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This was probably the best in this jam. It's mostly because of how long it was. It seemed more like a commercial at first. You know, for Pico O's. There's so many cereals out there, they probably have one like that anyway. At last he didn't set the milk on fire!

Yeah, that was a Simpsons joke, I believe. I haven't seen Blockhead in a long time. Well, series can't go on forever. The animation was really slick and authentic. You deserve your score!

That was nice for a little cartoon. I don't know if I've seen just two Newgrounds characters together. I mean, usually it's a bunch of them. Well, it's short anyway. Nowadays, we just watch stuff on the Internet. You know, like I'm doing right now!

I never did much channel surfing. I mean, you know what channel has your favorite shows, right? It's older. Well, we do have the VHS option filter now. This was fine.

pepperly responds:

Back in my day, video game consoles only worked on channel three.

Hey, this deserves its high score! It's probably my favorite of these bumps. It reminds me of the Adult Swim ones. The animation was great! I'd love to see longer stuff from you. This was just a good little cartoon.

Three contributors for something so short? That's pretty rad. Oh, I just realized you mentioned a ten minute movie. See, there IS longer stuff from you! I like this CGI puppet thing.

BrandyBuizel responds:

Lucky for you that 10 minute film just dropped today!

Aww, I thought this was going to be a video based on "Headin' On Down To Newgrounds". The title just made me think that. It's still pretty nice. Hard to think of a jam for something so short. I like how you showed the little animation. It reminds me of "Dick Figures".

This is great artwork. Wow, a game and movie submitted on the same day? You're awesome! You've probably consistently made stuff here more so than any other contributor. Nice to see something peaceful with Darnell.

Luis responds:

oh this isnt for the animation jam itself, its just a plug for it!

Dang, if you uploaded every episode, it would have one of the biggest collections here. I'd have to say I love the new animation! They look more like toddlers. I...guess that makes it more mature. I liked those little skits or things in between, especially the live-action one! How is it even a stereotype if the Irish, Russians and Native Americans all do it?

Those aren't even in the same place! Everyone just likes getting drunk. I admit to knowing nothing about hacking even though I constantly go on the Internet. Wasn't "Dumb Babies" a term coined by Rugrats? Elon Musk is STILL everywhere I guess.

Yeah, too short to really like. I did like how it was an imitation of "Animator Vs. Animation". Wait, I didn't understand the Roadrunner parody at first. I mean, I didn't get that vibe from it at all. It's weird how this jam has a generic picture as a thumbnail. Well, this at least made it.

It's still nice how you had the VHS filter. I'll never let go of "A Charlie Brown Christmas"! Saturday morning cartoons are ones we'll always remember. This just didn't deliver the spirit well. It could have been more cartoonish.

That's odd. According to the current score, this is lower than "Pico And The Masters Of The Universe", but not in the Saturday Morning section. Whatever, this is great. It helps that I love "Courage The Cowardly Dog". I understood the "Salad Fingers" parts too. The animation was great too.

I was sad that CTCD never got as popular as something like "The Powerpuff Girls". I mean, it still has the highest rating of any of those early Cartoon Network shows. Why wasn't it the most popular?! While minimalistic, still very entertaining. Did Courage air on Saturday mornings?

Very funny! I'm glad to see this new jam. I'm reminded of other submissions that have a VHS-like quality. I especially loved seeing the roles being filled up well. Oh, I get the Burnt Face Man joke. He's called gay in his own cartoons.

That joke seemed to be more for Pico as He-Man. I personally am annoyed by constant jokes about characters being gay. Maybe it would have been nice to see the fight. It still delivers its jokes personally. I never cared about He-Man but acknowledge that it's fairly popular.

JCaluger responds:

Thank you. I really appreciate this critique.

Oh, this was for another jam. As far as bumps go, this was great! It's always nice to see these characters together. This jam doesn't have its own section. It probably will eventually. The animation was of course amazing.

You can show a lot in something so short. A music video? It's really too short for one. Well, I have heard of shorter music videos. No, I am not kidding.

What is it with everything being short on this website nowadays? Still, this was one of the better of them. It's mostly because you create a great setup. That transforming tank is awesome! I just wish there was more of it. This website's getting higher rated cartoons than ever!

Tankmen can be celebrated at any time. Well, really anything can be celebrated here any time. Except you know, actual holidays. It seems like it's been awhile since I've seen a cartoon from you, MindChamber. You've been here a very long time.

MindChamber responds:

there's a lot of bumpers being uploaded for the collab, but I promise once I get my life in order more lengthy cartoons will be worked on

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