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This is so awesome!

I think this is one of your best submissions, if only because I love those groundcats. When I first saw the title, I thought it was going to be a parody of Groundhog Day. I know it was too late for that. Besides, it's Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday on the day it was submitted. I was so happy to see those crazy guys at the end of the cartoon. Michael Swain is fantastic as always. I also love how the birds have so much detail put into them.

There could have been some more action, but it was still hilarious. I have never played the "Angry Birds" game on iPhone. This is mostly because I do not have an iPhone of any kind. Continue to make awesome stuff like this as wacky as ever. It was just so fun to watch because of how the colors were so wonderfully bright.

So good

I'm surprised this didn't win a higher award. What struck me about this as being really cool was how relentless the shop guy was. The funniest thing was probably how he kept doing it even after the customer apologized to him. I don't even think I've ever bought a video game like this before, but then again most of those stores are closed anyway. I wonder if you get video games like you do like movies now? The animation was fantastic as always.

It's always great to see new stuff by my favorite animators. I just have so many here. The voices are done very nicely and they have a great emphasis on putting emotion in the voices. I like how the characters look kind of cardboard cutty, but manage to move well and still have depth. I appreciate all your different ideas.

That's nuts!

Woah, this is one of the craziest things I've ever seen in awhile! It wasn't so much that there was a lot of crazy stuff going on, as it was the animation was ridiculous. This is like the strangest Ren And Stimpy-esque animation I've ever seen. I see some great things for you, dude! There is so much detail put into all of the characters' faces and it looks great! It also helps that the voices are completely spot on and great to listen to.

I don't know if some of the things the pastor said are physically possible. It seems like he speaks in word salads. I hope this gets the recognition it deserves. It's simply wonderfully abstract even if there aren't that many crazy things going on. There is just so much good emphasis placed on letting the faces tell the emotions.

Different, but great

I think this one of the most unique things you have ever submitted. What's really great is how you didn't have a narrator or any dialogue for this one. It kind of makes you realize how stupid the people of the town are in these stories. You have proven that there's a guy who can control things and you double cross him? I should have known there wouldn't be a happy ending here. Again, I don't see how this is comedy.

I like how it had the feel of an old silent movie. I have only seen a few of those and they have been great. While it wasn't around Halloween, it certainly had the feel of something creative. You should know that all the girls in these cartoons never come out right. It makes me realize, that I don't think you've ever done one with a boy.


I really have no idea about the previous installments of this series, but it's just great to see this. I think its strongest point is probably how the animation is so good. You really get the sense that you're in this adorable little world. I love the cute little blue raccoon. I really like how his dream came true. I was expecting a cartoon that had cute little animals in it wasn't going to be all that realistic, just heartwarming.

I like how it looks like it's a giant cookie in the beginning. You go on to see how cool this cartoon turns out to be. I also think the sounds are freaking adorable, particularly when the raccoon gets sad. It seems like you were influenced by Cuboy or Minecraft with how some of the trees are designed to be all cube looking. There are many nice styles used here.

inkbyte responds:

Wow, thanks for that amazing review! This is the type of attention to detail we gave to this cartoon and we wanted it to appeal to the senses (we're still working on the smell, it's a toughie)!

Don't understand this

It's a pity you reloaded this and received such a low score. I can understand why you might be mad because there isn't much going on here. I think the biggest mistake was probably how you didn't have a background of any kind. That is always something you should have in a flash with actual movement. What I also didn't like was how the animation wasn't that good. The gray cat himself was moving so poorly in this.

It's not the worst, but that isn't saying that much, I suppose. I guess the way you mispelled "cate" was part of the joke. I have seen some other stuff by you and can recognize your hot dog avatar. The choice of music seemed rather odd. I think the only thing I liked was that the intro with the Start buttons was good.

It's great to see him

The specific rumor was that Mario was designed to look like Joseph Stalin. Of course, I also heard that Dr. Robotnik was designed to look like Theodore Roosevelt, so is that propoganda too? There have been a lot of funny parodies that portray the Mario series in a much darker way. This is one of the best and suitably one of the most well known. What really works is how utterly gorgeous this animation is.

It may be the most realistic Mario I've ever seen. It's a bit hard to show a Mario cartoon when it's based on a sidescroller but you did it fairly well. I especially love how exaggerated the action is with all the blood and everything. I think my favorite part is seeing the sledge hammer hit the box. That really shows off the dimensions well.

Nicely done!

I found it strange to have a cartoon with scene selection that was only a few minutes long. Still, I have to give this cartoon credit for being truly awesome! It is great to see all of this awesome action going on. While I've seen hundreds of stick stuff before, this is still great. I think the best part might be how well you are with the shading and shadows. It really gives a three dimensional appearance to this cartoon.

I have unfortunately never heard of this game before. With all the parodies and tributes going around, you'd think I'd know every video game. The sounds are wonderfully done and they all sync up so well. It's a typical awesome stick flash cartoon on this website. There are so many cool bits, like when he defeats all of them when they pile up on him.

Not bad

I guess I'm just so used to Madness flashes being longer, I didn't like this as much as most people. The coolest thing about this is probably when you show the dancing at the end. It's always sweet to see different designs with these characters. In case anybody is wondering, the body count is eleven. Then again, I'm not sure what the end of the cartoon was supposed to mean, so it might be thirteen. That has to be the zombie to set the record for most headshots survived.

The sounds and everything else are quite authentic to the Madness series. The animation is on part with most other tributes. I do wish that you would have done something with the trollface. I would have liked to see that guy be killed, because he's a troll! I like how the backgrounds have different shades, if that's even what you can call them.

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