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I have to admit I didn't quite understand this. I guess I had to have seen (or read) "Batman Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". It was quite unpredictable. The voices were quite appropriate. I realize how more distinct their personalities are. You know, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

This actually seemed to have a different style of animation. It seemed less cartoonish. I guess it's that I'm used to dot eyes from you. Well, these are guys wearing masks. That's a long sentence for something with no capitals.

I loved the CGI! Maybe there could have been more action, but this was still great. My favorite part was when he moved the bullet. I doubt that would work in real life. I do like the small details everywhere. That can be more blatant in CGI.

Everything's quite authentic. It's not artificial! Damn, we got some great Madness flashes this year. I can barely count them all! At least this got frontpaged.

It wasn't completely pointless. It's still good, just not great. Well, the rating seems to say otherwise. The body count was only six. For something so short, that's still not bad. My favorite was the second guy.

Well, not too many guys to choose from. The animation is quite authentic. It is too short. I've seen way more pointless things. It's good for something short.

By flashback, I'm not sure if you mean it happened in a previous episode. I thought it was a dream. These designs are great. It's nice to see women in this. It looks more like the Civil War, not World War II. The deaths are pretty good.

Congratulations on your Review Crew Pick! That seems pretty late to get that award. That's fairly impressive. Maybe it's more like the Cold War. I'm glad no women were raped.

I really did love this. It's probably Xploshi's best cartoon. It's mostly because of how insane it is. Okay, these aren't the most original of jokes. Willy Wonka is frequently a sociopath. I think it explicitly happened in some musical.

The animation is what makes it. I do realize why people are creeped out by Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka. Everyone dies again. My favorite was the liquid nitrogen bit. Veruca should have gotten worse punishment.

I actually knew about the Chinpoko word before. It was the name of the "South Park" episode about "Pokemon". And yes, I knew that's where they got the name from. You know, it would be funny if you taught Mandarin. The most common last name is "Wang". Actually, that's the most common last name in the world.

And you wonder why the Chinese and Japanese never get along. Actually, all Asians hate each other. Well, North Koreans hate everyone. I appreciate this animation as always. I will admit that it's getting a bit redundant at this point, but still entertaining.

That was unexpected. Well, not the cock jokes. I just wanted it to be more violent. It's actually still pretty original. Wow, Tankmen was back in 2006? I am old.

Maybe a bit too short. Well, these are good for quick laughs. I'm glad it didn't get too graphic. One of these dildos is razor. That must be painful.

Rees303 responds:

Yup them Tankmen get freaky with the razor one! Appreciate your continued insightful reviews after all these years!

Zombies have appeared in this series all the time. This is still a unique look for them! I can't believe someone could still come up with original ideas for these characters! It was the zombies in this case. It's odd how something with no voice actors can have so many credits. The animation is as good as ever.

I guess we haven't had that many Madness cartoons about an actual zombie plague. This one didn't focus on deaths that much. Well, it was still quite graphic. I like the crosses under their eyes. It fits the structure.

I have to admit that I was expecting more of a punchline. This was still perfectly serviceable. I bet it's not the most serviceable thing I could ge...whatever. The animation was great. Breast milk is a meme now? I mean, I guess all milk comes from breasts.

I just never thought of cows as having breasts. I think goats might be more popular. This character does seem like a cow. The subtitles got repetitive. That may have been the point.

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