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It's as cartoonish as ever! Please give this guy a name. I love it how you can just create new life. It makes sense to create a baby like that. I liked how this had a happy ending. Well, mostly.

It's like they really do become a family! The facial expressions are always good. It's like this guy is becoming more responsible. I wouldn't give alcohol to a baby either. It's fairly sweet.

I was actually disappointed that we didn't get to see the jobs. I was looking forward to that! Still, this was good. I especially like the animation. I love how their facial expressions move. It shows great detail.

I can associate with these guys. Well, I'm not a teenager but I am a vir...shutting up now. The running time was pretty good. I like when people bring up religion. I'm very into that.

I had no idea a start about a daredevil would lead to the building of a robot. It's great to see the guy slowly go nuts from playing the game. There are just so many jokes in this. I admit the robot boners joke was good. I even like the teacher. He seems like a pretty standard one.

It's great to see all the characters. I do miss this series. I wish there were more. Hey, this is the first review in nearly a decade! That's too bad.

Another great cartoon! I couldn't find an entry for this on the IMDb. I especially love the nail file joke. It helps that the animation is great. There's really a great story developing here. I'm becoming more used to StrawberryClock's catch phrase.

I miss the opening from the last movie. SBC has fingers when he's playing the game! This also works great as an action cartoon. It's great you can go through different genres. Again, good to see Pube Muppet like this.

I never watched "21 Jump Street", the show, that is. I did watch the movies based on them and they were absolutely hilarious! I love how straightforward this is. The most memorable bit may be the "Guinness World Records" joke. I just love the format. It seems like a real movie.

Even the intro was great. I'm glad to see Pube Muppet in a more dignified role. The stuff he's in is pretty formulaic. It's just great to see this world. I wish there were actual DVDs of this.

Dude, this was hilarious! I love the animation! Even the length was perfect. Wait, how can this be the first time they met? They seem to know each other well enough. I mean, they live together!

Love the Sugar Frosted Kidney Stones joke. For some reason, I always thought they kind of looked like cereal. The music was great too. I love all these goofy colors. It's just a very fun cartoon.

I thought this was a bit too short. It was still pretty funny. I liked the anvil joke. This didn't really set up the characters well. A first episode should do that. I did really like the self parody.

You know, the stick figure and the banana peel. The voices weren't bad. I love how you're promoting new animators to work with you. Did that happen? We always need more.

I love everything the therapy dog says. Well, maybe everything he thinks. I can't believe the rating is so low! This is so funny! Come to think of it, there isn't even a New Year's collection here. Why is that?

I mean, isn't it the holiday the most people celebrate? Everyone has a new year! I always love the dog's expressions. The funniest part might have been the kiss your mother joke. I'm glad this is becoming a series.

Think you should change your thumbnail. Well, everyone's doing that nowadays. I just loved this because of how twisted it was. The best bit was probably how casual he was. I love what you did with their mouths. At first, it didn't even seem like they had them.

It was more like a piece of flesh was dangling from their bodies. It's just a very effective cartoon. I assume the Firth here is David Firth. This does seem like something he would make. The animation is pretty similar.

This wasn't one of the best episodes. It was nothing but talking. It was still good. I appreciated the animation. This guy looked like a giant mushroom. The voices were fairly nice.

I like how he points out how everything is grey. Well, maybe he did in a previous episode. I haven't seen all of them. I like how coherent the story is. I guess I do wish there was color.

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