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What indeed

What I found to be really weird was how there weren't that many jokes. I do have to admire this because it has some really great animation. I assumed that it was going to be about making a Minecraft pony thing in the game itself. It kind of took a bit too long with the dialogue. It was still interesting to see how the characters played off each other. I think the designs are excellent and it's awesome to see a creeper riding Nightmare Moon.

I wonder what would happen if the FIM cast met humans. I really like seeing how everything flows so well. For something that ended with an explosion, for the most part, it was actually very calming with its music. I used to play piano, so I would know about it. I also like it how there's things in the background like that pig.

That was sweet!

It seems like there have been too many Minecraft parodies to count, but this works because it's so good! I really like the all around animation. It was so weird to see Link here when he really contrasted with the rest of the design. I was hoping for a scenario in which the chickens would revolt against the owner, but it never came. This is still great to look at. I think my favorite part would be when Link threw the bomb and the chickens all exploded.

It's amazing how many different ways there are to kill a chicken. I noticed that guy took an arrow to the knee. You made a Skyrim parody previously but then again, so did every other dang person on this website. What little voice there was was good. It seriously looks like there was a different artist who worked on designing Link.

Eh, what?

I was thinking there was going to be some twist ending, but there wasn't. In fact, I couldn't really understand the appeal of this that much. It was weird how the story was just everyone dying. Wow, this is one of the darkest things I've seen here and it seemed to serve little purpose. I do have to give you credit for creating some great animation. You rarely see black and white animation. The way the child cries is also good.

I especially think you have a great voice. You really do seem like you are telling a fairy tale, as the cartoon is itself about that. I guess if you're a fan of dark stuff, you have to give this a try! I was thinking it was going to be a reference to Michael Jackson given its title. I guess the moral is, it's better to not go to sleep than to die.

DieterTheuns responds:

Thanks for the review. The voice was codeblackhayate's though.

That was random

What I liked most about this how the voices were so suited. I could totally tell it was coming from someone who wanted to say like an insane pregnant cat. I love how the Grim Reaper has such a cold way of talking. When I first saw this Daily Feature winner, I had no idea you made it. It seems like you were looking for something even more bizarre than the kind of things you usually make. Now, for the bad parts.

I thought it kind of went on a bit too long and bit off a bit more than it could chew. Of course, I have always been a fan of random humor. Not one of your best, but for the most part, very good. It kind of makes you wonder why the Grim Reaper has a scythe when his touch can kill anything. Maybe it's just for show?

Pure satire

Mostly you guys make nothing but flashes based on video games, but this was kind of a nice change. You had previously tackled satire in your other submissions. I think this works because it tries to be not on either side. I can even see President Obama doing something like this. As usual, the super hot chicks helped everything. Geez, I swear you guys are freaking gods at drawing the hottest animated women!

I like how there's so many little things going on, like a Smurf or Carrot Top. The all around animation is simply fantastic. I think the whole "US of Whateva!" was actually a meme that started on this very website. I was expecting this to just be an audio version of the same song, but I loved how it was different. There was another website this was featured on and it was rated as "Whatever" I am dead serious.

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