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I liked this. I admit the animation could be a lot better. Well, that's not what this is for anyway. You seem to go pretty far with this joke. Or rather, jokes. This actually makes sense.

I admit to never seeing a Sylvester Stallone soundboard. Those really did die off. Well, we have caller ID now. It's hard to make prank phone calls. Is prank the same as crank?

Yeah, I had a feeling this wasn't complete. It was too short. A hitmonkey is such a funny idea. I would have liked to see more of him. It's good for a short laugh. It's just not that memorable.

Monkeys are usually funny. This character just never took off. Why didn't you ever have any weasel characters? You know, your name? I only vaguely remember the first one.

This didn't look like much at first. It turned out to be a lot better than I thought! I get that a lot lately. You would still make even better stuff later. I love your art style. It reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez.

Well, you did an "Invader Zim" parody. This was mostly a music video. A lot of submissions are like that. Didn't know sludge could hurt rock. Well, I'm not a geologist.

Well, it was nice to see that. I was just thinking it would be part of an entire collab. That wasn't much. It does remind me of that classic show. It was weird watching it growing up. According to myself and other people, it was the best of the early Cartoon Network shows.

It was far from one of the most popular though! How disappointing. I'm impressed that this got Daily Feature. I'm looking forward to a full version. I assume that will happen.

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

The deadline for the collab is in March, so expect to see the full version on Zeurel's account sometime around then

Yes, I knew it was you, Jazza! I was very impressed by this! It seemed like just some low quality flash at first. Instead, it turned out to be really cool! While the picture was small, there were a ton of things going on. You just never knew what would pop up next.

It's amazing how many things you can do with sticks. We always knew that. Maybe this could have been a bit longer. It still did a lot. Your best stuff is still yet to come.

Aw, dang it! I knew there was something up with the lack of audio! You kind of remind me of Jhonen Vasquez. I just love that guy! Anyway, I hope there weren't originally sound effects. This looks very nice.

For some reason, I had the M and A things turned off. I couldn't find this at first. I like how slender the designs are. Well, not as slender as a certain man we know. It's rather nice.

This was one of your last animutations. Well, they died out. I do like this song. The best parts are probably the jiggling Mr. Potato Heads. Where's his arms? I liked seeing Queen Elizabeth too.

Well, George W. Bush is long gone, but we still have the Queen. She'll just live forever, right? Why was this M? Maybe the Queen was supposed to be coming out of someone's butt. I wish you had won more awards.

Yeah, I didn't much for this at all. The best part was probably the animation. I really do like your dot eyes. It reminds me of "Peanuts"! This just wasn't funny. It just shows him falling off a roof.

It's too short. Dang, you were prolific at this time! A lot of artists are like that. Well, quality over quantity! Then again, they can work together.

That was good for a short cartoon. I admit I don't know the music. Well, duh, it's in another language! The animation was pretty good. What was up with that guy getting hit by the glass at first? Seemed kind of random.

Well, great stuff is like that. Those claw machines drove everyone nuts. That stick looks kind of phallic. It's scarier than the music makes it seem.

How elaborate! You know, it is weird to see Livecorpse work on a cartoon where a guy kills himself. So pop culture is a bad influence! I probably liked his part the most. Well, his parts. This is a good song.

The length seemed good too. It looked kind of boring at first. I'm glad it wasn't! Sqeezy's a great artist too. The colors are great.

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