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Well, I think it did have problems in that it went on a bit too long. It's still a good cartoon. It was nice to see how unique everything was. It's just nice to see you clocks again. It has been so long since I've seen Tricky the clown. I haven't even seen the Madness version of him in a long time.

I appreciate you guys celebrating the Halloween spirit. I don't recall that many Halloween flashes right on the day. Then again, I haven't been reviewing in a long time. It's great to be back! I'm glad to have come across this.

I guess this could be thought of as a sort of softcore hentai. I was amazed by it. I had no idea that would happen. At least there wasn't anything too graphic about it! The animation was wonderful. I didn't know Sonucais was the writer.

I just know him for sprite work. Everything flowed so nicely here. I knew there'd be someone being bitten in the end. It worked well with no dialogue! I've been seeing many good short cartoons here.

I was certainly not expecting that! It looks like you're taking a break as it's been a few days. I'm glad, because it's hard getting caught up on everything! I love the animation and voice. I don't know if she's May or Sapphire or whatever. The music was probably the best.

I wish I knew the name of that blue cloud bird pokemon. I really have forgotten a lot of them. I just now notice how they have no noses. It's an anime thing. Or I guess a video game thing in this case.

Yeah, you won Daily Feature! You made so many of these I knew you would eventually. I personally didn't think this was the best, though. I love the animation as usual. The voices are top notch as well. Brock's was probably the best.

I imagine it would be hard for him to see like that. I thought it was quite faithful to the pokemon style. It still worked fine as a parody. I love how Red never talks. That's Red, not Ash, right?

naysu responds:

yep thats Red alright. Based on the Twitch series that ended a while back. thanks!

I have no clue if this is a real game. What I do know is that this is very funny. The best part was probably how good the animation was. This is the longest cartoon you've made here. It allowed for more great gags. I really was able to keep up with it well.

It was just great to see the characters' reactions to everything. Cream was probably the best. There's a reason Omochao hasn't appeared in any adaptations. I really had no idea where this was going. I'm glad it was something really cool.

naysu responds:

hey thanks a lot! :D great feedback

Another great cartoon! I will say it would seem to make more sense if you just submitted them all in one collage. I would think you'd have the brandwith for that. The animation was awesome. It was great to see that Magikarp again. It was the same one, right?

The music was awesome too. I wasn't expecting it to be that good. You'd be surprised what you can do in such a short time. Like your other cartoons, short, but sweet. The colors were great too.

Dude, I loved this! I admit that it isn't one of the best cartoons, but it was great! I think it was mostly because of how simple it was. I really do like to see the pokemon in an environment like this. From a distance, they do look like real animals. Not a fan of those Untoon things.

My favorite was probably the Sharkpedo. I was surprised at how many I could recognize. With over 700, it's hard for ANYONE to. The music was wonderful as well. At least this won some positive award.

naysu responds:

I love visualising them like this too, maybe it's cause I love wildlife, anyway thank you for the feedback!

It seems like it's been awhile since you've submitted something here. I knew there was going to be a whore (the word) at the end of that one verse. It's weird to see how this is part of a story. I remember the music videos you worked on as having no plot. I don't quite remember the other episodes. Well, at least it's great to look at.

And I mean that! The visuals in this are awesome! It has some of the brightest colors I've ever seen in one of your cartoons! It's great to see these characters again. Uh, Happy Halloween I guess?

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers ericho.

Wow, that was crazy! I'm certainly glad I saw it. Happy Halloween! I'm sorry I was too late for this. I feel like I should have seen this on the front page earlier. I do appreciate how colorful everything is.

A lot of those monsters looked like pokemon. I guess there are just so many of them nowadays, it's hard to keep up with them all. The voice acting was nice too. You really did just go on and on with this. I'm glad the pacing was so relentless.

I always love a good Pokémon cartoon! I had no idea you would work on this. I am glad you don't just do Sonic stuff. This was certainly better than the last one. It's because it's much longer and is funnier. I really had no idea what would happen.

The best part was the end. I just loved how I had no idea Gyarados would appear. I also had no idea Magikarp would appear after that! Uh, Happy Halloween? I need to say that to someone.

naysu responds:

thank you! :) I have done quite a few pokemon shotrs now, and one that has begun a series. Im steadily uploading them one a day from my youtube channel untill I have caught up. :)

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