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This was mostly good. I admit that I didn't like how he killed too easily with the gun. Then again, I guess it makes sense. It just didn't make for much of a climax. How can this guy be called the last stick figure? He's fighting others!

It's still pretty enjoyable. I like the designs the enemies have. You really have no idea what to expect next. The colors are nice. The music is pretty good too.

Wow, I really do appreciate this! That's one of my favorite menu screens. I admit to being confused as to why they go outside. I don't care, it's awesome! For some reason, I like how it isn't bloody. It's just more cartoonish to see them be split in half like that.

It makes them seem more like clay. The voices are quite funny. This seems like the kind of thing these guys would do. It's quite unpredictable. I'm glad it wasn't too long.

I didn't like this, because it wasn't very funny. I don't know why these things were happening. The animation was pretty basic. I guess we do get relatively few Tooth Fairy cartoons. I just don't like the image of teeth being taken out. It reminds me of Ren And Stimpy.

That music's pretty familiar. I like the design of the fairy. It's weird, because there isn't really an official design of the Tooth Fairy unlike Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Uh, Happy early Easter? This was just mediocre.

This was a bit too short, but boy was it funny. I just had no idea what was going to happen. I just love this animation. It didn't even seem that cruel. You didn't show that much violence per se. I have yet to see the movie.

I hope you didn't spoil anything for me. Then again, I doubt this scene is in the movie. I like how you show the cereal box at the end. I'm not going to zoom in and look at what's written there. That's for more diligent people.

NCH responds:

lol naw, absolutely this animation has nothing to do with zootopia's main plot apart from making fun on its world-story and established lore.

I found this to be tons of fun! It's mostly because these jokes just keep building on themselves over and over. I think the animation could have been better. I just like how there's always new stuff. I was afraid it would end after the first main joke. I'm glad it kept going on.

It was nice to see good variants of the same joke. The sounds are nice. I just like how simple it is. You still go a pretty long way with it. This at least has more views than most stuff here.

May I call you JIM? That is what your initials are. It was really weird to see something so old. For all the people who give flak to your animation, you actually have gotten better. I thought "Neurotically Yours" came out in 2003. That would make it only 13 years since you started.

There were few jokes in this. I did like the flying saucer in the background. I appreciate you being loyal to this website. Of course, these don't seem to be that good. At least it's great to look back into history.

I enjoyed this, but it wasn't one of your best episodes. I guess it should have just had more violence. I admit that Loser 7 joke is pretty funny. It's quite unexpected. I thought 7 was a lucky number. The artwork was quite good.

You really did make a different menu for every cartoon in 2005. I'm glad you were still submitting stuff at this time period. I'd love to see the last episode put here sometime. The voices were nice and silly. It was just decent.

I did not like this, but I didn't hate it either. The music really is nice. I guess I was just expecting more. I guess it's sort of like an infinite loop. It made little sense to me. There probably should have been color.

The music was pretty good, though. It did seem to be in its own unique world. That still doesn't make it good. I've never heard of this song before. The title made as much sense as the actual cartoon.

I found this to be pretty good. I could imagine animals having conversations like this. I'm not sure if hyenas are Hispanic. The voices are quite funny. I admit that the animation could have been better. It really does look cheap at times. I think the length is pretty good too.

It generally made for a good conversation. I just wish it had more style. It wasn't that unique. The funniest part is probably the babymaker line at the end. I guess I am against doing that to animals.

It didn't seem that good at first, but it certainly got better. I guess I just appreciate how goofy this is. It honestly seemed like the guy on the other end was being entertained. Okay, it was 3 in the morning, so it couldn't have been good for him. This is still animated very well. Everything just looks so nice.

There wasn't that much movement. What was there was really good. I especially love this guy's voice. It's great how their faces express what they're going through so perfectly. Pretty short, but still great.

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