. The animation is really good, particularly how bright the colors are. I like how they still have pig ears.

This plays out just like the actual story did. That reminds me, I doubt if I've ever read the full literature of many of these fairy tales. I think the best part was when the wolf showed how heavy he was breathing. I would love to see how this scenario started out in flash. I know nothing about drawing in Flash, but will still support you.

Happy MD to you too!

While it's been awhile since the day, this is still a good video to watch. I especially like how all of the designs were original. It was weird how you said it was thirty seconds earlier, but it seemed longer than that. I guess my only complaint is that there could have been more action. As these stories don't have much plot, it was still nice of you to include a recap. You really didn't know what was going to happen with this.

The rocket itself looked kind of weird and stood out from the other things. I lost count of the, well, body count. I think this may be the first Madness flash I've seen where there was hospital staff. With all the crazy stuff that goes on in these flashes, you'd think there would be more of those guys. You could just have some more action.

Rapheus responds:

Great review!

-Yeah, I timed the 'Ganondork killing Seth' scene and it came out to about 30 seconds.
-I agree with the action, It's kind of slow. I'll chalk that up to laziness on my part. :/
-Even I had no idea what was going to happen this episode. I turned out different that the storyboard.
-Yeah, I Googled a rocket and traced it in flash, I'm not that good artistically.
-Of course they need medics! Who else is gonna clean up the messes? Haha.

Thanks again for the review, man! :D

Quite funny

While it was indeed short, it doesn't matter because it was so good. It's great to see you experimenting with all different kinds of stuff to work with. I think the strongest point was probably the animation. For something that was a parody of a game that didn't have much action, it was nicely detailed. There have been so many video game parodies out there, it's hard to find original ideas. It's especially hard for original ideas with games that do not have real characters in them.

I could tell where this was going after awhile. The voices are really well done and while there weren't that many, you seemed to really get the emotions done right. I am anticipating for the next X-Men parody. Congrats to Peter for this music, because it truly fit the theme. It just goes to show that short stuff can turn out great.

That's pretty good

I think this might be my favorite in the series. While there are a good number of jokes, I still don't think it has enough to qualify as a "Parody". This is still very enjoyable because the animation is just so wonderfully well done. It's amazing how much dimension you can give to this. I felt so sorry for the burning Pikachu at the beginning of this cartoon! I am just going to have to play this game eventually, no matter what it takes.

The voices are especially great. I think the best part is how the wise looking mentor has the voice of a kid. You claim that this would be nothing but "Star Wars" references, but the kid's name was a nice reference to "The Matrix" as well. As the monsters are nicely designed. If he took away the bucket, then they wouldn't be having buckets of fun.

A lot of fire ants

It helps that you guys manage to keep up the great animation. I think this is one of the few times where a collab was organized for something that kept a consistent story and art style. It's so nice to see all you talented people doing so much. There don't even seem to be that many voices in this, yet there are so many people credited! This really gives the sense that this website is a great community. Why would anyone order red ants like that?

Then again, the fish guy says they apprently have some use. It's funny to see this guy get more frustrated as it goes on. I can only imagine what horrors are going on inside that room. I really like how the guy has a girly voice at the end of the cartoon. It's great to see how this series is progressing so well and I hope you all continue to work on it.

Not that part

I don't think the part where the guy turned out to really be a king was real. What did work with this was how awesome it was to see this animation. It was pretty ridiculous, but was executed in a rather mundane way. In this sense, that's positive of course. I love the ending because it's easily the funniest part and you absolutely do not see it coming at all. The second best part is probably when he mentioned he might have come from an Asian culture.

There are so many things going on. Like the guy says that this is Like, The Fanciest Restaurant In The City, and that is the actual name. The voice acting was nice, especially the fat guy. I'm not a fan of fan people most of the time, but I felt like this was really someone I could root for. Well, you probably should have shoes on.

Great stuff

I still think the best thing about this is the logo at the beginning. It's wonderfully well done. It's great that you can do so much good experimenting with such a nice set of animation for everything. I didn't quite get most of the jokes because I don't think I've played this game. This reminded me of the Awesome series. While not as good as that, it really worked because it was just so great to see so many jokes going on.

It was fairly long for a parody. It really feels like you put a lot of hard work and effort into it. While it was fairly hard to follow, there was defintley a nice amount of detail put into it. I also really liked how the voices worked so well. It gives you a great sense that there was tons of nice emotion put into this well done parody.

ScottFalco responds:

Hey thanks man! And yes I love my logo, it's one of my favorite pieces I've done. Glad you enjoyed the animation

That was weird

Well, first the guy runs his son over the cliff and then they appear on the cliff? I guess I shouldn't try to make sense out of something comical like this. It actually looked like it was going to be something serious at first. I had no idea it was going to be about being gay. You should expect to see that on the Internet, of course. The music really set the mood off with how it was so pleasant while the humor was so dark.

That guy was so insane, I'm glad his pain lived on at the end. It seems like he was beating his son up and then fell off the cliff. This was a weird cartoon because the scenario was so mundane yet it got insane so quickly. I of course love it and the voices really show how funny it is. The animation, while not great, isn't bad.

CooliSushi responds:

Lol my humor is weird but thanks for the review :D

You son of a

I thought this was pretty good because the animation was nice. It's simply great to see such popular people together in one place. I love the Minecraft avatars the characters have. I really had no idea what kind of path this was going to take. It seemed like it might even be more serious at the beginning. Of course, it was silly of me not to look to see what genre it was. Shouldn't all of his followers showing up in Minecraft have been something good for him?

I simply have to play this to get used to the gameplay. I still don't quite get all the jokes. It's sad, because I've seen dozens of parodies here so you would think I'd know everything. I do wish that it could have been a bit longer because it seems like you didn't get a lot of jokes in. It's still a decent cartoon for what it is.

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