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I always thought these guys looked like pieces of poop. I'm glad it didn't get too violent. It was pretty boring at first. I don't understand how what this guy says is random jibberish. Their words all sound like that to me! It was pretty colorful.

It did end on kind of a dark note. Still, I've seen far worse. You could have used more movement. I like how these guys have names. It was funny when the speech bubbles were blocked out. This was fairly cute.

I liked the original "Lizard Sphere X", but this is better. Even the title is really fun. I just like DBZ parodies like this. The animation is pretty good. You got the show pretty spot on. I like the name "Makin Puu".

It really is pretty clever. It wasn't a direct continuation of the previous cartoon. It certainly didn't need to be. There was more going on in this episode. You're quite good at parodies.

I'm glad to say that it was definitely worth it. It was great to hear this song. I was afraid you'd stop playing it after awhile! Instead, it suited the cartoon perfectly. It was just so nice to see something so inspirational. I really had no idea what would come of this.

I envision myself doing something like this. I like the idea of using wire as a skeleton for a clay figure. It's amazing how simple the title is. It fits it perfectly. I'm surprised this didn't win Daily Feature.

This was really fun! I just thought the pacing was wonderful. You really know how to set up a story. I'm glad it wasn't too violent or anything. I guess I can compare it to something like "Xin Session". I personally find this much better because it just made more sense.

It was way more mysterious. It had a nicer tone to it. I can associate with this character. The dialogue comes off as quite real. It's just a very fun cartoon.

It was pretty easy to tell that you used some other source for the sound. It just syncs too well. It's awesome that you have this great animation. It perfecty fits the mood. I like how it gets darker as it goes along. It just shows good pacing.

Everything just fits together so well. You certainly don't know what to expect in this. I love your sarcastic author's comments. The colors are nice and vibrant. I like how it goes on a long time.

I admit to not being impressed by this. The animation didn’t seem like much. I will at least give you credit for all these voices. Then again, you just credited the characters separately. It seemed pretty overly long. I guess it was fairly harmless.

You got some pretty good jokes in this. It just wasn’t enough for this length. I still appreciate how you worked pretty hard on it. It just didn’t do much for me. It’s fine that other people like it.

I simply can't dislike this. For some reason, I thought the title was "Kingjokids". It is a pretty weird title. It wasn't really that much of a movie, seeing as how it was mostly a music video. I still appreciate how it's set up. It's been so long since I've heard that song.

It's just great for the nostalgic factor. You are a talented artist, yourself. I don't know why the cat ruffed in the beginning. It's still pretty funny. I forgot they had the actual "Green Leaves" lyrics.

I liked this, but not as much as most people. I guess I just find "Survivor" parodies to be kind of old. Then again, I haven't seen them in awhile. I can appreciate how good the animation is! It's generally funny. It just isn't one of my favorite Zelda parodies.

I've seen this in a lot of other places too. The music is really good too. It's just made in good fun. The voices seem to suit the characters well. Everything moves so fluidly.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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