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This was absolutely amazing! I love how it's just a yellow shirt that causes all this. The guy who noticed him was wearing yellow sunglasses! I just love how much characterization you give him. The joke at the end was great too. I do wonder why they got into a cloud of violence.

It would make more sense to just shoot him. It's definitely more entertaining this way! I loved the unique way of showing off these characters. I couldn't even keep the death count as so many died in the beginning. I'm glad there was slow-motion of that. Happy Madness Day +3!

I thought this was a reference to "Mime And Dash". You know that cartoon, right? Well, Amy did talk at first. I love that little disclaimer at the end. When it started to get personal, I stopped reading. Yeah, I do hope they're 18.

Hey, I've seen way more messed up stuff online. I've seen way more messed up stuff here. If only she was Amy Rouge. The animation was great. I knew it wouldn't get too graphic.

Yes, I remember dial-up! It wasn't "Rollercoaster Tycoon" for me. It was actually "SimCity 2000". Boy, was it weird how you could put up the World Trade Center back then. I played "Jet Moto" too! I had no idea anyone even remembered that game! Well, lots of 90s games were forgotten.

I'm glad you were never exposed to actual porn. I assume it was as big back then as it is now. It's much easier to find hot women online. I wouldn't recommend that to kids of course. There's a fetish for literally everything.

It's weird how no deaths happen until 5 minutes in. The body count was only 12. This was still a great cartoon! It really was quite unique actually. I appreciated all the different colors. It really was one of the most colorful Madness cartoons ever made!

It seemed to be more focused on plot. That is unique for a Madness cartoon! Daily Feature a day after is still great. I guess the long haired person was a girl. It's hard to tell gender here. They are literally faceless!

Wow, that sure got dirty at the end. That's some disturbing merch! Anyway, this was beautifully animated. She comes off as such a real character. I liked all the text that was everywhere. You really wanted to pause it.

I'm glad nothing was freeze frame. I can associate with this girl. I'm glad I have a steady job as a dishwasher. This was a very clever little cartoon. I'm glad more have been made.

I admit I don't remember it being like "Madness Depredation" at the time. This, however made more sense as it went along. I remember everything with Jebus! It's weird, because I've heard that character referred to as Jebus or Jesus. I'll just call him Jebus. That was one of my favorite Madness cartoons!

Well, okay. Really ANY installment would get a perfect score from me. I'm glad it wasn't the exact same as the original. I'm so glad this has been a great Madness Day. I counted 81 kills.

For some reason, I just found this to be not quite as good as the first. I guess the anime designs are a little disturbing. You know, given how simplistic the original designs are. Then again, they did become more complicated as the series went on. You're not going to believe this. I am subscribed to both you and Almightyhans.

When I looked at new submissions by my favorites, I found how this is the EXACT cartoon that came after "Madness: Project Nexus [Trailer]". What a coincidence! This does still have amazing animation. It's always weird that I submitted my first review at nearly this exact date! Well, everyone loves Madness.

That was so awesome! I had no idea you could submit something not related to Madness on the holiday! You really deserve props for having something so creative. It was mostly just the same four images, but that didn't even matter. They were absolutely gorgeous. The river of blood was pretty scary.

It does warn us the game will be disturbing. It's impressive how far this series has come. I'm glad to have seen it develop. I'm also glad the text at the top was easy to read. Um...Happy Madness Day?

Does this deserve its spot as best submission for Madness Day 2021? You bet your ass it does! I would have been satisfied with just the live-action opening. Instead, you put tons of variety into this masterpiece. It could even be more like a short film than a trailer at first. Wow, actually Hans as Hank in that costume?

That was all visualized perfectly! I wish there was some way of slowing down the video so you could see all the details. Well, the actual game should be easier to understand. Wow, are these freaking amazing graphics! Happy Madness Day now and forever! That poor wasted hot dog.

I forgot his last name was Jolly. His family would be the Jollys! I was just amazed by the angles in this movie. The characters looked so three-dimensional. You know, instead of actually using CGI. This has been my favorite submission for this holiday!

A pity it's only one part. There's always different things you can do with the costumes. There really are some different colors in these cartoons. Thanks for listing "All that stayed" in the credits. Happy Madness Day 2021!

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