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Great to see LegendaryFrog still here! Anyway, this was a great cartoon. I remember the Cinema Snob reviewing at least two movies about talking vaginas. Yeah, that was a thing at one point. I'm not going to mention the Channel Awesome controversy. Wait, did I just do that?

I love the animation. It's probably because it's so great to see cats portrayed so well. I just love cats so much. I'm glad all the episodes are here. Will this website make new pages for series?

Aww, I wish this had more jokes. It was still hilarious for what it was. You really could go on forever with that sex talk. Wow, is that guy cruel. I really do like the animation. It doesn't seem to have that much of an ongoing story.

It's just something about the 1.5 title. You went many places with this series. Well, there weren't enough entries for a series. It's short, but very funny. At least there was some progression.

That was hilarious! I knew I was in for something good with the opening joke. I was afraid the cartoon would end right there. I believe there's another Clock flash about "The Passion Of The Christ". You guys like your religious movies! The animation was great.

It was great to hear a regular voice. I loved the Snake joke. I knew he was coming. I do kind of miss epic Clock Day flashes. I liked the links at the very end as I've never seen that in a Clock Day cartoon before.

I was very impressed by this! We get great animation from everybody. Sonucais is my favorite of the animators. It's hard to pick a favorite part of the cartoon. It flows together quite well. I saw that ending at another Clock Day submission.

It's a good ending. It's nice to hear them speak normally every now and than. The lyrics seemed to be English. I thought you were making it like Animutation. Music's great.

At 1:30, Seymour looks like Spike from "Cowboy Bebop". How does this not have a higher score? I loved it! It helps that I'm big into the "steamed hams" meme. I'm not even that big a fan of "The Simpsons". Well, I've seen few episodes during the Golden Age.

It's hard to pick a favorite scene. I'm glad you credited everyone at the end. I do wish you'd show them under Credits & Info. Great to know a person as talented as you is still here! I can always expect something new. It just gets better as it goes along.

His real name is Adam?! He's really 14?! I know he was called by Coolboyman on another account. I didn't know that was his original account. Well, I don't know if I can trust this. I like the "A" joke.

Unless it's true and he did start off with "A". I guess you could say "B" was a B-Movie! I love the stinger too. That means post credits scene. It's nicely animated.

I love the storybook opening. I thought I would have to click everything in the beginning. I could see this being a real picture book. Well, without the swearing. I especially loved the jokes insulting the people who didn't like it. I think this was the biggest Clock Day ever.

A pity it never got better. It actually is kind of an uplifting story. It shows how you can always make friends who appreciate you. I still don't remember Clock Day 2002-2004. Glad we got what we got.

I thought this was enjoyable, but the animation was weird. It's mostly because it comes off as cheap. It actually does look good in some places. I especially like the teeth. I should have paid more attention. I could have been more invested in the story.

I like the little message at the end. The length was fairly good too. Well, people liked this series well enough. It was fine. Spider legs are always cool.

I recognize that boss disappear sound effect from "Super Mario World"! That's my favorite video game! Wouldn't two monocles just be regular glasses? The girl sounds like an old lady. I doubt he'd be interested in her. Love the MS paint joke.

I mean, that's how you do some stuff here. It's interesting to see the story progress. It's weird, because it's really goofy but does have something going on. The talking axe goes along well. It's weird that you use "Epi" in the title.

I love Chase's unique appearance. Dead cat joke? At least they had cute names. As usual, this is just great joke after great joke. I could simply describe everything that's going on. The toilet joke was great.

I never looked for houses or at least my parents never did. We always had a new house built whenever we moved somewhere. It's hard to have this many jokes for something so long. That's what makes it so impressive. I love David and Chase's stupidity.

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