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Well, that was unexpected. I was looking at the thumbnail and was confused. It was a drawn image. Does this even count as an animutation? It is worth it near the end. I wasn't scared at all.

Maybe it's too cartoonish. It's certainly unexpected. You fooled me! Well, in the time it would have taken me to write this review, it would have happened anyway. As in Isis?

I thought this would just be a loop. Well, it technically is. It's still something to look at. I just don't know how long it goes. I like to see how far you can do with one joke. There aren't many cactus flashes out there.

It reminds me of Cactuar. What'd you expect from someone who makes animutations? I don't know if the words are repeating. It's fun for how insane it is. Yeah, it can be mesmerizing.

Well, that wasn't much, but that was the joke. Of course, we can still make great April Fool's Day cartoons. Just look at Starbarians. It was meant to be like someone died. That did not happen. I don't even need to remember the next episodes.

The animation is nice. It's good to see it change. It was too short. I guess previews can be okay. Is a preview the same as a trailer?

Why would we not know what a blog is? Well, this was 2004. Oh, April Fool's Day! This makes sense! Wait, wasn't this listed under JeremyLokken's account? Oh, more of the joke.

It works well as an April Fool's Day joke. Robots? This was before Robot Day! It was certainly a B-movie. Get it?

Dang, do we hate "Neurotically Yours" here. Okay, it's easy to make fun of. This might be the only time I saw "Retarded Animal Babies" being parodied. Loved that color bit. I didn't get the play-doh bit. I didn't see this as worthy of a 4.66.

That's why I put it down to a 4.57! Sorry. I did like that bit about the dad saying he banged the mom. Random humor can be funny. It was pretty funny here.

I like that little arrow at the beginning. This isn't Madness! I loved seeing Gir. Your artwork always was Jhonen Vasquez-like. This seemed like an animutation at first. It was more of an anthology cartoon.

I love how the gags build up on each other. They really do have relevance. The artwork's so funny. I wish you'd come back. Well, I wish everyone would.

This may be one of your lesser cartoons. Of course, at a 4.72, that's still very impressive! I really do like the idea of hitchhikers. We've all taken road trips in our lives. I really do look out and just see the miles and miles of no buildings at all. I picked up a hitchhiker at least once.

He seemed okay. I didn't know these older cartoons would use the new format. You know, with all of them saying how long it is? I like how differently these characters are drawn. I did not watch this with the lights off.

I've forgotten how good your animation style is. You really know how to create atmosphere. The Paris Hilton bit was great. She really doesn't deserve to be famous. At least Mel Gibson makes good movies. I hear they actually are working on a sequel to "The Passion Of The Christ".

Oh yeah, I love that Tupac cartoon. That was one of the first great things we really had here. Ronald Reagan was there too. Hmmm, he died shortly after this was made. Notice how Tupac spelled backwards is Caput (as in dead)?

Yeah, how can I not like this? It's nothing but joke after joke after joke. Nearly all of them are great. It's fun to try to predict what pun he'll make next. Why doesn't this have its own section? It's pretty popular.

Why would you need to cut off someone's foot? Just steal their shoes! Well, the killer's probably just insane. Loved the last joke the best. You know, the long one.

This was better than I thought. These characters did have potential. I loved the reference to the easy money add. I'm glad I don't really see them anymore. These voices are so familiar. Of course you use them later!

Loved the "Dora The Explorer" joke. I like how the jokes keep going. It was weird to see them with mouths. Mushroom! Mushroom!

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