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Wow, that was really odd. The only "The World As We Know It" I can think of is "The End Of The World As We Know It". I thought it would be about the apocalypse. Well, it was about death. It was pretty entertaining. I liked the music.

I will admit I wanted it to be in color. Then again, that did made it seem more unique. It was probably too short too. Random violence is usually funny. It's just been done better.

Uh, sorry but I couldn't get into this. It was just a bunch of random images. Easter Rabbit? He's supposed to be the Easter Bunny. Well, maybe it's different in Britain. I wish it had more.

The lines are pretty bad. Well, it's a lot more around Christmas now. Maybe I'd like it more if I did watch it around Easter. Don't worry, I didn't get any seizures.

Aww, it's been so long since you've submitted something. I'm disappointed that it was just you talking about a YT channel. That was it! Why is it here? You don't need to show that for us. I did like the animation.

It's great that you're still around. Well, you're not technically still around here I guess. It's too short. It's hard to really like those. You're still talented.

AntiClockClock responds:

I will start making animations once I get a new tablet.

At first, I thought this was about a bunch of trick or treaters. The cartoon would focus on them. Instead, it was basically just random sketches. Well, they did appear again at the end. Was that Rosie O'Donnell or Roseanne Barr? Never got into Rosies.

I loved that Ring parody. The animation does seem old. Eh, you don't come here anymore anyway. I liked those costumes. I always love hearing that "Nightmare Before Christmas" music.

It was great to see you again! Well, your work I mean. I loved the Tobi cameo. Hasn't "Skyrim" been forgotten by now? It's just not as new. I loved the Ridley cameo too.

I mean, what can I say? I'm more familiar with those guys! I know nothing about the characters from "Skyrim". Well, I am familiar with the theme at least. Naruto isn't that big either.

Dang, I am being too kind here. I just love seeing variants of this meme. Why doesn't this have its own section? I thought maybe it was Weebl that made this. I imagine you probably know him. I like the music.

Who says polka is awful? Oh, it's German. I guess I'm not familiar with polka. They look even sillier than normal. I love how many things you can make from this.

Yes, this was awesome! I wasn't seeing any great cartoons today. This was very fun with how much variety there was. DanPaladin and The-Super-Flash-Bros are two of my favorite flash artists! I rarely see collabs with so many people I recognize. It was great how this didn't have a consistent theme.

It was just whatever came to mind. Everyone was so unique. My favorite one was probably with Tricky the Clown. Why doesn't he have his own section here? He's a meme.

Hmm, I liked this. It's not great, but enjoyable. I loved hearing those Mario sounds. It shows how goofy you can be with killing. Your later stuff is more serious. This was rather fun.

It's short, but it works. You can do so many things with sticks. I can just give it 4 out of 5. Your later stuff is much better. Still, for this time it was good.

Well, this certainly holds up. I didn't seem to realize how big Bill Cosby was. Nice to see he got arrested! I personally never thought he was funny anyway. I remember this meme. This is probably on other website.

Isn't everything? I loved the goofy animation. It just fits the style so well. I do love pokemon. At least no one connected to that became a mass rapist.

Dude, these lawyers screwed you over! I can't even tell what's going on. It's just nothing but the same flashing images. I know that's not your fault. Well, it's nice to know people know about this website. It is discord.

I love being a brony. It looks like it's well set up. I must have seen this before. I bet it was good back than. Sorry to downvote this for that.

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