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I thought this was great! It's a shame I have not seen the other entries. Then again, maybe I HAVE and just don't remember. The animation was great in this. I really loved how you have such good dialogue. There's a lot going on.

Everything is just so smooth. I feel like the size was just of the right quality. The voices suited the characters perfectly. A bit too short, but still very nice. I can appreciate all of this.

I could tell that this was going to be one big joke. There was so little happening. Of course, I still loved this. I think it's because the animation was gorgeous! I just find it amazing how you work so hard for something so short. That IS what the title is about, right?

It's just great that you put so much work into this. I love how it all fits together. I thought it was the horse talking at first. I guess it gives a whole new meaning to something coming straight from the horse's mouth! Okay, that was lame.

I really did love this! It was amazing how this won all these awards in such a short time. Well, I guess there's already a 1 in 7 chance it will be at the end of the week. Everything about it was so gorgeous! If I'm allowed to have any complaint, it would be that it was too short! There is so much you can do with this!

The music was absolutely flawless. Great job for kicking off the month with something so wonderful! This is something that should be at a film festival. I hope it is! I could easily see this winning an Oscar for best short. Even the title does it wonderful justice.

I guess this was just okay. Maybe it's because I've just seen too many flashes. There was nothing unique about this. It was mostly nothing but some brief jokes here and there. It was way too short. It just had them doing everything aliens normally do.

The language was kind of funny. The animation could have been better. It was really nothing that good. You need to have more jokes. You should have more originality.

At first, I thought this would be like a series of video game sketches. It actually did have a bit of that. There were some brief video game things in this. I really liked a lot of the jokes in this. The animation isn't bad. It's nice how it just goes from one gag to another.

That works best with a short cartoon like this. I like how he asks why the baby explodes. That "Big Mac" joke is really memorable. The voices are fairly good. I can tell this was meant to be a webcomic.

I think it's wonderful that you take such a strong issue so seriously. It's hard to make anything based on real life. You really have to think about representing people the right way. It's probably even harder in an animated adaptation. I think there WAS someone who was asked about God, but it wasn't a girl who was killed. The animation was great.

Yep, most of us are familiar with this. Everything was done in a very realistic manner. It's great that you show things so realistically. It is pretty hard to stomach, though. I don't even think many people here have made serious cartoons based on 911.

This reminds me of something that happened to me as a kid. I actually did have a bug container. I was pretty bad at it and instead used it to store money. Unfortunately, my mom accidentally broke it. Anyway, this was great to watch. I can totally see this happening to someone.

I like the image of the cat smoking. He was probably jealous. I'm glad you thought of this as ending happily. I don't know how long butterflies live. Maybe there wasn't much time left.

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