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Nice and surreal

I loved how one of the guys Sonic got out of the way was your avatar appearance. Anyway, this was fun to watch because it had all the ridiculousness you would expect in a cartoon from you. You just now seem to be making front page after front page, my friend! I guess it does really detail what goes into Sonic destroying those computers. I always thought they were TV screens. Tails looked like a girl at the beginning of this but then I clearly saw that he had testicles and he died in a funny way.

Bit lesser

I think this was one of the weakest entries in this series, but it still had some things to check out. It was really cool to see a guy watching one of your cartoons in the background. I guess you might never put the rest of the "Bonus Stage" cartoons online? The biggest strength of this submission is how good the animation is. For something of a comedic nature, you really worked on voice work and detail. This was fun to see if only because it mentioned someone getting a job from a resume.

Way more work

There was always a joke I made about an alien Elvis, so I thought this was actually going to have an alien Elvis. I guess it technically did, but not in the way I thought it would. I would have liked it a lot better if I could also understand what was being said. The color effects aren't too good and you really need to put in some shading effects. It also seemed to have very little going on except an alien talking. He did not seem to say anything particularly thought-provoking, so try to work on more detailed scripts.

So good

This is some of the best of those kinds of flashes I have ever seen. It helps that you decided to include that awesome music which is always good with everything. Even at the end, you managed to make the animation pretty good with all the random crap flying around. I should have expected something goofy from the Clock Crew. That guy looked pretty funny with his green hair and his cut up genitals. You guys at the Clock Crew have a great sense of humor and this is a great example of that.

Now that was insane!

This was a lot of fun to watch because it had such a great and dark style with it! For a moment there, I thought the Cat in the Hat was actually going to make things better in some way. I guess that kid closing his eyes signaled that he was actually dying. The animation is just brilliant, particulary with how the cat's goofier design contrasts with the more serious tone everyone has. Or should I know, the sane tone everyone else has. It was unexpected to see him just go on and then have a dark laugh in this voice.

Your take on Weebl!

It seems like a lot of people make infinite loop music videos like this. This one really works because it is just so random and the animation is so well done. It's also great to hear such funny lines like, "My father never loved me" and have him get all sad. You guys are really good at pumping out random funny stuff, kind of like Monty Python. Anything that begins with mentioning a brontosaurus is going to be good! I also loved to see the return of Raptor Jesus (even if you could not see all of him).

Sexual-Lobster responds:

thanks ericho,
i'd like to keep raptor jesus going but he's a pretty detailed character with the robes and the teeth and all so making him do anything takes ages.

A pelican?

This was pretty good entertainment, but it could have had some more action going on. The strongest point about it was probably the animation. Master Chef's helmet looked like he had two pipes on it and the other guy kind of looked like Gumby to me. Anyway, it was good because I do not know much about "Call Of Duty" but you did make something people could enjoy who knew little about the game. I would know most things about video games from this website already. Another funny thing was imagining the gameplay.

Thought I had too

This was a very fun cartoon to watch because it just had so many good funny moments. It may have gone on a bit too long, but definitley worth watching. The funniest part was probably at the end where the fat kid just took the candy bar and ran away. The line about him getting tired of having a woman around and wanting to collect more birds was great too. The animation is as fantastic as ever. It is funny how it starts off mundane but as it goes on we get more cartoon-like violence and scenarios.

Pretty crazy

I only saw one other entry in this series, and it is in fact pretty hard to understand. What did not take away the enjoyment was how good the animation was. I loved the cartoony positions the characters took, especially the one where the guy just seem to be pasted over the super collider. The character designs are just funny to look at. It's great to see so many people contributing to the voice cast like mrSimon. It could have have used some funnier jokes, but still something I would recommend.

Most random cat thing ever

I kept thinking this was going to be a game, with pressing "space" at the beginning and everything. It turns out it was not, but some very, very weird cartoon. It was a really great cartoon because it was just so insane and you had no idea what was going to happen next. First, it featured a monkey who fell out of an airplane and it's called "Turd Eating Cat"? This reminded me of some of the games by I-Mockery. Of course, he never managed to use those graphics to make something that was purely a cartoon like you did.

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