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Well, that was quite dark, but I enjoyed it very much. It's mostly because of how good the animation is. Everything is just so gorgeous here. You can say Merry Christmas. Nobody celebrates Hanukah or Kwanzaa anyway. The music was great.

My favorite part was when it showed his skeleton. I just love how dark it is. We need stuff like that here. At least he didn't murder anybody. I'm probably just too used to ultra violence.

For some reason, I don't seem to recall this episode being that good. It was a lot better than I remembered! Well, it's always great for Christmas. I especially love the goofy live-action faces. Or should I say photograph faces? Beebo was actually a pet name of mine.

It's also the name of this website. I guess it's a popular name. Beebo actually didn't do much here. Do mention of Bob Saget? Wait, he's not funny. There was certainly a lot going on.

I had this confused for the just2pale series. This is still great in its own right. I was surprised at how heartwarming it was. I mean, those elves really want to make the kid's dream come true. It's very well animated too. It was weird to see someone eat a comic book.

Well, that's bullies for ya! The voices are nice too. Santa sounds like the king from "Edible Castle". I think I would recognize that voice. I like the little details like the Colin Mochrie picture. Poor animutation.

It is interesting to see how a bad Newgrounds video like this exists. Wait, I thought we were trying to stop live-action stuff? That's why we got rid of Numa Numa! Bring that back! You seem to have a nice voice. I'm glad you acknowledge that it's not as good. Still, you should have tried to make it better.

You're not very well known here. I'm sure you could be. At least you were featured in the My Newgrounds collection. Well, the lowest score is nothing to be proud of. It's something, I geuss.

I thought the length was perfect. It was just so nice to see all this stuff going on. From the title, I thought it would be a game. Well, there was a game version that I played. I just love this animation style. It looks like something out of a textbook.

You really do make this sperm movie sincere. That must be hard to do. This had little to do with Christmas. It was still awesome. That snowman loading bar is so cool.

I loved this because of how it went with that single joke. I knew Santa would appear eventually. My favorite part was when he just kept traveling around the world. I was wondering how he was able to go over water. I'm glad it was answered. That music is classic.

I live in Florida, so we never have to deal with snow. Okay, maybe once or twice. I am in the Northern region. I recognize that yell when he falls into the cabin. I guess it's not just the Wilhelm Scream that's used a lot.

It's great to see such an awesome series being continued! I have seen so many great episodes but there had yet to be one I could really call my favorite. I'm just in the mood for something like this. I loved your animation and voices. Sonny is easily the most enjoyable character. Probably the main reason I loved this was because of the romance.

Well, it was like romance at least. You just gave us great line after great line. Hey, a Cracked shout out! I loved that website so much! I hope to see more of the misadventures of these characters here. I like puzzles too.

This was just a very brief Christmas animation. At least you submitted it at the right time. Hi there, XwaynecoltX! I knew the only more prolific reviewer than me could be here. I just thought the animation wasn't good. I can tell this is your first cartoon.

I guess I'm just used to higher quality stuff. Maybe you're not even here anymore. There can definitely be improvement. I guess the intention is at least good. Merry Christmas to you too, I suppose.

I can remember the other installments in this series which is nice. The animation is very good here. Honestly, these guys don't seem that much alike. One's a boat and the other's a parrot! Still, I think there are some good points made. I thought this was too short. I wanted more jokes.

It still got a fair amount of comedy done. It's funny to see Katy get mad. Hey, their names are completely different! I guess both sides had some valid reasons. Those names are funny.

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