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I wish this was longer! This was just so much fun to watch! I wish you were still here. You seemed like an early Rina-chan. It's great to have this fantastic animation. You depict a slice of life story so wonderfully here. Everything is just oozing with good cheer.

The bathroom jokes were probably the best. Wow, did I really say that? The music was wonderfully suiting. It's just such a happy cartoon. I love those.

I admit that I didn't care for this. It seemed like a lot of the same jokes a lot. The animation wasn't that good. Maybe that was part of the joke? I do love that music at the end, though. I feel bad for not liking this.

The score is really high! I guess I just need to be a "Kingdom Hearts" fan. It's funny with the "Star Wars" reference. Disney would eventually own it! It just isn't for me.

It's been an even longer time now since anyone has reviewed this. It's weird, as this is one of your most popular cartoons. My favorite part was easily with the car crash. I am glad it didn't stop after just one segment. It got better. You really had no idea what to expect from this.

It seems like this was done with different styles. I thought this would reference the WTF bomb meme. Then again, it's STFU not WTF. Dang, there's a lot of phrases like that. The animation was quite good.

At first, I thought it was weird how your name wasn't Blackmaze. Then again, you claim you're just a member of this place. I was very impressed by this! My only complaint was that it was too short. Then again, I probably should have checked the title. The music was great.

It's great to see these different styles together. You have quite a nice way of showing things off. My favorite might be the big blue thing. I guess all of this did have a theme. It seemed to be fighting or something.

This was a very nicely effective cartoon. The fact that she lacked pupils made it all the more effective. It's weird because she appears to just be insane. That really tells you a lot about a certain person. Then again, these don't even seem to be people. The song was darkly fitting.

I just like the details with the animation here. It was great to have all these scratches. I mean literally and metaphorically. I have never heard of this band before. Then again, you say they're from Denmark.

I'm not sure if the thing I found was actually an Easter Egg. I got Yoshi to eat the frog on the title screen. Yep, that was probably one. I thought there might be some in the cartoons, but I couldn't find any. It was nice how Randy made three separate ones. The middle one was the weakest.

It was way too predictable. I do appreciate all the good sprite effects. The best was the last one. It's great to see a callback to the other cartoons. At least I could get the 420 joke. That might be the most well known injoke of all time.

It's great to see this series back. I really do like seeing all these great jokes. It just goes on and on and on. The thing at the end, that's the same thing Stephen Colbert did. You know, back when he was on "The Colbert Report". The animation was as good as ever.

You never know what pun or metaphor is going to show up next. We should have technology like that at that point. There's just so much going on. I like the idea of him being framed. That's in every sense of the word.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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