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I personally found the prequel to be much better. I still liked this. It's mostly because of how Mr. T sounds. I didn't notice the bandana changing colors. I thought I noticed that stuff more! I really did appreciate both voices.

You can tell this is old. It's a pity this website wasn't around earlier. We could have been even more topical. Cheetos are really good. It was again a bit too short.

I admit this was too short. It was still quite enjoyable. Was there some deeper meaning? I guess it was just meant to be a strange short. Yep, I certainly saw hate in this. I thought there'd be more puppies.

That's a very unpleasant thought of course. The animation was really quite nice here. I loved the design of the ship. It actually holds up fairly well. It worked for being short.

I didn't care for this much. I guess the Yoda impression was pretty good. It is just Yoda getting a blowjob. The animation wasn't good. Of course, this was one of the oldest flashes on the entire website. We had to start somewhere.

At least this wasn't graphic porn. Well maybe it would have been better if it was. It is kind of an obvious joke. There's lots of room for improvement. It just keeps doing that forever.

Yeah, I can imagine this was the first music video here. What I was confused about how there were no words in this! I know what song this tune is from. Why didn't you include it? The animation wasn't bad. It's just that it was rather pointless.

I think there might be another music video here with the same song. I rarely go to Chinese restaurants. I also love cats. You needed to have more going on. At least I understand it.

I admit that I didn't really see the appeal in this. It was just a car getting hit by a train. I still can't blame you for that, because of how old this is. I mean, it's still nice to see something so early. I notice the old shading style with the train. You're probably not even on this website anymore.

I thought this was going to be something about soup. I guess I'm just not familiar with cars. Why do the credits keep going on? Well, you can always go back to the menu. I just noticed "Civic" is a palindrome.

I was kind of confused by this. The actual parable didn't start until halfway through the whole cartoon. It was a weird narrative device. I would have preferred if you just told us the story directly. I wasn't expecting that turtle's throat to be slit. It is rather unpleasant.

Well, I guess it made sense with the story. It was nice to see this animation. The voices are quite good too. It is a pretty unique cartoon. It's just not one of your best, IMHO.

RiverJordan responds:

Yeah the intro is too long. I cut it shorter in the next one, and they'll probably only get shorter from there :P

So this is where it all started! I admit that the other entries are better. This doesn't have that much going on. I still like it because it was the first thing to ever come to the portal! The strongest points are the music and the simplicity. It's weird to see such old animation.

I did eventually put in "1" at the top and got here. It's great to see how far we've come. The sounds hold up pretty well. I'm glad this got more complicated as it went on. Then again, I'm glad we've ALL come a long way this this time!

I admit to being surprised at how badly this was animated. It seemed like the voices were pretty bad too. It was hard for me to get into this. I am however quite glad you were able to pause it. That really was pretty innovative. I know this cartoon is very old.

I saw it somewhere else a long time ago. It certainly doesn't look like 2011. It wasn't that funny either. That reminds me, I've now reviewed every movie here on that other website. Thanks for that, I guess!

I admit that I didn't like this as much as most people. It's still a good cartoon for me. It's great to see this good animation. Did you make this into a series? It seems like there's potential. It just has a good vibe to it.

I was just thinking of apples while watching this! It was some kind of apple at least. I like how she puts hot sauce there for no reason. With no real sound, it was a lot like a music video. It's nice to know you're helping someone else.

I liked this, even though it's not that unique. The animation is still really good in this. I especially love the intro. Well, that doesn't mean much. I like the voices a lot too. I am appreciating this more because of how cute it is.

I understand that it's meant to be for little kids. It's not one of the greats. You are keeping up the story well. I admit that fraidy bunny joke was lame. Was that intentional?

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