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Dang, the rating should be higher. I'm so impressed by this. It's mostly because I just love this guy's voice. He really does feel like an insecure guy. The dog's great too. I guess he can't tell what the dog is thinking either.

Therapy Dog looks like Toffee from "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil". Dang, I love that show. I have a lot of nipple hair. Uh, why'd I mention that? I do kind of wish there were more Tomorrow's Nobody episodes.

That was awesome! If nothing else, it made me feel better about myself. I don't have much money. I am able to use the toilet at least. I don't have a functioning oven anymore. It just stopped working one day.

Boy, thank God for the microwave! I like the length too. You really covered all bases. I've never lost the Internet. Well, it hasn't worked many times.

This was one of the best episodes. Are they episodes? I had no idea you'd make a cartoon where he had big ears. You just never run out of ideas! I loved how the jokes kept going on. I thought it would immediately end when he got the big eyes.

At first, I was wondering how big eyes would be a problem. I mean, he already had visible eyes. He had no visible ears! I'm starting to know these characters more. Congratulations on the Weekly 5th Place!

I didn't like this as much as most people, but it's still good. I like this animation style. That's really high resolution. You rarely see that with sprites. I do wish that it was longer. Well, it is the first episode.

You need it for setup. This reminded me of TTA. Wait, this series actually predates that. I guess you came up with it first. The action was good.

I was quite impressed by this. The third one's going to be the finale? That's not much for a series. Well, a series of short cartoons at least. The funniest part was the dialogue with Red Hedgehog and Stitch. Stitch sounded like Meatwad.

That's the name of the character from "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", right? I don't watch that show. I'm starting to feel more for these characters. They save each other! A pity the series isn't lasting long.

I loved seeing that live-action clip. I wanted to see more of Team Laser Explosion. Glad you did another cartoon about it! Well, it didn't really show them fighting crime, but it was still cool. I liked the occasional intelligible dialogue. It creates a good contrast.

Those kids look like miniature versions of Weebl and Bob. Well, I assume all their species look alike. What species are they anyway? I just like to see them in costumes. It's so cool.

I loved the stuff at the beginning. It shows how devoted you are to your work. I'm glad you showed both endings. Well, I'm more glad you showed the worst ending. I wish I had been around for that. That's true, they don't have fingers.

It was just nice to see you do something for the fans. Or rather, a fan or two. I thought the sound stopped at first in the original ending. I'm glad it was just a gag. This was quite unique for you.

I am very impressed at how this is no longer a comedy. Well, it is a new chapter. There wasn't that much action either. Then again, there were some comedic moments. It's good to know you can experiment with different genres. I will admit the animation could be better.

Some of the designs are kind of weird. It still works out though. It's great to see where a series starts. Well, there were other bits before. I like the "Chap" name. It's pretty goofy.

I admit that was too short. Honestly, it did a lot for its running time. I have a lot of time to watch it again to understand it. The animation is as good as ever. I don't know why those people suddenly died. Loved that ghost joke.

Well, what age was he when he died? That would be the better question. Wouldn't they not read numbers either? This was good for a quick laugh. Still could've been longer though.

This was one of the best episodes of Weebl and Bob. It helps that I'm into superheroes. I loved how there was a fair amount of action in this episode. Loved the Haggar sprite too. I felt the length was great for this too. Some of them are too short.

I like how the other characters speak normally. It gets a break from their weird language. They're just superheroes for really no reason. That's funny enough. I'm glad this was touched on in later episodes.

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