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I loved this cartoon! It has some of the most innovative animation I've ever seen! It seems like this series only gets better and better as it goes along. I still don't understand it, but I don't care! Everything is just so wonderfully set up. I have little doubt the final chapter will be even more insane.

This is why you're so popular here. The colors are absolutely gorgeous. The sketchbook setting makes it all the better. The sounds are wonderful too. The designs of every one of these creatures is wonderful and unique! It's why I love this website!

I think it's great that you're back here! I wish you hadn't been away for so long. I didn't even know about the other cartoons you worked on. I'm glad to have come by this. Well, it really was too short. It didn't seem like it was a collab at all. Just something FOR a collab.

It's still not bad. I do love your art style. Yeah, I have fun making fun of Rouge's figure too. The voices were pretty spot on. I just wanted it longer.

There was little doubt the series wouldn't end. I knew Gaylord had some more tricks up his sleeve. I appreciate the animation and voice work. This really is a great episode. It's nice to finally see him get beaten. It doesn't last, but it's good to look at.

TNT cannons are awesome! It really does make you want to see more of this series. The exploding creeper was nice too. I forgot about the thumbnail until it showed up in the cartoon. That's a funny meme.

Yeah, another Halloween cartoon! I was impressed by how good the animation was. I couldn't help but think this was a parody. I mean, it's not in the tags! I also love the voices. The fact that he passed down free candy to be more athletic means something.

I wish I had that willpower. I was thinking the same thing with the exorciser. Come on, everyone was! Thanks for lighting up this year's Halloween! It really get into the depth of the main character.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks a lot!

This cartoon certainly delivered. At first, I thought it was really mean how this guy just shot himself at the beginning! Luckily, it did get much better. I really did understand the loyalty these two guys had. I wish I knew enough about the games to know their names. I think the demons are just, well demons.

The animation was quite good. I do think it was a bit too short. I think you should have made this all into one compilation. That even kind of seems like the intention. Well, it worked out well.

This really does make me realize how few Halloween stuff I've seen lately. I guess most of my favorite authors just aren't submitting stuff. I really appreciate how good the animation is. The song is wonderful too. It reminds me why I love zombies so much. Even the title is nice and simple.

The colors work really well too. I think it's just the right amount of length too. Music videos are like that. Happy early Halloween! I wish more people made good horror stuff like this!

It's been awhile since I've seen the Xiao Xiao cartoon. I loved the reference to Animator Vs. Animation IV. Damn, that really is good. The animation was as good as ever. I remember the crazy girl from before! This was quite faithful to the original cartoon.

The sounds were really nice too. I really do like this series, as most people do. Could you do Madness Combat next? Eh, you probably don't take requests. Still wonderful.

Dude, I don't see why this isn't in the Top 50! Welcome to this website, you wonderful artist! I love the animation in this. It really does remind me of the Ren and Stimpy style. John K. would be proud of you! It's the best Halloween cartoon I've seen this year!

The music and sounds were just perfect too. It also wasn't too violent or anything. I knew things would be great from seeing that cartoonish cat! Everything flows so wonderfully. Welcome to this website, new friend!

TravelBySheep responds:

Thanks a lot! And I feel welcomed.

I couldn't help but think this was a ripoff of "Monsters Inc". Then again, I think the idea of monsters like this isn't that original. I really appreciated the animation in this. I even thought it gave a good message at the end. He really didn't have to change himself to pass. Or it was something like that.

I loved how there was no dialogue. You really did let the actions tell the story. Is that Ghost Rider? I didn't know he was always like that. A very well done cartoon.

Yep, I freaking love this cartoon. You probably make the best Pokémon related stuff I've ever seen! It's funny to see Gatomon like that. I guess she does kind of look like Meowth. I guess you could still call her a mon. Then again, she is female...

Anyway, the animation in this was fantastic. It helps that the song this is based on is so awesome! It's hard to go wrong with a parody of it. You got the scenes in the film done just right! If CGI ever comes common place here, I hope you lead the way! I liked hearing their voices.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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