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I thought it was going to end at 2:40. I'm sure glad it didn't! It was just so great to see your animation again! I thought it would end again at 5:44. I guess this was just four parts. First, the setup.

Then, the action. Then, the aftermath and then the credits. I'm glad this gildedguy is an actual character. Give him his own section! This cartoon was amazingly fantastic like most of your other cartoons! With all the egg/FNF stuff lately, this was refreshing.

I loved this because of its point. You don't get vaccines, so you die from not getting them! Uncle Terry? I thought this would be about getting molested by an uncle. There really are a lot of uncles who do that. As always, I love this rotoscoping.

That's the technique, right? Rotoscoping? Anyway, the voice is great too. I just appreciate how how emotion is put into it. Please don't delete this submissions like "Numa Numa Dance"!

That was odd, but great. I wasn't expecting a "Looney Tunes" reference. Then again, there is "Space Jam" out. Nice Donald Duck reference! A pity Donald wasn't in "Space Jam". Disney is just better with huge crossovers, I guess.

I loved seeing this animation. I'm glad there were no jokes about duck penises. I don't see that with Daffy for some reason. It was so authentic to his voice! What a nice little cartoon. These jams never stop.

"Where is our heroin now?" Wherever you left it. This was awesome. Everyone's done everything here nowadays. It was weird to see a female tankman. Or should I say a tankwoman?

I know Pikanjo did something like that. It was weird to see one with huge boobs in that cartoon. Back to this one. This was pretty long for a Saturday Morning submission. We don't have eggs for breakfast on Saturday. That would be a good jam combination.

What a great cartoon! I have never heard of this game before. It certainly looks awesome! I can always appreciate when people give credit to something more obscure. This should satisfy everyone. It might be the most serious cartoon you've ever made.

I can always count on you for great cartoons. I was maybe disappointed it was short. It still had great credits. I don't know what was going on there, but it was still great. Damn, this website's on a roll lately!

Dick Pound? Don't judge people based on their names! Well, maybe here you can. Thanks so much for that live-action bit. Asians really do hate being compared to each other. We need more anime mascots.

I admit that I don't really follow the Olympics. Well, after I lost cable at least. I love how casual the conversation is. It's like Creature Comforts with babies! The Japanese really are good at baseball, you know. That's one long panning out shot.

Hmm, that was pretty strange. I'm just going to call the character Dawn. I've never played the mainstream games. This really wasn't about vore. I'm glad of that! That looked like a Red Gyarados.

I know that was something from the games. The animation was quite good. I guess this just needed more of a story? No, it could have used more jokes. It's still definitely good.

It's been too long since you've submitted something! I'm so glad to be looking at how unique this was. I haven't played any of the newer games. The animation was great of course. I knew he'd get that heart in the end. You know, you could look at my avatar...

I hope to see more stuff from you. The enemies really stood out here as well. There's a good amount of action in this short comedy. Everything's just so cute here. I haven't seen your stuff in a long time.

I loved this because of how, uh unexpected it was. I mean, I wasn't thinking it would be that dark. I'm also glad it wasn't too long. I thought this would be another Saturday Morning cartoon submission. I loved how you show these vectors. It makes you appreciate the work and effort put into it.

How can you call the police if you're dead? This was different than most of your cartoons. You deserve credit for Daily Feature with everything else being about eggs or Saturday Mornings lately. It's still a very impressively laid out cartoon. This might even be a series.

Oh, I get the title now. I like how quaint this is. You know, with how it's just about painting. The animation is still amazing of course. We just need to have a Newgrounds channel on TV. Oh wait, a better thing would be like NewgroundsFlix!

Whatever, this is awesome! I don't think Clock Day has given us this many high rated cartoons. I'm so glad this creativity will never die out. This is actually kind of a sad cartoon. I'm glad to be watching it.

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