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This was just a very brief Christmas animation. At least you submitted it at the right time. Hi there, XwaynecoltX! I knew the only more prolific reviewer than me could be here. I just thought the animation wasn't good. I can tell this is your first cartoon.

I guess I'm just used to higher quality stuff. Maybe you're not even here anymore. There can definitely be improvement. I guess the intention is at least good. Merry Christmas to you too, I suppose.

I can remember the other installments in this series which is nice. The animation is very good here. Honestly, these guys don't seem that much alike. One's a boat and the other's a parrot! Still, I think there are some good points made. I thought this was too short. I wanted more jokes.

It still got a fair amount of comedy done. It's funny to see Katy get mad. Hey, their names are completely different! I guess both sides had some valid reasons. Those names are funny.

I thought this was really funny if only because of the very end. I seriously did not see that coming. The animation was superb. He must have been wearing a body suit. Well, I don't know how that would work. It's always great to have Egoraptor here.

It was short, but it got its message across. A pity Egoraptor left. The little animation in the head was cool. This is why I don't play MMOs. I have a job.

Yes, I remember this cartoon from long ago! I always want everyone's work to be here. I just noticed they don't have fingers. It's more like fins! I'm glad to never have an uncle like this. A lot of people apparently do.

That guy didn't look Asian to me. He's actually nicer when he's drunk. Well, he's more honest at least. Not that unique, but still nice. Uh, Merry Christmas?

I thought this was a collab at first. It just seemed too big not to be one. The wipes made it look like one. I knew Master Chef would kill that guy at the beginning. I've never played the games, but I understand what's going on. I've just heard this thing referenced so many times!

I'm glad to be familiar with the terminology. I at least recognize the actual halo and the Covenant. The characters look like they're from "South Park". The ones with visible eyes at least. The animation's still great.

You really held an Emmy? Or I mean MindChamber did? I didn't care for this much. It was just one gag. I imagine this is how a lot of people feel about trophies. The animation could have been better too.

Well, at least you acknowledge it didn't take long to make. I just wanted more effort. It's not much for even a quick laugh. I do like how he keeps hitting him with it. It's going on right now as I type this.

There's a user here just named D? Oh well, this is still a great cartoon. I had no idea it would be a collab. I thought it would just be a satire of how to pass your flash. I guess it was in a way. The animation was great.

It's nice to see all these authors use the same style. Well, the same background. The lack of color really made it work. It's always great when artists work together like this. I honestly couldn't recognize most of their work here.

Was this really the last in the whole series? Of course, I just saw more! I admit these are a little repetitive. They are still unique. I'll never be undisturbed by the reptile breasts. I'm glad you caught us up with the story in the author comments.

Even with subtitles, there wasn't much dialogue. You still manage to bring us some very interesting characters. I assume the mammals will win. Actually, it's kind of hard to explain. Dinosaurs were more like birds than reptiles.

It really does seem like these cartoons are getting better all the time. It's especially nice considering there are always new ideas. I really did associate with this main character. Wow, a lot of different people worked on it. Maybe this account is used by many people. You weren't "clowning around" with this movie!

Okay, that wasn't funny. I actually did like the end where he takes off his head. I guess he got what he wanted after all. I thought his hand was going to turn into a clown nose. Instead, it was something more interesting.

I can see why this was voted so low. It's especially annoying how it keeps up with that music at the end. That got really distracting. I mean, distracting in writing this review. I knew that wasn't all new audio made by you. RupeeClock is pretty popular here.

At least the monster was creative. Wait, should I not call it a monster? Just some mash up blob thing? At least there was some moving. I wish the words at the end were clickable.

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