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I admit this is bad. Honestly, it isn't that much worse than a lot of other things submitted for this year's Clock Day. It was at least enjoyable to see the B like this. I mean, it's technically better than the original. It imitates the style well. It's still not much.

Happy Clock Day! Well, back when it was Clock Day at least. I liked the background. This was one epic Clock Day. I just noticed this website lists the faves a submission has.

I can't believe the rating isn't higher! Granted, it's not great, but it's certainly better than most Clock Day flashes. Well, some that have higher ratings at least. I actually did like the animation. It reminds me of someone else. Well, maybe it is from you.

I think it was similar to a series called "Duck Luck". Something duck related? Maybe that was you. Happy Clock Day (very late)! It's my brother's birthday today too.

Was Cosby meant to be evil? Now we all know he is. Then again, he is kind of forgotten because of the Metoo hashtag. Arguably Harvey Weinstein is worse. Then again, Cosby is more famous. Everybody's doing that.

This wasn't much. It was just two quick gags. I think that's fine for Clock Day. What made 2005 so active for the crew? It was the first time there were collections for the holiday.

Um, was that it? It was just a bunch of clocks dancing and Tricky appearing. I wasn't impressed by this. At least it wasn't too offensive. It's weird how I don't think penises are that offensive. Well, congratulations on your high score!

Well, it's probably because it's only Clock Day. It is because it's only Clock Day. I guess the animation was alright. It's just nothing. I didn't like it.

It kind of makes you wonder why you guys didn't just make another "Sonic Shorts". This does in fact allude to them. You know with the Dancing Robotnik. My favorite bit was with Sonic hitting the gold rings. I should have thought of that much earlier. The music was great.

It's too bad the credits were so long. They took up too much of the movie! It's still very fun. Everyone has such a unique style of animation. I love how different we all are.

CelestOrion responds:

We're gonna have the credits cut down in the future episodes due to last minute changes and schedules on this. Shorts is definitely still being made, though! This is just made by other team members who can't tackle longer animations right now! Glad to hear you still enjoyed it!

I was very impressed by this cartoon! This was really the fourth one? I mean, where are the collections for the other Clock Days? It only started with 2005. I was really impressed by the animation. It was so fun seeing all of those clocks.

It's a pity Clocks have declined. Well, this website has declined. I found four of the Easter eggs. I guess you don't want me to tell everyone where they are. The "Start" on the computer is clickable but doesn't do anything.

We finally find out his name! It's Pencilmate! Odd name, but at least we know it. This was quite minimal. There was so little going on, at least in comparison to other things. I like the voice.

Well, the sounds I guess. That still counts as a voice, right? This is as fun as ever. I like all the different balls that appear. Dang, that sounds dirty.

It was just two guys kissing. That was it. Well, I guess that's all it was intended to be. Still not something I would recommend. I guess the music's good. There was just nothing of substance.

I have nothing against gay people. This was just boring. You need more. This doesn't hold up well. It is over a decade old. So are a lot of things here.

I guess it was at least nice to see these two things together. Why was it so short? There just wasn't anything going on. I guess the animation was alright. I like how they talk. I guess it's not that bad for something quite short.

I just needed more going on. It was more like a commercial. Well, this did get front page. Some people must like it. I just want these things combined better.

Not to sound racist, but that Asian bit was really funny. Seriously, I could barely understand that guy's voice. It's weird how these are all in lower case. The voices were really funny. I thought he was going to say "Lex Luthor". I like the idea of a place being so lazy they don't pick up the phone.

Yeah, that was short, but it got its message across. Not that good a name for a company. It needs something more forceful. I forgot the yellow guy. He appeared before, right?

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