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I am sorry, but I did not like this. It was pretty much just one screen with nothing happening. Okay, there were some things that happened. There was this nice little pumpkin in the background. It doesn't really help that there's nothing else going for it. I guess the music wasn't bad.

There are much better Halloween related things out there on this website. I don't know how to use action script. I just review lots of stuff. I expect more going on. It was quite unentertaining.

Rovertarthead responds:

Well I wrote in the description it was supposed to be a countdown timer till Halloween starts and it's supposed to be counting down to that day but the action script of the numbers is the only part that's not working because I cannot get it to work. And it's also meant to be a countdown timer to play the next animation that I'm projecting on the window of my house for Halloween. That's why there's nothing after the timer.

I thought this was really good! It helps that the animation is so wonderful. It seems like it was made by HappyHarry. It looks straight out of something like Starbarians. It's still great in its own right. I just like the reversal they're giving. Wasn't expecting Master Chef to show up.

Then again, he's in everything nowadays. The sounds and voices were really good. RicePirate's so good. Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone here is gay. I liked how it all just stops with the gay hate.

I loved this cartoon! It really is something that I can associate with. Hell, I think this is something MOST people can associate with! The visual metaphors were simply brilliant. I am so glad that you made such a tender and heartwarming cartoon. I hope we can all learn from it!

The colors were fantastic as well. You didn't have to be too elaborate with this. Just show us human nature. I loved every second of it. I hope you become well recognized for this masterpiece. It really made my day.

I have to admit that I didn't quite understand this. I guess it probably wasn't supposed to be funny int he strictest sense. I do admit that the animation is quite good. The best part really is at the end. You get to see all these cool styles. Again, don't quite get the joke.

I still understand what you are at least doing. Women are a sensitive topic on the Internet. Was that comment sexist itself? That alien was funny. Happy month of Halloween!

I loved this! I recognize some of your previous cartoons. I really do love it how serious they are. You have shown how wonderful you can be with animation. I knew he was going to turn out like that in the end. It's still fantastically done though. I appreciate how good the voices are and everything.

The tone is set up wonderfully. I really do feel tension rising up. The fact that you used it as a cartoon is wonderful. You perfectly use the medium. I had no idea it was going to be that bad. Thank you for this wonderful and unique cartoon!

Wow, I really am in no way familiar with this game. Or it could be an anime or something. I appreciate how good the artwork is. I guess they got an egg at the end. It didn't look like those would hatch into anything, anyway. Then again, I don't know how that biology works.

It's been awhile since I've seen an egg fight like that. Or, really any egg fight period. I did feel bad for some of these guys. The colors were very nice in this. The capitalization in the title was a bit weird.

Congradulations! You currently have the highest rated flash for Clock Day 2014! Then again, I think it's also the highest rated Clock cartoon period! I was waiting for something like this. I will admit that this went on a bit too long. I admit it actually is pretty creative.

I don't know who the live-action faces belong to. It's certainly unexpected. It's a bit hard to understand that tentacle guy. I hope we can keep the Clock Crew alive. That music at the end is pretty annoying.

Oh wait, I thought this was another video. Sorry, I never watched the original cartoons to begin with. Well, this looked like something to review at least. Yeah, I'm not a fan, so I won't contribute. I will admit that you have good animation. It's obviously based on the Fractured Fairy Tales segments.

You seem to get it down pretty well. The voices were nice too. I'll probably never donate money like this again. I like the title. Other people will like this more.

TalesofStuff responds:

Thanks anyway!

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