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This is a great cartoon, because I just love how you make fun of them like that. No, not the celebrities, the people making fun of them, or something. The animation is good too. I really recognize the voices as I've been watching HotDiggedyDemon's cartoons lately. People probably would do this eventually. It reminds me of TMZ.

I've never watched that obviously, just heard about it. She was slightly older than I was. It seemed like this was something different from you. I'm glad it all worked out. Egoraptor should have at least been listed as an author.

Oh, Hotdiggedydemon worked on this too? I had no idea those two guys were friends or maybe they just know each other. It really does sound like something from a radio show. I guess all recordings are "real". This just seemed like something appropriate for the occasion. I do think it was a bit insensitive to say his name.

I did kind of wonder why he was laughing like that. The actual content didn't seem so funny. I guess it really did bring up a nice punchline in the end. It was good to see cartoon versions of these people. They look funny.

Wow, that was really weird. At first, I thought it might be a parody or something. It just seemed like it was too clichéd at first. I mean, it did get better. I actually felt bad for these characters. It just wasn't what I was expecting.

I think it did work out in the end. Well, obviously not in universe. It was weird to see her panties like that. Uh...Happy Valentine's Day? It's almost Thanksgiving anyway.

This was a very good cartoon! I was a bit disappointed it was left hanging, but then again it would be continued later. I appreciated all the little details put into everything. At first, I thought it was going to be about that old guy who would be the main character. It really wasn't.

I guess it was unpredictable that way. The credits seemed to go on a bit too long. This definitely has potential. It helps that the animation is great too. I like the title too.

PiratePudding responds:

Thank you very much, I'm happy you liked the film! :)
We're a very small team, so we can't make the whole film in one go, but the next part is on the way!
If you'd like to help us get it out fater, please have a look at our patreon campaign, every little bit helps.

I have to compliment you on having a short loop win an award. It does seem like a bit of a waste. I mean, I can just see your other cartoons that have stuff like this. I think the guy's face was a snowman. I will give you points for being creative. It seems more like a test.

There are other websites where this would be more suitable. The sounds and music are quite good. All short loops are going to be annoying after awhile. I can certainly recognize your style. I just now noticed the elbow nipples.

I liked this, but I didn't quite understand it. Maybe if I was into Dark Souls, I would. It's still quite watchable. The best thing about it is probably how well it's acted. Yeah, you generally don't want live-action stuff here, but this was nice. It had SOME cartoon stuff in it.

The music was pretty good. I liked how it was fairly creative. I really didn't know what would show up next. I can see your face in this. That's you in the suit, right? I'm more used to seeing (hearing?) you as a voice actor.

I found this to be pretty weird, but it still wasn't bad. I think the best part was how good the animation was. This seems different than the usual stuff you guys work on. It's been so long it's hard to tell. Now that I think about it, I think this is like some of your other stuff. The music's quite good.

It looks like you're experimenting with something new. It seems like this has potential. I guess I just like your other cartoons more. You have made a wide variety of stuff. I guess I just didn't see how this was that funny.

I didn't think this was that good at first. It really did get better the more it went on. I thought the artwork was quite good. I would have liked it more if it was not just single pictures. It still delivers its message, though. As a guy who's currently going through COMPS, I know what this is like.

If this is your story, I hope it works out for you. I certainly hope it works out well for me too! I got sad seeing you (or him) fail at the end. That's just how it goes sometimes. This had a lot of heart.

I was quite impressed by this! It confused me how the animation seemed to be the same. I assumed that since there were so many people credited it was a collab. I guess it wasn't. It's still a great cartoon, if only because of how insane it is. I thought the animation was great.

Everything just flowed wonderfully. I don't think I saw the first one. It couldn't have been crazier than this! I had no idea it was just in his imagination. Well, not quite in the end.

WooleyWorld responds:

It was a lot of voice actors. I was the only animator.
You don't have to watch the first one to get this one, I don't reckon. :p

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